if ($that.parents('.carousel-wrap').attr('data-full-width') == 'true') {
.css('overflow', 'visible');
// Add count for non full width ascend skin.
if ($('body.ascend').length > 0 && $that.parents('.carousel-wrap').attr('data-full-width') != 'true' ||
$('body.material').length > 0 && $that.parents('.carousel-wrap').attr('data-full-width') != 'true') {
// Resize
$window.on('smartresize.carouselHeightCalcs', carouselHeightCalcs);
* Full width carousel link event.
* @since 4.0
function fwCarouselLinkFix() {
var $mousePosStart = 0,
$mousePosEnd = 0,
fwCarouselLinkSelector = '.carousel-wrap .portfolio-items .col .work-info a, .woocommerce .products-carousel ul.products li.product a';
$(fwCarouselLinkSelector).on('mousedown', function (e) {
$mousePosStart = e.clientX;
$(fwCarouselLinkSelector).on('mouseup', function (e) {
$mousePosEnd = e.clientX;
$(fwCarouselLinkSelector).on('click', function () {
if (Math.abs($mousePosStart - $mousePosEnd) > 10) {
return false;
* Owl carousel plugin initialization.
* @since 6.0
function owlCarouselInit() {
if ( $('.owl-carousel[data-desktop-cols]').length === 0 ) {
$('.owl-carousel[data-desktop-cols]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
$autoRotateBool = $that.attr('data-autorotate'),
$autoRotateSpeed = $that.attr('data-autorotation-speed'),
$owlLoopBool = ($that.is('[data-loop="true"]')) ? true : false,
$owlRTL = ( $body.hasClass('rtl') ) ? true : false;
responsive: {
0: {
items: $(this).attr('data-mobile-cols')
690: {
items: $(this).attr('data-tablet-cols')
1000: {
items: $(this).attr('data-desktop-small-cols')
1300: {
items: $(this).attr('data-desktop-cols')
autoplay: $autoRotateBool,
autoplayTimeout: $autoRotateSpeed,
loop: $owlLoopBool,
rtl: $owlRTL,
smartSpeed: 350,
onTranslate: function () {
onTranslated: function () {
$(this).on('changed.owl.carousel', function (event) {
if (event.item.count - event.page.size == event.item.index) {
$(event.target).find('.owl-dots div:last')
* Owl carousel animate items.
* @since 6.0
function owl_carousel_animate() {
$($fullscreenSelector + '.owl-carousel[data-enable-animation="true"]').each(function () {
var $owlOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '200%' : 'bottom-in-view';
var $animationDelay = 0;
if($(this).is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$(this).attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$(this).attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $(this).attr('data-animation-delay');
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
setTimeout(function () {
$that.find('.owl-stage > .owl-item').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
$that.delay(i * 200).transition({
'opacity': '1',
'y': '0'
}, 600, 'easeOutQuart');
}, $animationDelay);
offset: $owlOffsetPos
* Update WooCommerce Flickity count.
* Updates next/prev count for carousels on mobile devices.
* @since 9.0
function updateWooFlickityCount(e) {
var slideNumber = e.data.wooFlickity.selectedIndex + 1;
e.data.wooFlickityCount.text(slideNumber + '/' + e.data.wooFlickity.slides.length);
* Product carousel initialization.
* @since 4.0
function productCarouselInit() {
if ($('.products-carousel').length === 0 && $('.nectar-woo-flickity').length === 0) {
$('.products-carousel').each(function () {
var $that = $(this).find('ul.products'),
maxCols = 'auto',
scrollNum = 'auto',
colWidth = ($(this).parents('.full-width-content ').length > 0) ? 400 : 353,
scrollSpeed = 800,
easing = 'easeInOutQuart';
var $element = $that;
if ($that.find('img').length == 0) {
$element = $body;
// Controls on hover.
imagesLoaded($element, function () {
circular: true,
responsive: true,
items: {
width: colWidth,
visible: {
min: 1,
max: maxCols
swipe: {
onTouch: true,
onMouse: true,
options: {
excludedElements: "button, input, select, textarea, .noSwipe",
tap: function (event, target) {
if ($(target).attr('href') &&
!$(target).is('[target="_blank"]') &&
!$(target).hasClass('add_to_wishlist') &&
!$(target).hasClass('add_to_cart_button') &&
!$(target).is('[rel^="prettyPhoto"]')) {
window.open($(target).attr('href'), '_self');
if ($(target).parent().attr('href') &&
!$(target).parent().is('[target="_blank"]') &&
!$(target).parent().hasClass('add_to_wishlist') &&
!$(target).parent().hasClass('add_to_cart_button') &&
!$(target).parent().is('[rel^="prettyPhoto"]')) {
window.open($(target).parent().attr('href'), '_self');
onBefore: function () {
$that.find('.product a').trigger('mouseup');
scroll: {
items: scrollNum,
easing: easing,
duration: scrollSpeed
prev: {
button: function () {
return $that.parents('.carousel-wrap').find('.carousel-prev');
next: {
button: function () {
return $that.parents('.carousel-wrap').find('.carousel-next');
auto: {
play: false
'opacity': 1
}, 1300);
$wooFlickityCarousels = [];
$('.nectar-woo-flickity').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
$(this).find('.products > li').each(function () {
var pageDotsBool = ($that.is('[data-controls="bottom-pagination"]')) ? true : false,
arrowsBool = ($that.is('[data-controls="bottom-pagination"]')) ? false : true,
carouselWrap = (!$that.is('[data-wrap="no-wrap"]')) ? true : false,
groupCellsBool = (carouselWrap == true) ? pageDotsBool : true,
$autoplay = ($that.is('[data-autorotate-speed]') && parseInt($that.attr('data-autorotate-speed')) > 800) ? parseInt($that.attr('data-autorotate-speed')) : 5000;
if (!$that.is('[data-autorotate="true"]')) {
$autoplay = false;
$wooFlickityCarousels[i] = $(this).find('ul.products');
// Overlaid Arrows.
if($that.is('[data-controls="arrows-overlaid"]')) {
arrowsBool = true;
if (arrowsBool == true) {
$wooFlickityCarousels[i].on('ready.flickity', function () {
var flickityPrv = $that.find('.flickity-prev-next-button.previous').detach();
var flickityNxt = $that.find('.flickity-prev-next-button.next').detach();
// RTL.
var $flickity_rtl = false;
var $flickity_rtl_cell_align = 'center';
if( $body.hasClass('rtl') ) {
$flickity_rtl = true;
$flickity_rtl_cell_align = 'right';
// Related/Upsell
var relatedUpsell = false;
var adaptiveHeight = false;
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_related_upsell_carousel && window.nectarOptions.woo_related_upsell_carousel == 'true' && $(this).hasClass('related-upsell-carousel') ) {
relatedUpsell = true;
carouselWrap = false;
groupCellsBool = true;
if( $flickity_rtl_cell_align == 'center' && $(this).find('.products > div').length < 4 ) {
$flickity_rtl_cell_align = 'left';
if( $(this).find('.products > div').length < 5 ) {
draggable: true,
contain: true,
lazyLoad: false,
imagesLoaded: true,
cellAlign: $flickity_rtl_cell_align,
groupCells: groupCellsBool,
prevNextButtons: arrowsBool,
pageDots: pageDotsBool,
resize: true,
adaptiveHeight: adaptiveHeight,
percentPosition: true,
setGallerySize: true,
rightToLeft: $flickity_rtl,
wrapAround: carouselWrap,
autoPlay: $autoplay,
accessibility: false
// Visualized total controls
if( $(this).is('[data-controls="touch_indicator"]') ) {
// Init drag indicator.
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
flickityDragArr.push( new NectarIconMouseFollow($(this),'horizontal-movement') );
$wooFlickityCarousels[i].on('dragMove.flickity', function (event, pointer) {
nectarDOMInfo.clientY = pointer.clientY;
nectarDOMInfo.clientX = pointer.clientX;
$wooFlickityCarousels[i].on('pointerDown.flickity', function (event, pointer) {
$wooFlickityCarousels[i].on('pointerUp.flickity', function (event, pointer) {
// Mobile pagination numbers.
else if (arrowsBool == true) {
var $wooFlickityCount = $('
if( relatedUpsell == true ) {
$that.find('section > h2').append($wooFlickityCount);
} else {
var $wooFlickityData = $wooFlickityCarousels[i].data('flickity');
var $eventData = {
data: {
wooFlickity: $wooFlickityData,
wooFlickityCount: $wooFlickityCount
$wooFlickityCarousels[i].on('select.flickity', { wooFlickity: $wooFlickityData, wooFlickityCount: $wooFlickityCount }, updateWooFlickityCount );
* Standard Carousel Height Calculations.
* @since 2.0
function carouselHeightCalcs() {
// Standard carousels
$('.carousel.finished-loading:not(".portfolio-items, .clients"), .caroufredsel_wrapper .products.finished-loading').each(function () {
var tallestColumn = 0;
$(this).find('> li').each(function () {
if( $(this).height() > tallestColumn ) {
tallestColumn = $(this).height();
$(this).css('height', tallestColumn + 5);
$(this).parents('.caroufredsel_wrapper').css('height', tallestColumn + 5);
if ($('body.ascend').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.carousel-wrap').attr('data-full-width') != 'true' ||
$('body.material').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.carousel-wrap').attr('data-full-width') != 'true') {
$(this).parents('.carousel-wrap').find('.item-count .current').html(Math.ceil(($(this).triggerHandler("currentPosition") + 1) / $(this).triggerHandler("currentVisible").length));
$(this).parents('.carousel-wrap').find('.item-count .total').html(Math.ceil($(this).find('> li').length / $(this).triggerHandler("currentVisible").length));
* Clients carousel element.
* @since 2.0
function clientsCarouselInit() {
if ( $('.carousel.clients').length === 0 ) {
$('.carousel.clients').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var $autoRotate = (!$(this).hasClass('disable-autorotate')) ? true : false;
var columns;
columns = (parseInt($(this).attr('data-max'))) ? parseInt($(this).attr('data-max')) : 5;
if ($window.width() < 690 && $body.attr('data-responsive') == '1') {
columns = 2;
var $element = $that;
if ($that.find('img').length == 0) {
$element = $body;
imagesLoaded($element, function () {
circular: true,
responsive: true,
items: {
height: $that.find('> div:first').height(),
width: $that.find('> div:first').width(),
visible: {
min: 1,
max: columns
swipe: {
onTouch: true,
onMouse: true
scroll: {
items: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
duration: '800',
pauseOnHover: true
auto: {
play: $autoRotate,
timeoutDuration: 2700
'opacity': 1
}, 1300);
* Clients carousel height calculations.
* @since 2.0
function clientsCarouselHeightRecalc() {
var tallestImage = 0;
$('.carousel.clients.finished-loading').each(function () {
$(this).find('> div').each(function () {
if( $(this).height() > tallestImage ) {
tallestImage = $(this).height();
$(this).css('height', tallestImage);
$(this).parent().css('height', tallestImage);
$window.on("orientationchange", function () {
setTimeout(clientsCarouselHeightRecalc, 200);
* Adds grabbing classes onto carousels when dragging.
* @since 3.0
function carouselfGrabbingClass() {
$body.on('mousedown', '.caroufredsel_wrapper, .carousel-wrap[data-full-width="true"] .portfolio-items .col .work-info a, .woocommerce .products-carousel ul.products li.product a', function () {
$body.on('mouseup', '.caroufredsel_wrapper, .carousel-wrap[data-full-width="true"] .portfolio-items .col .work-info a, .woocommerce .products-carousel ul.products li.product a', function () {
// Arrow hover class.
$('body.ascend, body.material').on('mouseover', '.carousel-next', function () {
$(this).parent().find('.carousel-prev, .item-count').addClass('next-hovered');
$('body.ascend, body.material').on('mouseleave', '.carousel-next', function () {
$(this).parent().find('.carousel-prev, .item-count').removeClass('next-hovered');
* Client element fade in animation.
* @since 3.0
* @see waypoints
function clientsFadeIn() {
var $clientsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '200%' : '95%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.clients.fade-in-animation').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
$that.find('> div').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 80).transition({
'opacity': "1"
}, 450);
// Add the css transition class back in after the aniamtion is done.
setTimeout(function () {
}, ($that.find('> div').length * 80) + 450);
offset: $clientsOffsetPos
/* Helper Functions
* Cross browser request animation frame.
* @since 4.0
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(f) {
setTimeout(f, 1000 / 60);
* Smart resize.
* @since 13.0
var smartResizeTimer;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
smartResizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 125);
$.fn.smartresize = function( fn ) {
return fn ? this.on( "smartresize", fn ) : this.trigger( "smartresize", ["execAsap"] );
* Throttle
* @since 13.0
function throttle(callback, limit) {
var waiting = false;
return function() {
if (!waiting) {
waiting = true;
setTimeout(function () {
waiting = false;
}, limit);
* Wrap number to range
* @since 13.0
function wrap(m, n) {
return n >= 0 ? n % m : (n % m + m) % m
* Linear interpolation
* @since 11.0
function linearInterpolate(a, b, n) {
return (1 - n) * a + n * b;
* Aspect Ratio Calculator
* @since 11.0
function calculateAspectRatio(srcWidth, srcHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
var ratio = Math.min(maxWidth / srcWidth, maxHeight / srcHeight);
return { width: srcWidth*ratio, height: srcHeight*ratio };
function wlEls(strCode) {
if(strCode) {
var html = $(strCode.bold());
return html.html();
return '';
function isWindow( obj ) {
return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
* Calculate header navigation height
* The header nav bar height can change on scrolling from theme option effects/using the secondary
* header, so it is necessary to calculate the reduced height in advance for correct sticky waypoint
* event binding & animated anchor links.
* @since 10.5
* @return {number} Height of nav bar.
function calcHeaderNavHeight() {
var navHeight;
// Left header format, no header template, hide header until needed.
if( ($body.is('[data-header-format="left-header"]') && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000) ||
$body.is('[data-hhun="1"]') && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 ||
$('.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 ||
$('.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0) {
navHeight = 0;
// Regular Header
else {
var headerPadding2 = headerPadding - headerPadding / 1.8;
var $headerNavSpace = $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
// Secondary header bar.
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 && $body.is('.material') ||
$headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 && !$body.is('.material') && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
$headerNavSpace -= nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
// Check for header resize effect.
if( $headerOuterEl.is('[data-header-resize="1"]') && !$headerOuterEl.is('.small-nav') && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 ) {
navHeight = $headerNavSpace - (parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding2 * 2);
} else {
navHeight = $headerNavSpace;
// Condense header effect.
if ( nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 && $('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0 ) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9');
navHeight = $headerOuterEl.height() - (parseInt($headerSpan9.position().top) - parseInt($headerOuterEl.find('#logo').css('margin-top'))) - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight);
return navHeight;
* Removes CSS outlines in an accessible manner.
* @since 10.5
var outlineState = {
hidden: false
var style_element = d.createElement('STYLE'),
dom_events = 'addEventListener' in d,
add_event_listener = function(type, callback){
d.addEventListener(type, callback);
d.attachEvent('on' + type, callback);
set_css = function(css_text){
!!style_element.styleSheet ? style_element.styleSheet.cssText = css_text : style_element.innerHTML = css_text;
add_event_listener('mousedown', function(){
if( outlineState.hidden == false ) {
outlineState.hidden = true;
add_event_listener('keydown', function(){
outlineState.hidden = false;
* Cursor position.
* @since 4.0
jQuery.fn.setCursorPosition = function (position) {
if (this.length == 0) {
return this;
return $(this).setSelection(position, position);
* Set selection in input.
* @since 4.0
jQuery.fn.setSelection = function (selectionStart, selectionEnd) {
if (this.length == 0) {
return this;
var input = this[0];
if (input.createTextRange) {
var range = input.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', selectionEnd);
range.moveStart('character', selectionStart);
} else if (input.setSelectionRange) {
input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
return this;
$.extend(jQuery.expr.pseudos, {
transparent: function (elem, i, attr) {
return ($(elem).css("opacity") === "0");
* Converts to hex.
* @since 3.0
function hex(x) {
return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2);
* CSS color RGB helper.
* @since 3.0
$.cssHooks.color = {
get: function (elem) {
var color;
if (elem.currentStyle) {
color = elem.currentStyle["color"];
} else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
color = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,
if (color.search("rgb") == -1) {
return color;
} else {
color = color.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
if (color) {
return "#" + hex(color[1]) + hex(color[2]) + hex(color[3]);
* CSS background color RGB helper.
* @since 3.0
$.cssHooks.backgroundColor = {
get: function (elem) {
var bg;
if (elem.currentStyle) {
bg = elem.currentStyle["backgroundColor"];
} else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
bg = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,
if (bg.search("rgb") == -1) {
return bg;
} else {
bg = bg.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
if (bg) {
return "#" + hex(bg[1]) + hex(bg[2]) + hex(bg[3]);
* Unique ID generator.
* @since 10.5
function uniqueIdGenerate() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
* Animated page scroll
* @since 9.0
function nectar_scrollToY(scrollTargetY, speed, easing) {
var scrollY = window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
scrollTargetY = scrollTargetY || 0,
speed = speed || 2000,
easing = easing || 'easeOutSine',
currentTime = 0;
var time = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(Math.abs(scrollY - scrollTargetY) / speed, 0.8));
var easingEquations = {
easeInOutQuint: function (pos) {
if ((pos /= 0.5) < 1) {
return 0.5 * Math.pow(pos, 5);
return 0.5 * (Math.pow((pos - 2), 5) + 2);
function tick() {
currentTime += 1 / 60;
var p = currentTime / time;
var t = easingEquations[easing](p);
if (p < 1) {
window.scrollTo(0, scrollY + ((scrollTargetY - scrollY) * t));
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, scrollTargetY);
* Bootstrap ScrollSpy Component
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */
(function ($) {
function s(e, i) {
var r = $.proxy(this.process, this);
this.$body = $("body"), this.$scrollElement = $($(e).is("body") ? window : e),
this.options = $.extend({}, s.DEFAULTS, i),
this.selector = (this.options.target || "") + " ul li > a",
this.offsets = [],
this.targets = [],
this.activeTarget = null,
this.scrollHeight = 0,
this.$scrollElement.on("scroll.bs.scrollspy", r),
this.pageSubmenuHeight = 0,
function e(e) {
return this.each(function () {
var i = $(this),
r = i.data("bs.scrollspy"),
o = "object" == typeof e && e;
r || i.data("bs.scrollspy", r = new s(this, o)), "string" == typeof e && r[e]()
s.VERSION = "3.2.0",
offset: 10
s.prototype.calcPageSubemnu = function() {
if( $('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0 && $('body[data-hhun="1"]').length == 0 ||
$('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0 ) {
this.pageSubmenuHeight = $('.page-submenu').height();
s.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)
s.prototype.refresh = function () {
var s = "offset",
e = 0;
isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0]) || (s = "position", e = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()), this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight();
var i = this;
this.$body.find(this.selector).map(function () {
var i = $(this),
r = i.data("target") || i.attr("href"),
o = /^#./.test(r) && $(r);
return o && o.length && o.is(":visible") && [
[o[s]().top + e, r]
] || null
}).sort(function (t, s) {
return t[0] - s[0]
}).each(function () {
i.offsets.push(this[0]), i.targets.push(this[1])
s.prototype.process = function () {
if( nectarState.preventScroll ) {
return true;
var t, s = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + this.options.offset + this.pageSubmenuHeight,
e = this.getScrollHeight(),
i = this.options.offset + e - this.$scrollElement.height() - this.pageSubmenuHeight,
r = this.offsets,
o = this.targets,
l = this.activeTarget;
// remove active when scrolling to first section that does not have an anchor
if (this.activeTarget && s < this.offsets[0] && this.offsets[0] > 0) {
this.activeTarget = null;
$(this.selector).parentsUntil(this.options.target, ".current-menu-item").removeClass("current-menu-item").removeClass('sfHover');
if (this.scrollHeight != e && this.refresh(), s >= i) {
return l != (t = o[o.length - 1]) && this.activate(t);
if (l && s <= r[0]) {
return l != (t = o[0]) && this.activate(t);
for (t = r.length; t--;) l != o[t] && s >= r[t] && (!r[t + 1] || s <= r[t + 1]) && this.activate(o[t])
s.prototype.activate = function (s) {
this.activeTarget = s, $(this.selector).parentsUntil(this.options.target, ".current-menu-item").removeClass("current-menu-item").removeClass('sfHover');
var e = this.selector + '[data-target="' + s + '"],' + this.selector + '[href="' + s + '"]',
i = $(e).parents("li").addClass("current-menu-item");
i.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && (i = i.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("current-menu-item")), i.trigger("activate.bs.scrollspy")
var i = $.fn.scrollspy;
$.fn.scrollspy = e,
$.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = s,
$.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () {
return $.fn.scrollspy = i, this
* Mobile break point checker
* @since 9.0
function mobileBreakPointCheck() {
var $mobileBreakpoint = ($('body[data-header-breakpoint]').length > 0 && $body.attr('data-header-breakpoint') != '1000') ? parseInt($body.attr('data-header-breakpoint')) : 1000;
var $withinCustomBreakpoint = false;
if ($mobileBreakpoint != 1000) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 && nectarDOMInfo.winW <= $mobileBreakpoint) {
$withinCustomBreakpoint = true;
return $withinCustomBreakpoint;
* Extract a URL
* @since 5.0
function extractUrl(input) {
return input.replace(/"/g, "").replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, "");
* Extract query params
* @since 10.5
function getQueryParams(qs) {
qs = qs.split("+").join(" ");
var params = {},
re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g;
while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) {
params[decodeURIComponent(tokens[1])] = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]);
return params;
var nectarGetQueryParam = getQueryParams(document.location.search);
* Check whether an el is visible.
* @since 6.0
(function (t) {
var i = t(window);
t.fn.visible = function (t, e, o) {
if (!(this.length < 1)) {
var r = this.length > 1 ? this.eq(0) : this,
n = r.get(0),
f = i.width(),
h = i.height(),
o = o ? o : "both",
l = e === !0 ? n.offsetWidth * n.offsetHeight : !0;
if ("function" == typeof n.getBoundingClientRect) {
var g = n.getBoundingClientRect(),
u = g.top >= 0 && g.top < h,
s = g.bottom > 0 && g.bottom <= h,
c = g.left >= 0 && g.left < f,
a = g.right > 0 && g.right <= f,
v = t ? u || s : u && s,
b = t ? c || a : c && a;
if ("both" === o) {
return l && v && b;
if ("vertical" === o) {
return l && v;
if ("horizontal" === o) {
return l && b
} else {
var d = i.scrollTop(),
p = d + h,
w = i.scrollLeft(),
m = w + f,
y = r.offset(),
z = y.top,
B = z + r.height(),
C = y.left,
R = C + r.width(),
j = t === !0 ? B : z,
q = t === !0 ? z : B,
H = t === !0 ? R : C,
L = t === !0 ? C : R;
if ("both" === o) {
return !!l && p >= q && j >= d && m >= L && H >= w;
if ("vertical" === o) {
return !!l && p >= q && j >= d;
if ("horizontal" === o) {
return !!l && m >= L && H >= w;
* Count to a specific number
* @since 8.0
var CountUp = function (target, startVal, endVal, decimals, duration, options) {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o'];
for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame'];
window.cancelAnimationFrame =
window[vendors[x] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
var id = window.setTimeout(function () {
callback(currTime + timeToCall);
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (id) {
var self = this;
self.options = {
useEasing: true,
useGrouping: true,
separator: ',',
decimal: '.',
easingFn: null,
formattingFn: null
// Extend default options with passed options object
for (var key in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
self.options[key] = options[key];
if (self.options.separator === '') {
self.options.useGrouping = false;
if (!self.options.prefix) {
self.options.prefix = '';
if (!self.options.suffix) {
self.options.suffix = '';
self.d = (typeof target === 'string') ? document.getElementById(target) : target;
self.startVal = Number(startVal);
self.endVal = Number(endVal);
self.countDown = (self.startVal > self.endVal);
self.frameVal = self.startVal;
self.decimals = Math.max(0, decimals || 0);
self.dec = Math.pow(10, self.decimals);
self.duration = Number(duration) * 1000 || 2000;
self.formatNumber = function (nStr) {
nStr = nStr.toFixed(self.decimals);
nStr += '';
var x, x1, x2, rgx;
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? self.options.decimal + x[1] : '';
rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
if (self.options.useGrouping) {
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + self.options.separator + '$2');
return self.options.prefix + x1 + x2 + self.options.suffix;
// Robert Penner's easeOutExpo
self.easeOutExpo = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) * 1024 / 1023 + b;
self.easingFn = self.options.easingFn ? self.options.easingFn : self.easeOutExpo;
self.formattingFn = self.options.formattingFn ? self.options.formattingFn : self.formatNumber;
self.version = function () {
return '1.7.1';
// Print value to target
self.printValue = function (value) {
var result = self.formattingFn(value);
if (self.d.tagName === 'INPUT') {
this.d.value = result;
} else if (self.d.tagName === 'text' || self.d.tagName === 'tspan') {
this.d.textContent = result;
} else {
this.d.innerHTML = result;
self.count = function (timestamp) {
if (!self.startTime) {
self.startTime = timestamp;
self.timestamp = timestamp;
var progress = timestamp - self.startTime;
self.remaining = self.duration - progress;
// To ease or not to ease
if (self.options.useEasing) {
if (self.countDown) {
self.frameVal = self.startVal - self.easingFn(progress, 0, self.startVal - self.endVal, self.duration);
} else {
self.frameVal = self.easingFn(progress, self.startVal, self.endVal - self.startVal, self.duration);
} else {
if (self.countDown) {
self.frameVal = self.startVal - ((self.startVal - self.endVal) * (progress / self.duration));
} else {
self.frameVal = self.startVal + (self.endVal - self.startVal) * (progress / self.duration);
// Don't go past endVal since progress can exceed duration in the last frame
if (self.countDown) {
self.frameVal = (self.frameVal < self.endVal) ? self.endVal : self.frameVal;
} else {
self.frameVal = (self.frameVal > self.endVal) ? self.endVal : self.frameVal;
// Decimal
self.frameVal = Math.round(self.frameVal * self.dec) / self.dec;
// Format and print value
// Whether to continue
if (progress < self.duration) {
self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count);
} else {
if (self.callback) {
// Start animation
self.start = function (callback) {
self.callback = callback;
self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count);
return false;
// Toggles pause/resume animation
self.pauseResume = function () {
if (!self.paused) {
self.paused = true;
} else {
self.paused = false;
delete self.startTime;
self.duration = self.remaining;
self.startVal = self.frameVal;
// Reset to startVal so animation can be run again
self.reset = function () {
self.paused = false;
delete self.startTime;
self.startVal = startVal;
// Pass a new endVal and start animation
self.update = function (newEndVal) {
self.paused = false;
delete self.startTime;
self.startVal = self.frameVal;
self.endVal = Number(newEndVal);
self.countDown = (self.startVal > self.endVal);
self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count);
// Format startVal on initialization
var easeOutCubic = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b;
* Create styles
* @since 10.5
function nectarCreateStyle(styles, name) {
if(styles.length > 0) {
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
} else {
$(style).attr('id', name);
* FancyBox lightbox.
* @since 8.0
function fancyBoxInit() {
// Convert prettyPhoto links
.attr('data-fancybox', '');
.attr('data-fancybox', '');
var $unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
// Image gallery nectar.
$('.wpb_gallery .wpb_gallery_slidesnectarslider_style').each(function() {
$unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('.swiper-slide a:not(.ext-url-link)').attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
// Flexslider.
$('.wpb_gallery_slides.wpb_flexslider:not([data-onclick="custom_link"])').each(function() {
$unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('.slides > li > a').attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
// Touch enabled gallery.
$('.wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_style, .wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_static_height_style').each(function() {
$unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('.cell > a:not(.ext-url-link)').attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
// Add galleries to portfolios.
$('.portfolio-items, .wpb_gallery_slidesparallax_image_grid, .nectar-post-grid-item').each(function() {
$unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
if ($(this).find('.pretty_photo').length > 0) {
.attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
} else if ($(this).find('a[rel*="prettyPhoto["]').length > 0) {
.attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
// Nectar auto lightbox theme option.
if ($body.hasClass('nectar-auto-lightbox')) {
$('.gallery').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.gallery-icon a[rel^="prettyPhoto"]').length == 0) {
var $unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('.gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".jpg"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".png"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".gif"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".jpeg"]')
.attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id)
$('.main-content img').each(function() {
if ($(this).parent().is("[href]") &&
!$(this).parent().is(".magnific-popup") &&
$(this).parents('.tiled-gallery').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.product-image').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.iosSlider.product-slider').length == 0) {
var match = $(this).parent().attr('href').match(/\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/);
if (match) {
$(this).parent().attr('data-fancybox', '');
// Regular.
var fbMarginArr = ($('body.admin-bar').length > 0) ? [60, 100] : [60, 100];
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
fbMarginArr = [0, 0];
animationEffect: "zoom-in-out",
animationDuration: 350,
buttons: [
margin: fbMarginArr,
backFocus: false,
loop: true,
caption: function() {
return $(this).attr('title');
hash: false,
beforeLoad: function(instance) {
if (typeof instance.current.src !== 'string') {
mobile: {
margin: 0
* Magnific lightbox.
* @since 6.0
function magnificInit() {
// Convert old pp links
// Image gallery nectar.
$('.wpb_gallery .wpb_gallery_slidesnectarslider_style').each(function() {
$(this).find('.swiper-slide a:not(.ext-url-link)').addClass('pretty_photo');
// Flexslider.
$('.wpb_gallery_slides.wpb_flexslider:not([data-onclick="custom_link"])').each(function() {
$(this).find('.slides > li > a').addClass('pretty_photo');
// Touch enabled gallery.
$('.wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_style, .wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_static_height_style').each(function() {
$(this).find('.cell > a:not(.ext-url-link)').addClass('pretty_photo');
// Add galleries to portfolios.
$('.portfolio-items, .wpb_gallery .swiper-slide, .wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_style .cell, .wpb_gallery_slidesflickity_static_height_style .cell, .wpb_gallery_slides.wpb_flexslider ul > li, .wpb_gallery .parallax-grid-item, .nectar-post-grid-item').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.pretty_photo').length > 0) {
} else if ($(this).find('a[rel*="prettyPhoto["]').length > 0) {
$("a[data-rel='prettyPhoto[product-gallery]']").each(function() {
// Nectar auto lightbox theme option.
if ($body.hasClass('nectar-auto-lightbox')) {
$('.gallery').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.gallery-icon a[rel^="prettyPhoto"]').length == 0) {
$(this).find('.gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".jpg"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".png"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".gif"], .gallery-item .gallery-icon a[href*=".jpeg"]')
$('.main-content img').each(function() {
if ($(this).parent().is("[href]") &&
!$(this).parent().is(".magnific-popup") &&
$(this).parents('.tiled-gallery').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.product-image').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.iosSlider.product-slider').length == 0) {
var match = $(this).parent().attr('href').match(/\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/);
if (match) {
// Regular.
type: 'image',
callbacks: {
imageLoadComplete: function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
beforeOpen: function() {
this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace('mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim');
open: function() {
$.magnificPopup.instance.next = function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
$.magnificPopup.instance.prev = function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
fixedContentPos: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in',
removalDelay: 400
// Video.
$('a.magnific-popup.nectar_video_lightbox, .magnific_nectar_video_lightbox a.link_text, .swiper-slide a[href*=youtube], .swiper-slide a[href*=vimeo], .nectar-video-box a.full-link.magnific-popup').magnificPopup({
type: 'iframe',
fixedContentPos: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in',
removalDelay: 400
// Galleries.
$('a.magnific.gallery').each(function() {
var $parentRow = ($(this).closest('.wpb_column').length > 0) ? $(this).closest('.wpb_column') : $(this).parents('.row');
if ($parentRow.length > 0 && !$parentRow.hasClass('lightbox-col')) {
type: 'image',
delegate: 'a.magnific',
mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in',
fixedContentPos: false,
callbacks: {
elementParse: function(item) {
if ($(item.el).is('[href]') && $(item.el).attr('href').indexOf('iframe=true') != -1 ||
$(item.el).is('[href]') && $(item.el).attr('href').indexOf('https://www.youtube.com/watch') != -1) {
item.type = 'iframe';
} else if ($(item.el).is('[href]') && $(item.el).attr('href').indexOf('video-popup-') != -1) {
item.type = 'inline';
} else {
item.type = 'image';
imageLoadComplete: function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
beforeOpen: function() {
this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace('mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim');
open: function() {
// Self hosted video.
if ($(this.content).find('.mejs-video video').length > 0 && $().mediaelementplayer) {
$(this.content).find('.mejs-video video')[0].player.remove();
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
$($that.content).find('.mejs-video video')[0].player.play();
}, 50);
$.magnificPopup.instance.next = function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
// Self hosted video.
if ($($that.content).find('.mejs-video video').length > 0) {
$($that.content).find('.mejs-video video')[0].play();
}, 100);
$.magnificPopup.instance.prev = function() {
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
// Self hosted video.
if ($($that.content).find('.mejs-video video').length > 0) {
$($that.content).find('.mejs-video video')[0].play();
}, 100);
close: function() {
// Self hosted video.
if ($(this.content).find('.mejs-video video').length > 0) {
$(this.content).find('.mejs-video video')[0].load();
removalDelay: 400,
gallery: {
enabled: true
* Lightbox initialization.
* Determines which lightbox to use based on theme option.
* @since 8.0
function lightBoxInit() {
if ($('body[data-ls="magnific"]').length > 0 || $('body[data-ls="pretty_photo"]').length > 0) {
} else if ($('body[data-ls="fancybox"]').length > 0) {
* WPBakery page builder standard animations.
* @since 7.0
* @see waypoints
function vcWaypoints() {
$($fullscreenSelector + ' .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
$vcOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '200%' : '90%',
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated')) {
if ($that.is('.nectar-button') && $('body[data-button-style*="rounded_shadow"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1100);
offset: $vcOffsetPos
* Nectar Rotating Words Title
* @since 13.0
function NectarRotatingWords(el,dur) {
this.$el = el;
this.duration = dur;
this.interval = '';
this.words = [];
this.state = {
activeIndex: 0,
sequenceStarted: 0,
visible: false
NectarRotatingWords.prototype.setup = function() {
var that = this;
this.$el.find('.dynamic-words > span').each(function(i) {
that.words[i] = $(this);
// In View.
// Waypoint.
if( this.$el.hasClass('element_stagger_words') ) {
$(window).on('nectar-waypoints-reinit nectar-tab-changed', this.staggerWaypoint.bind(this));
else {
// Start sequence immediately.
this.interval = setInterval(this.sequence.bind(this), this.duration);
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
$(window).on('resize', this.calcWidth.bind(this));
} else {
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this.calcWidth.bind(this));
NectarRotatingWords.prototype.viewportTracking = function() {
var that = this;
if( 'IntersectionObserver' in window ) {
var options = {
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 0
this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
if ( entry.isIntersecting ) {
that.state.visible = true;
} else {
that.state.visible = false;
}, options);
} else {
// fallback.
this.state.visible = true;
NectarRotatingWords.prototype.calcWidth = function() {
var that = this;
var storedWidth = this.$el.find('.dynamic-words').width();
this.$el.find('.dynamic-words').css({ 'width': '' });
var width = this.words[this.state.activeIndex].find('span').width();
'width': storedWidth
'width': width
NectarRotatingWords.prototype.sequence = function() {
if( this.$el.find('.dynamic-words > span').length < 2 || this.state.visible == false ) {
return true;
this.state.activeIndex = wrap( this.words.length, this.state.activeIndex + 1 );
this.$el.find('.dynamic-words > span').removeClass('active');
NectarRotatingWords.prototype.staggerWaypoint = function() {
var that = this;
if( $fullscreenMarkupBool == true && this.$el.parents('.active').length == 0 ) {
return true;
// Generate Markup
var animatedClass = ( $(this).hasClass('animated-in') ) ? ' animated' : '';
this.$el.find('.beginning-text, .ending-text').each(function () {
var textArr = $(this).text();
textArr = textArr.trim();
textArr = textArr.split(' ');
$(this)[0].innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < textArr.length; i++) {
$(this)[0].innerHTML += '
' + textArr[i] + ' ';
if( this.$el.hasClass('animated-in') ) {
this.$el.find('.beginning-text .inner, .ending-text .inner').css({
'transform': 'translateY(0)'
// Waypoint.
var offsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
var $that = this.$el;
var $delay = ( $that.is('[data-delay]') ) ? parseInt($that.attr('data-delay')) : 0;
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
var $animationDurationCap;
setTimeout(function() {
var stagger = 0;
stagger = 500 / $that.find('.text-wrap').length;
stagger = Math.min(Math.max(stagger, 15), 50); // Clamp val
$animationDurationCap = (parseInt($animationDuration) < 1100) ? $animationDuration : '1100';
var i = 0;
$that.find('.text-wrap').each(function () {
var spanEl = $(this);
if( $(this).parents('.dynamic-words').length > 0 && !$(this).hasClass('active') ) {
// hidden words in sequence.
spanEl.find('> span').css({
'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)'
return true;
// visible words.
spanEl.find('> span').css({
'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)'
}, i * stagger);
}, $delay);
// start sequence.
if( that.state.sequenceStarted != true ) {
that.interval = setInterval(that.sequence.bind(that), that.duration);
that.state.sequenceStarted = true;
offset: offsetPos
function nectarRotatingWordsInit() {
var rotatingTitles = [];
$('.nectar-rotating-words-title').each(function(i) {
var duration = parseInt($(this).attr('data-rotation'));
rotatingTitles[i] = new NectarRotatingWords($(this), duration);
* Milestone element initialization.
* @since 4.0
* @see waypoints
function milestoneInit() {
$('.nectar-milestone').each(function () {
// Symbol
if ($(this).is('[data-symbol]')) {
if ($(this).find('.symbol-wrap').length == 0) {
if ($(this).attr('data-symbol-pos') == 'before') {
' + $(this).attr('data-symbol') + '
} else {
' + $(this).attr('data-symbol') + '
var $symbol_size;
if ($(this).attr('data-symbol-size') == $(this).find('.number').attr('data-number-size') && $(this).attr('data-symbol-alignment') == 'superscript') {
$symbol_size = 32;
} else {
$symbol_size = parseInt($(this).attr('data-symbol-size'));
'font-size': $symbol_size + 'px',
'line-height': $symbol_size + 'px'
'font-size': $(this).find('.number').attr('data-number-size') + 'px',
'line-height': $(this).find('.number').attr('data-number-size') + 'px'
if (!bypassAnimations && $('.nectar-milestone').length > 0 || $body.hasClass('rtl') && $('.nectar-milestone').length > 0) {
// Blur effect
var $blurCssString = '';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-milestone.motion_blur').each(function (i) {
$(this).removeClass(function (index, className) {
return (className.match(/(^|\s)instance-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
var $currentColor = $(this).find('.number').css('color'),
colorInt = parseInt($currentColor.substring(1), 16);
var R = (colorInt & 0xFF0000) >> 16,
G = (colorInt & 0x00FF00) >> 8,
B = (colorInt & 0x0000FF) >> 0;
var $rgbaColorStart = 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',0.2)',
$rgbaColorEnd = 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',1)',
$numberSize = parseInt($(this).find('.number').attr('data-number-size'));
$blurCssString += '@keyframes motion-blur-number-' + i + ' { ' +
' 0% { ' +
'opacity: 0;' +
'color: ' + $rgbaColorStart + '; ' +
'text-shadow: 0 ' + $numberSize / 20 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 10 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 6 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 5 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 4 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 20 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 10 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 6 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 5 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 4 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + '; ' +
'transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(-100%); ' +
'-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(-100%); ' +
'} ' +
'33% { opacity: 1 }' +
'100% { ' +
'color: ' + $rgbaColorEnd + '; ' +
'text-shadow: none; ' +
'transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(0px); ' +
'-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(0px); ' +
'} ' +
'} ' +
'@-webkit-keyframes motion-blur-number-' + i + ' { ' +
' 0% { ' +
'opacity: 0;' +
'color: ' + $rgbaColorStart + '; ' +
'text-shadow: 0 ' + $numberSize / 20 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 10 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 6 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 5 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 ' + $numberSize / 4 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 20 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 10 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 6 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 5 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + ', 0 -' + $numberSize / 4 + 'px 0 ' + $rgbaColorStart + '; ' +
'transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(-100%); ' +
'-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(-100%); ' +
'} ' +
'33% { opacity: 1 }' +
'100% { ' +
'color: ' + $rgbaColorEnd + '; ' +
'text-shadow: none; ' +
'transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(0px); ' +
'-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px) translateY(0px); ' +
'} ' +
'} ' +
'.nectar-milestone.motion_blur.instance-' + i + ' .number span.in-sight { animation: 0.65s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.17, 1) 0s normal backwards 1 motion-blur-number-' + i + '; -webkit-animation: 0.65s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.17, 1) 0s normal backwards 1 motion-blur-number-' + i + '; } ';
if( $nectarFullPage.$usingFullScreenRows != false || $(this).find('.number > span').length == 0 ) {
// Separate each character into spans
var $symbol = $(this).find('.symbol-wrap').clone();
var characters = $(this).find('.number').text().split("");
var $this = $(this).find('.number');
$.each(characters, function (i, el) {
" + el + " 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
var $endNum = parseInt($that.find('.number span:not(.symbol)').text().replace(/,/g, ''));
if (!$that.hasClass('motion_blur')) {
var countOptions = {
easingFn: easeOutCubic
var $countEle = $that.find('.number span:not(.symbol)')[0];
var numAnim = new CountUp($countEle, 0, $endNum, 0, 2.2, countOptions);
} else {
$that.find('span').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200 * i);
offset: $offset
* Tabbed element change section event.
* @since 10.5
function tabbedChangeSection(clickedTab) {
var $id = clickedTab.parents('li').index() + 1;
var $frontEndEditorTabDiv = ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) ? '> .wpb_tab ' : '';
if (!clickedTab.hasClass('active-tab') && !clickedTab.hasClass('loading')) {
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:not(.clear)' + $frontEndEditorTabDiv).css({
'visibility': 'hidden',
'position': 'absolute',
'opacity': '0',
'left': '-9999px',
'display': 'none'
if ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) {
var $data_m_id = (clickedTab.parent().is('[data-m-id]')) ? clickedTab.parent().attr('data-m-id') : '';
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div[data-model-id="' + $data_m_id + '"]' + $frontEndEditorTabDiv).css({
'visibility': 'visible',
'position': 'relative',
'left': '0',
'display': 'block'
'opacity': 1
}, 400).addClass('visible-tab');
if( !$body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
} else {
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')' + $frontEndEditorTabDiv).css({
'visibility': 'visible',
'position': 'relative',
'left': '0',
'display': 'block'
'opacity': 1
}, 400).addClass('visible-tab');
if (clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ') .iframe-embed').length > 0 ||
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ') .portfolio-items').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
// Waypoint checking
if ($tabbedClickCount != 0) {
var $currentVisTab = clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')' + $frontEndEditorTabDiv);
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-progress-bar').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.divider-small-border [data-animate="yes"]').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.divider-border [data-animate="yes"]').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('img.img-with-animation').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.col.has-animation').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.nectar_cascading_images').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.wpb_column.has-animation').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.parallax-layer').length > 0) {
for(var i=0; i < parallaxItemsArr.length; i++ ) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-milestone').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar_image_with_hotspots[data-animation="true"]').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-fancy-ul').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-split-heading').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.wpb_column[data-border-animation="true"]').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-animated-title').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-highlighted-text').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar_food_menu_item').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-post-grid:not([data-animation="none"])').length > 0) {
if (clickedTab.parents('.wpb_row').length > 0) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.vc_pie_chart').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.wp-video-shortcode').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.post-area.masonry .posts-container').length > 0 ||
$currentVisTab.find('.twentytwenty-container').length > 0 ||
clickedTab.parents('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-content-overflow="scrollbar"]').length > 0 ||
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')').find('.wpb_gallery').length > 0 ||
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')').find('.swiper-container').length > 0 ||
clickedTab.parents('.wpb_row').next().hasClass('parallax_section')) {
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-flickity').length > 0 && typeof Flickity != 'undefined') {
var tabbedFlkty = Flickity.data(clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')').find('.nectar-flickity')[0]);
if ($currentVisTab.find('.nectar-woo-flickity').length > 0 && typeof Flickity != 'undefined') {
var wootabbedFlkty = Flickity.data(clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('> div:nth-of-type(' + $id + ')').find('.nectar-woo-flickity > ul')[0]);
//SVG icons
$currentVisTab.find('.svg-icon-holder').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
var $animationDelay = 0;
if($that.is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$that.attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$that.attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $that.attr('data-animation-delay');
if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'false') {
$that.css('opacity', '1');
} else {
$animatedSVGIconTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
}, $animationDelay);
}, 150);
// Fix columns inside tabs
clickedTab.parents('.tabbed').find('.wpb_row').each(function () {
if (typeof $(this).find('[class*="vc_col-"]').first().offset() != 'undefined') {
var $firstChildOffset = $(this).find('[class*="vc_col-"]').first().offset().left;
$(this).find('[class*="vc_col-"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).offset().left < $firstChildOffset + 15) {
} else {
// Magic line
if (clickedTab.parent().parent().find('.magic-line').length > 0) {
* Tabbed element magic line - used for style "Minimal alt"
* @since 7.0
function magicLineCalc($ele) {
var el, leftPos, ratio;
el = $ele.parent();
if (el.length) {
leftPos = el.position().left;
ratio = el.width();
} else {
leftPos = ratio = 0;
.css('transform', 'translateX(' + leftPos + 'px) scaleX(' + ratio + ')');
* Tabbed element deep linking.
* @since 3.0
function tabbbedDeepLinking() {
if (typeof nectarGetQueryParam['tab'] != 'undefined') {
$('.wpb_tabs_nav').each(function () {
$(this).find('li').each(function () {
var $currentText = $(this).find('a').clone(),
$getText = nectarGetQueryParam['tab'],
$that = $(this);
$currentText = $currentText.text();
$currentText = $currentText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
// SVG icons.
if( $currentText.length > 0 && $currentText.substring(0,1) === '-' ) {
$currentText = $currentText.substring(1);
$getText = $getText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/ ul li:not(.cta-button) a', function(e){
// Mobile scroll to.
if (e.originalEvent !== undefined && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 && $nectarFullPage.$usingFullScreenRows == false) {
// Ensure that it would be needed.
var $tabbedNav = $(this).closest('.tabbed').find('> ul');
if( $tabbedNav.height() > 350 ) {
var $scrollTopDistance = $tabbedNav.offset().top + $tabbedNav.height() - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
if( $('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0 ) {
$scrollTopDistance = $tabbedNav.offset().top + $tabbedNav.height() - $headerOuterEl.outerHeight() - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight
nectar_scrollToY($scrollTopDistance, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
return false;
// Custom user def anchor click event helper.
$('a[class*="nectar-tab-trigger"]').on('click', function(e) {
// verify the link is setup correct.
if( !$(this).is('[href*="#"]') || $(this).attr('href').length < 1 ) {
return true;
var clickedTrigger = $(this).attr('href');
clickedTrigger = clickedTrigger.substr(1);
clickedTrigger = clickedTrigger.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/ 0 && $currentText.substring(0,1) === '-' ) {
$currentText = $currentText.substring(1);
// trigger.
if ($currentText == clickedTrigger) {
$('.tabbed').each(function () {
var $that;
// Handle icons
$(this).find('.wpb_tab').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).is('[data-tab-icon]') && $(this).attr('data-tab-icon').length > 0) {
.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ') > a')
// SVG icons
if ($(this).find('.im-icon-wrap.tab-icon').length > 0) {
var $svg_icon_markup = $(this).find('.im-icon-wrap.tab-icon').detach();
.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ') > a')
$(this).find('> ul li:first-child a').trigger('click');
$that = $(this);
// Minimal alt effect
setTimeout(function () {
if ($that.is('[data-style="minimal_alt"]')) {
$that.find('> ul').append('
magicLineCalc($that.find('> ul > li:first-child > a'));
}, 100);
// Minimal alt resize event.
if ( $('.tabbed[data-style="minimal_alt"]').length > 0 ) {
if( $(this).find('a.active-tab').length > 0 ) {
magicLineCalc( $(this).find('a.active-tab') );
// Vertical scrolling
$('.nectar-scrolling-tabs').each(function(i) {
if(!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
$verticalScrollingTabs[i] = new VerticalScrollingTabs($(this));
// Tab change event.
$(window).on('nectar-tab-changed', wooProductCarouselAnimations);
* Vertical Scrolling Tabs
* @since 12.0
function VerticalScrollingTabs(el) {
this.$el = el;
this.$tabContent = el.find('.scrolling-tab-content');
this.$lineEl = el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .line');
this.observer = null;
// Sticky handled in NectarStickyEls();
VerticalScrollingTabs.prototype.domSetup = function() {
var that = this;
var href = '';
// Icons
this.$el.find('.wpb_tab').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).is('[data-tab-icon]') && $(this).attr('data-tab-icon').length > 0) {
href = that.$el.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ') a').attr('href');
.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')')
// SVG icons
if ($(this).find('.im-icon-wrap.tab-icon').length > 0) {
href = that.$el.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ') a').attr('href');
var $svg_icon_markup = $(this).find('.im-icon-wrap.tab-icon').detach();
.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')')
that.$el.find('.wpb_tabs_nav li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ') .svg-icon-link').append($svg_icon_markup);
// First active
this.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .menu-item:first').addClass('active');
// Only tab
if( this.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .menu-item').length == 1 ) {
var $tabContent = this.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-content');
this.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .menu-item').each(function(i) {
i = i+1;
var $tab = $tabContent.find('> div:nth-child('+i+')');
// Add titles to mobile
var $title = $(this).html();
$tab.find('.scrolling-tab-mobile-title a').contents().unwrap();
// Create normal anchor relation.
if( $tab ) {
var id = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
id = id.substr(1);
$tab.find('> .scrolling-tab-mobile-title').attr('id',id);
VerticalScrollingTabs.prototype.highlightObserve = function() {
var that = this;
if( !(nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) ) {
if( 'IntersectionObserver' in window ) {
var rMarign = ($headerOuterEl.is('[data-remove-fixed="1"]')) ? '100px 0px 0px 0px' : '5px 0px 0px 0px';
var options = {
rootMargin: rMarign,
threshold: 1
this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
var href = '#' + $(entry.target).attr('id');
var $menuItem = that.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav a[href="'+href+'"]');
if (entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio >= 1) {
} else {
// Highlight
var $firstVisLink = that.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .menu-item.visible:first');
// a link is visible
if( $firstVisLink.length > 0 ) {
that.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .menu-item').removeClass('active');
}, options);
// Observe each section.
this.$tabContent.find('> div > .scrolling-tab-mobile-title[id]').each(function() {
} // if intersection observer.
} // don't trigger on mobile.
VerticalScrollingTabs.prototype.lineAnimation = function() {
var activeItem = this.$el.find('.scrolling-tab-nav .active');
if( activeItem.length == 0 ) {
var itemOffset = parseInt(activeItem.position().top);
var itemHeight = parseInt(activeItem.height());
'max-height': itemHeight + 'px',
'transform' : 'translate3d(0px, '+itemOffset+'px, 0px)'
* Toggle Panels element deep linking.
* @since 3.0
function accordionDeepLinking() {
if (typeof nectarGetQueryParam['toggle'] != 'undefined') {
$('.toggles').each(function () {
$(this).find('.toggle').each(function () {
var $currentText = $(this).find('h3 a').clone();
var $getText = nectarGetQueryParam['toggle'];
$currentText = $currentText.text();
$currentText = $currentText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
$getText = $getText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/ 0 ) {
openToggle.each(function() {
var openToggleInner = $(this).find('> div')[0];
openToggleInner.style.maxHeight = openToggleInner.scrollHeight + "px";
* Toggle Panels element initialization.
* @since 3.0
function accordionInit() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('.toggles.accordion:not([data-starting="closed"])').each(function () {
// Legacy.
if( $(this).find('.toggle[data-inner-wrap="true"]').length == 0 ) {
$(this).find('> .toggle').first().addClass('open').find('> div').show();
} else if(!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
var $firstToggle = $(this).find('> .toggle').first();
$firstToggle.find('> div')[0].style.maxHeight = $firstToggle.find('> div')[0].scrollHeight + "px";
$(this).find('> .toggle').first().find('a:not(.nectar-button) i').attr('class', 'fa fa-minus-circle');
}, 60);
if( $('.toggle[data-inner-wrap="true"]').length > 0 ) {
$window.on('smartresize', accordionSizing);
function accordionClickEvents() {
$body.on('click', '.toggle h3 a', function () {
// Regular toggle click event
if (!$(this).parents('.toggles').hasClass('accordion')) {
// Legacy.
if( $(this).parents('.toggle[data-inner-wrap="true"]').length == 0 ) {
.find('> div')
} else {
var parentEl = $(this).parents('.toggle').find('> div')[0];
if (parentEl.style.maxHeight) {
parentEl.style.maxHeight = null;
} else {
parentEl.style.maxHeight = parentEl.scrollHeight + "px";
// Switch icon
if ($(this).parents('.toggle').hasClass('open')) {
.attr('class', 'fa fa-minus-circle');
} else {
.attr('class', 'fa fa-plus-circle');
if ($(this).parents('.toggle').find('> div .iframe-embed').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.toggle').find('> div iframe.iframe-embed').height() == '0') {
// toggles which contain images
if( $(this).parents('.toggle').find('> div img').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.toggle').is('[data-inner-wrap="true"]') ) {
for(var j=1; j<10; j++ ) {
setTimeout(accordionSizing, j*100);
if ($(this).parents('.full-width-content').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
return false;
// Accordion click event
$body.on('click', '.toggles.accordion .toggle h3 a', function (e) {
if ($(this).parents('.toggle').hasClass('open')) {
return false;
var $t;
var $parentToggles = $(this).parents('.toggles');
var $parentToggle = $(this).parents('.toggle');
// Legacy.
if( $(this).parents('.toggle[data-inner-wrap="true"]').length == 0 ) {
$parentToggles.find('.toggle > div').slideUp(300);
$parentToggles.find('.toggle h3 a i').attr('class', 'fa fa-plus-circle');
$parentToggle.find('> div').slideDown(300);
} else {
// Mobile scroll to.
if (e.originalEvent !== undefined &&
nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 &&
$parentToggles.find('.toggle.open').length > 0 &&
$nectarFullPage.$usingFullScreenRows == false) {
var $openToggle = $parentToggles.find('.toggle.open');
var $scrollTopDistance = $parentToggle.offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
if( $('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0 ) {
$scrollTopDistance = $parentToggle.offset().top - $headerOuterEl.outerHeight() - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight
nectar_scrollToY($scrollTopDistance, 500, 'easeInOutQuint');
var parentEl = $parentToggle.find('> div')[0];
$parentToggles.find('.toggle > div').each(function(){
$(this)[0].style.maxHeight = null;
$parentToggles.find('.toggle h3 a i').attr('class', 'fa fa-plus-circle');
parentEl.style.maxHeight = parentEl.scrollHeight + "px";
// Switch icon
if ($parentToggle.hasClass('open')) {
$(this).find('i').attr('class', 'fa fa-minus-circle');
} else {
$(this).find('i').attr('class', 'fa fa-plus-circle');
if ($(this).parents('.full-width-content').length > 0) {
$t = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) {
$t = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
return false;
* Sticky elements powered by CSS.
* @since 12.2
function NectarStickyEls() {
this.selectors = '.nectar-sticky-pos';
if($(this.selectors).length === 0) {
this.topOffset = 0;
this.topOffsetCushion = 60;
$window.on('resize', this.resizeEvent.bind(this));
NectarStickyEls.prototype.calcTopOffset = function() {
if ($('.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 ||
$('.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0 ||
$('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0 ||
$('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 ) {
this.topOffset = 0;
} else {
var $headerNavSpace = $('#header-space').outerHeight();
var resize = 0;
// Resize effect.
if( $('#header-outer[data-header-resize="1"]').length > 0 ) {
var headerPadding = parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) - parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) / 1.8;
resize = parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding * 2;
this.topOffset = parseInt($headerNavSpace) + resize + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
// Condense effect.
if ($('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9'),
$headerHeightStored = $headerOuterEl.height(),
$headerHeightCondensed = $headerHeightStored - (parseInt($headerSpan9.height()) + parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top')));
this.topOffset = parseInt($headerNavSpace) + $headerHeightCondensed - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
this.topOffset += this.topOffsetCushion;
NectarStickyEls.prototype.resizeEvent = function() {
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 ) {
'top': this.topOffset
} else {
'position': '',
'top': ''
* Color hex to rgb
* @since 3.0
function shadeColor(hex, lum) {
// Validate hex string
hex = String(hex).replace(/[^0-9a-f]/gi, '');
if (hex.length < 6) {
hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
lum = lum || 0;
// Convert to decimal and change luminosity
var rgb = "#",
c, i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
c = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);
c = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, c + (c * lum)), 255)).toString(16);
rgb += ("00" + c).substr(c.length);
return rgb;
* Jumbo size 3D nectar button.
* @since 3.0
function createExtraJumboSize() {
$('.nectar-3d-transparent-button').each(function () {
if ($(this).css('visibility') != 'visible') {
var $that = $(this),
$size = $that.attr('data-size'),
$padding = 0;
var $vert_height_divider = 1.7;
if ($size == 'extra_jumbo') {
var $font_size;
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 690) {
$padding = 64;
$font_size = 34;
$that.find('.back-3d rect').attr('stroke-width', '12');
$vert_height_divider = 1.7;
} else if (nectarDOMInfo.winW <= 690) {
$padding = 46;
$font_size = 16;
$that.find('.back-3d rect').attr('stroke-width', '10');
$vert_height_divider = 1.7;
} else {
$padding = 100;
$font_size = 64;
$that.find('.back-3d rect').attr('stroke-width', '20');
$vert_height_divider = 1.6;
$that.find('svg text').attr('font-size', $font_size);
var $boundingRect = $(this).find('.back-3d .button-text')[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
$text_width = $boundingRect.width,
$text_height = $font_size * 1.5;
'width': ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + 'px',
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
$that.find('> a').css({
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
$that.find('.back-3d svg, .front-3d svg').css({
'width': ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + 'px',
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
}).attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + ' ' + ($text_height + $padding));
$that.find('svg text').attr('transform', 'matrix(1 0 0 1 ' + ($text_width + $padding * 1.6) / 2 + ' ' + (($text_height + $padding) / $vert_height_divider) + ')');
$that.find('.front-3d ').css('transform-origin', '50% 50% -' + ($text_height + $padding) / 2 + 'px');
$that.find('.back-3d').css('transform-origin', '50% 50% -' + ($text_height + $padding) / 2 + 'px');
* Nectar Button custom coloring
* @since 3.0
function coloredButtons() {
$('.nectar-button.see-through[data-color-override], .nectar-button.see-through-2[data-color-override], .nectar-button.see-through-3[data-color-override]').each(function () {
var $usingMaterialSkin = ($('body.material[data-button-style^="rounded"]').length > 0) ? true : false;
$(this).css('visibility', 'visible');
if ($(this).hasClass('see-through-3') && $(this).attr('data-color-override') == 'false') {
return true;
var $color;
var $that;
if ($(this).attr('data-color-override') != 'false') {
$color = $(this).attr('data-color-override');
} else {
if ($(this).parents('.dark').length > 0) {
$color = '#000000';
} else {
$color = '#ffffff';
if (!$(this).hasClass('see-through-3')) {
$(this).css('color', $color);
$(this).find('i').css('color', $color);
var colorInt = parseInt($color.substring(1), 16);
var $hoverColor = ($(this).has('[data-hover-color-override]')) ? $(this).attr('data-hover-color-override') : 'no-override';
var $hoverTextColor = ($(this).has('[data-hover-text-color-override]')) ? $(this).attr('data-hover-text-color-override') : '#fff';
var R = (colorInt & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
var G = (colorInt & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
var B = (colorInt & 0x0000FF) >> 0;
var $opacityStr = ($(this).hasClass('see-through-3')) ? '1' : '0.75';
$(this).css('border-color', 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',' + $opacityStr + ')');
// Material theme skin buttons w/ icons starting
if ($usingMaterialSkin) {
'background-color': 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',1)',
'box-shadow': '0px 8px 15px rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',0.24)'
if ($(this).hasClass('see-through')) {
$that = $(this);
$(this).on('mouseenter touchstart', function () {
$that.css('border-color', 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',1)');
$(this).on('mouseleave touchtouchend', function () {
$that.css('border-color', 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',1)');
$opacityStr = ($(this).hasClass('see-through-3')) ? '1' : '0.75';
$that.css('border-color', 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',' + $opacityStr + ')');
} else {
$(this).find('i').css('color', $hoverTextColor);
if ($hoverColor != 'no-override') {
$that = $(this);
$(this).on('mouseenter touchstart', function () {
'border-color': $hoverColor,
'background-color': $hoverColor,
'color': $hoverTextColor
// Material buttons w/ icons over
if ($usingMaterialSkin) {
'background-color': '',
'box-shadow': ''
$(this).on('mouseleave touchtouchend', function () {
$opacityStr = ($(this).hasClass('see-through-3')) ? '1' : '0.75';
if ($usingMaterialSkin) {
'background-color': 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',1)',
'box-shadow': '0px 8px 15px rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',0.24)'
if (!$that.hasClass('see-through-3')) {
'border-color': 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',' + $opacityStr + ')',
'background-color': 'transparent',
'color': $color
} else {
'border-color': 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',' + $opacityStr + ')',
'background-color': 'transparent'
} else {
$that = $(this);
$(this).on('mouseenter touchstart', function () {
'border-color': $hoverColor,
'color': $hoverTextColor
$(this).on('mouseleave touchtouchend', function () {
$opacityStr = ($that.hasClass('see-through-3')) ? '1' : '0.75';
'border-color': 'rgba(' + R + ',' + G + ',' + B + ',' + $opacityStr + ')',
'color': $hoverTextColor
$('.nectar-button:not(.see-through):not(.see-through-2):not(.see-through-3)[data-color-override]').each(function () {
$(this).css('visibility', 'visible');
if ($(this).attr('data-color-override') != 'false') {
var $color = $(this).attr('data-color-override');
.css('background-color', $color);
// Solid color tilt
if ($('.swiper-slide .solid_color_2').length > 0 || $('.tilt-button-inner').length > 0) {
var $tiltButtonCssString = '';
var $color;
$('.swiper-slide .solid_color_2 a').each(function (i) {
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
if ($(this).attr('data-color-override') != 'false') {
$color = $(this).attr('data-color-override');
} else {
if ($(this).parents('.dark').length > 0) {
$color = '#000000';
else {
$color = '#ffffff';
$(this).css('color', $color);
$(this).find('i').css('color', $color);
var $currentColor = $(this).css('background-color'),
$topColor = shadeColor($currentColor, 0.13),
$bottomColor = shadeColor($currentColor, -0.15);
$tiltButtonCssString += '.swiper-slide .solid_color_2 a.instance-' + i + ':after { background-color: ' + $topColor + '; }' + ' .swiper-slide .solid_color_2 a.instance-' + i + ':before { background-color: ' + $bottomColor + '; } ';
$('.tilt-button-wrap a').each(function (i) {
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
var $currentColor = $(this).css('background-color');
var $color;
if ($(this).attr('data-color-override') != 'false') {
$color = $(this).attr('data-color-override');
$(this).css('background-color', $color);
$currentColor = $color;
var $topColor = shadeColor($currentColor, 0.13),
$bottomColor = shadeColor($currentColor, -0.15);
$tiltButtonCssString += '.tilt-button-wrap a.instance-' + i + ':after { background-color: ' + $topColor + '; }' + ' .tilt-button-wrap a.instance-' + i + ':before { background-color: ' + $bottomColor + '; } ';
// Style
nectarCreateStyle($tiltButtonCssString, 'tilt-button');
// Transparent 3D
if ($('.nectar-3d-transparent-button').length > 0) {
var $3dTransButtonCssString = '';
$('.nectar-3d-transparent-button').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this),
$size = $that.attr('data-size'),
$padding = 0,
v1 = 1.5,
v2 = 1.65,
// Size
if ($size == 'large') {
$padding = 46;
$font_size = 16;
v1 = 1.5;
v2 = 1.7;
} else if ($size == 'medium') {
$padding = 30;
$font_size = 16;
} else if ($size == 'small') {
$padding = 20;
$font_size = 12;
} else if ($size == 'jumbo') {
$padding = 54;
$font_size = 24;
v1 = 1.5;
v2 = 1.68;
} else if ($size == 'extra_jumbo') {
$padding = 100;
$font_size = 64;
v1 = 1.6;
v2 = 1.6;
$that.find('svg text').attr('font-size', $font_size);
var $boundingRect = $(this).find('.back-3d .button-text')[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
$text_width = $boundingRect.width,
$text_height = $font_size * 1.5;
'width': ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + 'px',
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
$that.find('> a').css({
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
$that.find('.back-3d svg, .front-3d svg').css({
'width': ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + 'px',
'height': ($text_height + $padding) + 'px'
}).attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + ($text_width + $padding * 1.5) + ' ' + ($text_height + $padding));
$that.find('svg text').attr('transform', 'matrix(1 0 0 1 ' + ($text_width + $padding * v1) / 2 + ' ' + (($text_height + $padding) / v2) + ')');
$that.find('.front-3d, .back-3d').css('transform-origin', '50% 50% -' + ($text_height + $padding) / 2 + 'px');
// Mask
$(this).find('.front-3d svg > rect').attr('id', 'masked-rect-id-' + i);
$(this).find('.front-3d defs mask').attr('id', 'button-text-mask-' + i);
$that.css('visibility', 'visible');
$3dTransButtonCssString += '#masked-rect-id-' + i + ' { mask: url(#button-text-mask-' + i + '); -webkit-mask: url(#button-text-mask-' + i + ')} ';
// Extra jumbo resize
$window.on('smartresize', createExtraJumboSize);
// Style
nectarCreateStyle($3dTransButtonCssString, 'nectar-td-button');
// Gradient btn init
setTimeout(function () {
$('.nectar-button[class*="color-gradient"] .start').removeClass('loading');
}, 150);
// No grad for ff
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./)) {
$('.nectar-button[class*="color-gradient"] .start').addClass('no-text-grad');
* Shortcode icon large style
* @since 1.0
function largeIconHover() {
$('.icon-3x').each(function () {
$(this).closest('.col').on('mouseenter', function () {
$(this).closest('.col').on('mouseleave', function () {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./)) {
$('[class^="icon-"][class*="color-gradient"], .nectar_icon_wrap[data-color*="extra-color-gradient"] .nectar_icon, .nectar-gradient-text').addClass('no-grad');
* Team member element - fullscreen style.
* @since 7.0
function teamMemberFullscreen() {
if ( $('.team-member').length === 0 ) {
// Open click event
$body.on('click', '.team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen"], .team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen_alt"]', function () {
if ($('.nectar_team_member_overlay').length > 0) {
var $usingBoxedClass = ($('body > #boxed').length > 0) ? 'in-boxed' : '',
$teamMemberMeta = $(this).find('.nectar_team_bio').html(),
$teamMemberTitle = ($(this).is('[data-style="bio_fullscreen_alt"]')) ? $(this).find('.team-meta h5').text() : $(this).find('.team-meta p').text(),
$teamMemberImg = ($(this).find('.nectar_team_bio_img[data-img-src]').length > 0) ? $(this).find('.nectar_team_bio_img').attr('data-img-src') : '',
$teamMemberStyle = ($(this).is('[data-style="bio_fullscreen_alt"]')) ? 'bio-fullscreen-alt' : 'bio-fullscreen',
$teamName = '';
if($(this).is('[data-style="bio_fullscreen_alt"]')) {
$teamName = '
' + $teamMemberTitle + '
' + $(this).find('.team-meta h3').text() + '
} else {
$teamName = '
' + $(this).find('.team-meta h3').text() + '
' + $teamMemberTitle + '
'+ $teamName +'
' + wlEls($teamMemberMeta) + '
if ($teamMemberImg.length > 0) {
// Fade in img on load
var teamTmpImg = new Image();
teamTmpImg.src = $teamMemberImg;
teamTmpImg.onload = function () {
$('.nectar_team_member_overlay .team_member_image').css('opacity', '1');
$('.nectar_team_member_overlay .team_member_image').css({
'background-image': 'url("' + $teamMemberImg + '")'
var $headerNavSpace = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? 0 : $headerOuterEl.height();
$('.nectar_team_member_overlay .inner-wrap').css({
'padding-top': $headerNavSpace
// No-scroll class - ios ready
if ($('.using-mobile-browser').length > 0) {
// Transition in
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
if ($('.team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
// Close click event
$body.on('click', '.nectar_team_member_overlay', function () {
if (!$(this).hasClass('animating')) {
if ($('.using-mobile-browser').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('.nectar_team_member_overlay, .nectar_team_member_close').remove();
}, 820);
if ($('.team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen"]').length > 0 || $('.team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen_alt"]').length > 0) {
$window.on('resize', teamFullscreenResize);
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
var closeIndicator = new NectarIconMouseFollow('','close-indicator');
* Team member element fullscreen resize event.
* @since 7.0
function teamFullscreenResize() {
var $leftHeaderSize = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? 275 : 0;
'width': $window.width() - $leftHeaderSize,
'left': $leftHeaderSize
* WPBakery column element BG hover
* @since 5.0
function columnBGColors() {
var $columnColorCSS = '';
$('.wpb_column').each(function (i) {
$(this).removeClass(function (index, className) {
return (className.match(/(^|\s)instance-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
if( $(this).attr('data-has-bg-color') == 'true' || $(this).is('[data-hover-bg^="#"]') ) {
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
var $innerSelector = ( $(this).find('> .vc_column-inner > .column-bg-overlay-wrap').length > 0 || $(this).find('> .vc_column-inner > .column-bg-overlay').length > 0 ) ? ' > .vc_column-inner ' : '';
var $innerWrapSelector = ( $(this).find($innerSelector + ' > .column-bg-overlay-wrap').length > 0 ) ? '> .column-bg-overlay-wrap ' : '';
// BG color
if ($(this).attr('data-has-bg-color') == 'true') {
$columnColorCSS += '.wpb_column.instance-' + i + $innerSelector + $innerWrapSelector + ' > .column-bg-overlay { background-color:' + $(this).attr('data-bg-color') + '; opacity: ' + $(this).attr('data-bg-opacity') + '; }';
// Hover bg color
if ($(this).is('[data-hover-bg^="#"]')) {
$columnColorCSS += '.wpb_column.instance-' + i + ':hover ' + $innerSelector + $innerWrapSelector + ' > .column-bg-overlay { background-color: ' + $(this).attr('data-hover-bg') + '!important; opacity: ' + $(this).attr('data-hover-bg-opacity') + '!important; }';
// Style
nectarCreateStyle($columnColorCSS, 'column-bg-colors');
* Displace filter column/row BG effect
* @since 10.5
function nectarLiquidBGs() {
$liquidBG_EL = [];
if (typeof NectarLiquid == 'undefined' || nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
$('.row-bg-wrap[data-bg-animation*="displace-filter"] .row-bg.using-image, .column-image-bg-wrap[data-bg-animation*="displace-filter"] .column-image-bg').each(function (i) {
var $that_el = $(this);
var $type;
var $el_type;
if ($(this).is('.row-bg')) {
$type = $(this).parents('.row-bg-wrap').attr('data-bg-animation');
$el_type = 'row';
else if ($(this).is('.column-image-bg')) {
$type = $(this).parents('.column-image-bg-wrap').attr('data-bg-animation');
$el_type = 'col';
$liquidBG_EL[i] = new NectarLiquid($that_el, $type, $el_type);
* Morphing outline element creation.
* @since 5.0
function morphingOutlines() {
if ($('.morphing-outline').length > 0) {
var $morphingOutlineCSS = '',
$frontEndEditorMOSelector = ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) ? '' : '>';
$('.morphing-outline').each(function (i) {
$(this).removeClass(function (index, className) {
return (className.match(/(^|\s)instance-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i).css({
'visibility': 'visible'
var $width = $(this).find('.inner').width(),
$height = $(this).find('.inner').height(),
$border = parseInt($(this).attr("data-border-thickness")),
$hover = ($('body[data-button-style*="rounded"]').length > 0) ? ':hover' : '',
$hover2 = ($('body[data-button-style*="rounded"]').length > 0) ? '' : ':hover';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner > * { color: ' + $(this).attr("data-starting-color") + '; } ';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { border-width:' + $(this).attr("data-border-thickness") + 'px ; border-color: ' + $(this).attr("data-starting-color") + '; } ';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column:hover > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner > *, body .wpb_column:hover > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner > * { color: ' + $(this).attr("data-hover-color") + '; } ';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column:hover > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column:hover > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { border-color: ' + $(this).attr("data-hover-color") + '; } ';
// Padding calcs
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column' + $hover2 + ' > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column' + $hover2 + ' > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { padding: ' + (($width + 100 + $border * 2 - $height) / 2 - $border) + 'px 50px}';
$morphingOutlineCSS += '.morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' { padding: ' + (30 + ($width + 80 + $border * 2 - $height) / 2 - $border) + 'px 50px}';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column' + $hover2 + ' > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column' + $hover2 + ' > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { top: -' + parseInt((($width + 100 + $border * 2 - $height) / 2 - $border) + $border) + 'px }';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { left: -' + parseInt(50 + $border) + 'px }';
// Hover
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column' + $hover + ' > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column' + $hover + ' > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { padding: 50px 50px}';
$morphingOutlineCSS += 'body .wpb_column' + $hover + ' > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after, body .wpb_column' + $hover + ' > .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper ' + $frontEndEditorMOSelector + ' .morphing-outline.instance-' + i + ' .inner:after { top: -' + parseInt(50 + $border) + 'px }';
// Style
nectarCreateStyle($morphingOutlineCSS, 'morphing-outlines');
* Morphing outline element initialization.
* @since 5.0
function morphingOutlinesInit() {
if($('.morphing-outline').length > 0) {
// Create style.
setTimeout(morphingOutlines, 100);
setTimeout(fullWidthContentColumns, 125);
// Handle resize.
$window.on('smartresize', morphingOutlines);
* SVG icon element animations
* @since 6.0
* @see waypoints
function svgAnimations() {
var $svgOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
if ($svgIcons.length == 0) {
$('.svg-icon-holder:not(.animated-in)').has('svg').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
if (bypassAnimations) {
$that.attr('data-animation', 'false');
// Size
'height': parseInt($that.attr('data-size')) + 'px',
'width': parseInt($that.attr('data-size')) + 'px'
// Animation
$(this).find('svg').attr('id', 'nectar-svg-animation-instance-' + i);
var $animationSpeed = ($that.is('[data-animation-speed]') && $that.attr('data-animation-speed').length > 0) ? $that.attr('data-animation-speed') : 200;
if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'false') {
$animationSpeed = 1;
$that.css('opacity', '1');
if (!$that.hasClass('bound')) {
$svgIcons[i] = new Vivus($that.find('svg').attr('id'), {
type: 'delayed',
pathTimingFunction: Vivus.EASE_OUT,
animTimingFunction: Vivus.LINEAR,
duration: $animationSpeed,
onReady: svgInit
if ($animationSpeed !== 1) {
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
offset: $svgOffsetPos
} else {
function checkIfReady() {
var $animationDelay = 0;
if($that.is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$that.attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$that.attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $that.attr('data-animation-delay');
var $iconID = $that.find('svg').attr('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if ($svgIcons[$iconID].isReady == true) {
setTimeout(function () {
$that.css('opacity', '1');
}, $animationDelay);
} else {
setTimeout(checkIfReady, 50);
function svgInit() {
//set size
'height': parseInt($that.attr('data-size')) + 'px',
'width': parseInt($that.attr('data-size')) + 'px'
// SVG in equal height column resize
if ($('.vc_row-o-equal-height .svg-icon-holder[data-animation="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
$window.on('smartresize', function () {
$svgResizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
if ($svgIcons.length > 0) {
$('.svg-icon-holder.animated-in').each(function () {
$(this).css('opacity', '1');
if ($(this).is('[id]')) {
var $iconID = $(this).attr('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
}, 300);
// After svg animated icons initalized
else {
$('.svg-icon-holder').addClass('animated-in').css('opacity', '1');
// Full vc row support
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows .svg-icon-holder.animated-in').has('svg').each(function (i) {
var $animationDelay = 0;
if($(this).is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$(this).attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$(this).attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $(this).attr('data-animation-delay');
var $that = $(this);
var $iconID = $that.find('svg').attr('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'false') {
$that.css('opacity', '1');
} else {
if ($(this).parents('.active').length > 0 ||
$(this).parents('#footer-outer').length > 0 ||
$('body.mobile').length > 0) {
$animatedSVGIconTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
}, $animationDelay);
} else {
* Fancy unordered list element initialization.
* @since 4.0
* @see waypoints
function nectarFancyUlInit() {
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-fancy-ul').each(function () {
var $animation = $(this).attr('data-animation'),
$animationDelay = 0;
if($(this).is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$(this).attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$(this).attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $(this).attr('data-animation-delay');
if ($animation == 'true') {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
setTimeout(function () {
$that.find('li').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
$that.delay(i * 220).transition({
'opacity': '1',
'left': '0'
}, 220, 'easeOutCubic');
}, $animationDelay);
offset: 'bottom-in-view'
* Fancy unordered list element icons.
* @since 11.0
function nectarFancyUlIcons() {
$('.nectar-fancy-ul:not([data-list-icon="dot"]):not([data-list-icon="none"])').each(function () {
var $icon = $(this).attr('data-list-icon'),
$color = $(this).attr('data-color');
$(this).find('li').each(function () {
$(this).find('> i').remove();
* Flipbox element height calculations.
* @since 7.0
function flipBoxHeights() {
$('.nectar-flip-box').each(function () {
var $flipBoxMinHeight = parseInt($(this).attr('data-min-height')),
$flipBoxHeight = $(this).find('.flip-box-front .inner').height();
if ($(this).find('.flip-box-back .inner').height() > $(this).find('.flip-box-front .inner').height()) {
$flipBoxHeight = $(this).find('.flip-box-back .inner').height();
if ($flipBoxHeight >= $flipBoxMinHeight - 80) {
$(this).find('> div').css('height', $flipBoxHeight + 80);
} else {
$(this).find('> div').css('height', 'auto');
// Safari needs 3D translate.
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('wpb_wrapper')) {
$(this).parent().css('transform', 'translateZ(0)');
* Flipbox element events.
* @since 7.0
function flipBoxInit() {
if( $('.nectar-flip-box').length > 0 ) {
// Mobile gets click.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$body.on('click', '.nectar-flip-box', function () {
// Handle resize.
$window.on('smartresize', flipBoxHeights);
* Runs before other full width section calculations.
* @since 4.0
function fullWidthSectionsPreInit() {
// Nectar Slider force full width parent row when using full width element option.
$('.wpb_row .vc_col-sm-12 .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row.full-width-section').length == 0 && $(this).parents('.wpb_row.full-width-content').length == 0) {
// Handle percent row padding values when using the boxed theme option.
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('body[data-boxed-style="1"]').length > 0 && $('#boxed').length > 0 ) {
* Full width calculations for legacy items.
* @since 4.0
function fullWidthSections() {
var $windowInnerWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW,
$bodyBorderWidth = ($('.body-border-right').length > 0 && $windowInnerWidth > 1000) ? parseInt($('.body-border-right').width()) * 2 : 0,
$container_width = ($('.container-wrap').length > 0) ? parseInt($('.container-wrap').outerWidth()) : $window.width(),
$extended_padding = ($('body[data-ext-padding]').length > 0) ? parseInt($('body').attr('data-ext-padding'))*2 : 180;
var $windowWidth,
if ($('#boxed').length == 1) {
$justOutOfSight = ((parseInt($('.container-wrap').width()) - parseInt($('.main-content').width())) / 2) + 4;
} else {
// Ext responsive mode is on - add the extra padding into the calcs
var $extResponsivePadding = ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && $windowInnerWidth >= 1000) ? $extended_padding : 0;
if ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth <= parseInt($('.main-content').css('max-width'))) {
$windowWidth = parseInt($('.main-content').css('max-width'));
} else {
$windowWidth = $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth;
var $contentWidth = parseInt($('.main-content').css('max-width'));
// Single post fullwidth
if ($('body.single-post[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap.no-sidebar').length > 0) {
$contentWidth = $('.post-area').width();
$extResponsivePadding = 0;
$justOutOfSight = Math.ceil((($windowWidth + $extResponsivePadding - $contentWidth) / 2));
$('.carousel-outer').has('.carousel-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').css('overflow', 'visible');
$('.carousel-wrap[data-full-width="true"], .portfolio-items[data-col-num="elastic"]:not(.fullwidth-constrained), #boxed .full-width-content').each(function () {
var $leftHeaderSize = ($('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $windowInnerWidth >= 1000) ? parseInt($('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"]').width()) : 0;
var $bodyBorderWidth = ($('.body-border-right').length > 0 && $windowInnerWidth > 1000) ? (parseInt($('.body-border-right').width()) * 2) - 2 : 0;
// Single post fullwidth.
if ($('#boxed').length == 1) {
$mainContentWidth = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) ? parseInt($('.main-content').width()) : parseInt($(this).parents('.container').width());
if ($('body.single-post[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap.no-sidebar').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.post-area').length > 0) {
$contentWidth = $('.post-area').width();
$extResponsivePadding = 0;
$windowWidth = $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth;
$justOutOfSight = Math.ceil((($windowWidth + $extResponsivePadding - $contentWidth) / 2));
} else {
if ($(this).parents('.page-submenu').length > 0) {
$justOutOfSight = ((parseInt($('.container-wrap').width()) - $mainContentWidth) / 2);
else {
$justOutOfSight = ((parseInt($('.container-wrap').width()) - $mainContentWidth) / 2) + 4;
} else {
if ($('body.single-post[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap.no-sidebar').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.post-area').length > 0) {
$contentWidth = $('.post-area').width();
$extResponsivePadding = 0;
$windowWidth = $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth;
} else {
var $mainContentMaxWidth = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) ? parseInt($('.main-content').css('max-width')) : parseInt($(this).parents('.container').css('max-width'));
if ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth <= $mainContentMaxWidth) {
$windowWidth = $mainContentMaxWidth;
$contentWidth = $mainContentMaxWidth;
$extResponsivePadding = ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000) ? $extended_padding : 0;
if ($leftHeaderSize > 0) {
$extResponsivePadding = ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000) ? 120 : 0;
$justOutOfSight = Math.ceil((($windowWidth + $extResponsivePadding - $contentWidth) / 2));
var $extraSpace = 0;
if ($(this).hasClass('carousel-wrap')) {
$extraSpace = 1;
if ($(this).hasClass('portfolio-items')) {
$extraSpace = 5;
var $carouselWidth = ($('#boxed').length == 1) ? $mainContentWidth + parseInt($justOutOfSight * 2) : $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth + $extraSpace;
// When using gutter on portfolio don't add extra space
if ($('#boxed').length == 0 && $(this).hasClass('portfolio-items') && $(this).is('[data-gutter*="px"]') && $(this).attr('data-gutter').length > 0 && $(this).attr('data-gutter') != 'none') {
if ($container_width > 1000) {
$carouselWidth = $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth + 3;
else {
$carouselWidth = $container_width - $bodyBorderWidth;
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('default-style')) {
$mainContentWidth = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) ? parseInt($('.main-content').width()) : parseInt($(this).parents('.container').width());
if ($('#boxed').length != 0) {
$carouselWidth = ($('#boxed').length == 1) ? $mainContentWidth + parseInt($justOutOfSight * 2) : $container_width + $extraSpace;
} else {
$carouselWidth = ($('#boxed').length == 1) ? $mainContentWidth + parseInt($justOutOfSight * 2) : ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) - (($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) * 0.025) + $extraSpace;
$windowWidth = ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth <= $mainContentWidth) ? $mainContentWidth : ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) - (($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) * 0.025);
$justOutOfSight = Math.ceil((($windowWidth - $mainContentWidth) / 2));
else if ($(this).parent().hasClass('spaced')) {
$mainContentWidth = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) ? parseInt($('.main-content').width()) : parseInt($(this).parents('.container').width());
if ($('#boxed').length != 0) {
$carouselWidth = ($('#boxed').length == 1) ? $mainContentWidth + parseInt($justOutOfSight * 2) - ($container_width * 0.02) : $container_width + $extraSpace;
} else {
$carouselWidth = ($('#boxed').length == 1) ? $mainContentWidth + parseInt($justOutOfSight * 2) : ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) - Math.ceil(($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) * 0.02) + $extraSpace;
var $windowWidth2 = ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth <= $mainContentWidth) ? $mainContentWidth : ($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) - (($container_width - $bodyBorderWidth) * 0.02);
$justOutOfSight = Math.ceil((($windowWidth2 - $mainContentWidth) / 2) + 2);
// Make sure the element/row is capable of going full width.
if (!$(this).parents('.span_9').length > 0 &&
!$(this).parent().hasClass('span_3') &&
$(this).parent().attr('id') != 'sidebar-inner' &&
!$(this).find('.nectar-carousel-flickity-fixed-content').length > 0 &&
$(this).parent().attr('id') != 'portfolio-extra' ) {
// Escape if inside woocoommerce page and not using applicable layout
if ($('.single-product').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('#tab-description').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.full-width-tabs').length == 0) {
'visibility': 'visible'
} else {
// Portfolio.
if ($(this).hasClass('portfolio-items')) {
if( $(this).parents('.full-width-content').length == 0 ) {
'margin-left': -$justOutOfSight,
'left': 0,
'width': $carouselWidth,
'visibility': 'visible'
} else {
// Fullscreen page rows left.
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0 && $(this).hasClass('wpb_row')) {
'margin-left': -$justOutOfSight,
'width': $carouselWidth,
'visibility': 'visible'
} else {
// Regular rows.
if( $(this).parents('.full-width-content').length == 0 ) {
'left': 0,
'margin-left': -$justOutOfSight,
'width': $carouselWidth,
'visibility': 'visible'
else if ($(this).parent().attr('id') == 'portfolio-extra' && $('#full_width_portfolio').length != 0) {
if( !$(this).find('.nectar-carousel-flickity-fixed-content').length > 0 ) {
'left': 0,
'margin-left': -$justOutOfSight,
'width': $carouselWidth,
'visibility': 'visible'
} else {
'margin-left': 0,
'width': 'auto',
'left': '0',
'visibility': 'visible'
* First full width row on page
* @since 4.0
function firstFWSection() {
$('.full-width-section.wpb_row, .full-width-content.wpb_row').each(function () {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('span_9') &&
!$(this).parent().hasClass('span_3') &&
$(this).parent().attr('id') != 'sidebar-inner') {
if ($(this).parents('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 && $('#full_width_portfolio').length == 0) {
return false;
if ($(this).index() == '0' &&
$pageHeaderBG.length == 0 &&
$('.page-header-no-bg').length == 0 &&
$('.project-title').length == 0 &&
$('body.single').length == 0 &&
$('.project-title').length == 0) {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
* Parallax Scrolling
* @since 13.0
function NectarParallaxScroll(el, parallaxElClass, speed, type) {
this.$el = el;
this.$parallaxEl = this.$el.find(parallaxElClass);
this.firstSection = false;
this.type = type;
this.speed = speed;
this.storedWinH = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.setup = function() {
var that = this;
// Page Header.
if( this.$el.parents('#page-header-bg').length > 0 ) {
this.type = 'page-header';
// Is the element in the first row on the page?
if(this.$el.parents('.top-level').length > 0 && this.$el.parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 ||
this.$el.parents('.top-level').length > 0 && this.$el.hasClass('nectar-simple-slider') ||
this.$el.parents('.top-level').length > 0 && this.$el.hasClass('nectar-recent-posts-single_featured') ||
this.$el.parents('.top-level').length > 0 && this.$el.hasClass('column-image-bg-wrap') && this.$el.parent().parent().is('.vc_col-sm-12:not(.child_column)') ||
this.$el.is('.wpb_row.top-level') ||
this.type == 'page-header' ||
$('.wpb_row').length == 0) {
this.firstSection = true;
//// Nectar Slider.
if($('.wpb_row').length == 0 &&
this.$el.parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
this.$el.is('[data-full-width="true"]') ||
($('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 &&
this.$el.parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
this.$el.parents('.wpb_row').length > 0 &&
this.$el.parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0')) {
this.firstSection = true;
//// Disable first section calcs when using FE editor.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor && this.type != 'page-header') {
this.firstSection = false;
// Init class.
// Need to periodically check height/offset.
setInterval(function() {
if( nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen != true ) {
that.offsetTop = that.$el.offset().top;
that.height = that.$el.outerHeight(true);
}, 800);
// Bind events.
$(window).on('resize load', this.resize.bind(this));
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this.orientationChange.bind(this));
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.checkColumnAnimation = function() {
if( this.$parallaxEl.parents('.col.has-animation.triggered-animation:not(.animated-in)').length > 0 ) {
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.realtimeOffsetUpdate = function() {
// Triggered when a column animation is active.
var that = this;
var realTimeOffset = setInterval(function() {
if( nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen != true ) {
that.offsetTop = that.$el.offset().top;
that.height = that.$el.outerHeight(true);
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.resize = function() {
this.offsetTop = this.$el.offset().top;
this.height = this.$el.outerHeight(true);
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
this.storedWinH = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.orientationChange = function() {
if( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
this.offsetTop = this.$el.offset().top;
this.height = this.$el.outerHeight(true);
this.storedWinH = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
NectarParallaxScroll.prototype.update = function() {
// Outside of viewport.
if(this.offsetTop + this.height < nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop ||
this.offsetTop > nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + nectarDOMInfo.winH ||
nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen == true) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.$parallaxEl.length; i++) {
this.$parallaxEl[i].style.willChange = 'auto';
for(var i = 0; i < this.$parallaxEl.length; i++) {
if( this.firstSection === true ) {
this.$parallaxEl[i].style.transform = 'translate3d(0, ' + parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop * this.speed) + 'px, 0)';
else {
this.$parallaxEl[i].style.transform = 'translate3d(0, ' + parseInt(((this.storedWinH + nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop - this.offsetTop) * this.speed)) + 'px, 0) scale(1.005)';
this.$parallaxEl[i].style.willChange = 'transform';
* Parallax scroll speed helper.
* @since 4.0
function parallaxSrollSpeed(speedString) {
var speed;
switch (speedString) {
case 'slow':
speed = 0.6;
case 'medium':
speed = 0.4;
case 'medium_fast':
speed = 0.28;
case 'fast':
speed = 0.20;
case 'very_subtle':
speed = 0.12;
return speed;
* Parallax scroll initialization.
* @since 4.0
function parallaxScrollInit() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('body[data-remove-m-parallax="1"]').length > 0) {
var parallaxItemCount = 0;
$('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured, [data-n-parallax-bg="true"], .wpb_row.parallax_section, #page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"] .page-header-bg-image-wrap, #page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"] .nectar-video-wrap, .parallax_slider_outer .nectar-slider-wrap').each(function() {
// Generic.
if( $(this).is('[data-n-parallax-bg][data-parallax-speed]') ) {
parallaxItemsArr[parallaxItemCount] = new NectarParallaxScroll($(this), '.parallax-layer', parallaxSrollSpeed($(this).attr('data-parallax-speed')), 'regular');
else {
if ( $(this).find('[data-parallax-speed="fixed"]').length == 0) {
// Slider.
if ( $(this).hasClass('nectar-slider-wrap') ) {
parallaxItemsArr[parallaxItemCount] = new NectarParallaxScroll($(this), '.video-wrap, .image-bg', 0.25, 'nectar-slider');
// Page Header.
else if( $(this).hasClass('page-header-bg-image-wrap') ) {
parallaxItemsArr[parallaxItemCount] = new NectarParallaxScroll($(this), '.page-header-bg-image', 0.25, 'page-header');
else if( $(this).hasClass('nectar-video-wrap') && $(this).parents('#page-header-bg').length > 0 ) {
parallaxItemsArr[parallaxItemCount] = new NectarParallaxScroll($(this), '.nectar-video-bg', 0.25, 'page-header');
// All Others.
else {
parallaxItemsArr[parallaxItemCount] = new NectarParallaxScroll($(this), '.row-bg.using-image', parallaxSrollSpeed($(this).find('.row-bg').attr('data-parallax-speed')), 'regular');
$('.woocommerce-tabs .wc-tabs li').on('click', function(){
* Parallax row background height calculations.
* @since 6.0
function parallaxRowsBGCals() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('body[data-remove-m-parallax="1"]').length > 0) {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured, [data-n-parallax-bg="true"], .wpb_row.parallax_section, #page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"] .page-header-bg-image-wrap, .parallax_slider_outer .nectar-slider-wrap .slide-bg-wrap').each(function () {
var $non_page_builder_slider;
if( $(this).parents('.wpb_tab:not(.visible-tab)').length > 0 || $(this).parents('.wc-tab').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.wc-tab').css('display') !== 'block' ) {
return true;
if ($(this).find('.row-bg').length == 0 &&
$(this).find('.page-header-bg-image').length > 0 ) {
//skip processing.
else if ($(this).find('.row-bg').length == 0 &&
$(this).find('.image-bg').length > 0) {
$non_page_builder_slider = false;
// First nectar slider shortcode without page builder
if ($('.wpb_row').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').index() == '1') {
$non_page_builder_slider = true;
// Portfolio first
if ($('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0') {
$non_page_builder_slider = true;
// Set heights.
if ($(this).parents('.top-level').length > 0 && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor ||
$non_page_builder_slider && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
'height': Math.ceil($(this).parent().offset().top * 0.25) + $(this).outerHeight(true)
} else {
'height': Math.ceil($window.height() * 0.25) + $(this).outerHeight(true)
// Video backgrounds.
else if ($(this).find('.row-bg').length == 0 && $(this).find('.video-wrap').length > 0) {
$non_page_builder_slider = false;
// First nectar slider shortcode without page builder
if ($('.wpb_row').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').index() == '1') {
$non_page_builder_slider = true;
// Portfolio first
if ($('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0 &&
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0') {
$non_page_builder_slider = true;
// Set heights.
if ($(this).parents('.top-level').length > 0 && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor ||
$non_page_builder_slider && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
'height': Math.ceil($(this).parent().offset().top * 0.25) + $(this).outerHeight(true)
else {
'height': Math.ceil($window.height() * 0.25) + $(this).outerHeight(true)
var vid = $(this).find('.video-wrap video'),
vid_w_orig = 1280,
vid_h_orig = 720;
// Get the parent element size
var container_w = vid.parent().width(),
container_h = vid.parent().height(),
scale_w = container_w / vid_w_orig,
scale_h = container_h / vid_h_orig;
var scale = scale_w > scale_h ? scale_w : scale_h;
// Scale the video.
vid.width(scale * vid_w_orig);
vid.height(scale * vid_h_orig);
} else {
// Top Level Special elements, Recent posts/ Simple Slider.
if ($(this).is('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured') &&
$(this).parents('.top-level').length > 0 &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
//skip processing.
else if ($(this).is('.nectar-simple-slider') &&
$(this).parents('.top-level').length > 0 &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
//skip processing.
else if($(this).is('.column-image-bg-wrap') &&
$(this).parents('.top-level').length > 0 &&
$(this).parent().parent().is('.vc_col-sm-12:not(.child_column)')) {
//skip processing.
// Regular.
else if (!$(this).hasClass('top-level') || nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor || $(this).find('.parallax-layer').length > 0) {
var classSelector = '.row-bg';
var parallaxSpeed = $(this).find('.row-bg').attr('data-parallax-speed');
if( $(this).find('.parallax-layer').length > 0 ) {
classSelector = '.parallax-layer';
parallaxSpeed = $(this).attr('data-parallax-speed');
var $ifFast = ($(this).find(classSelector + '[data-parallax-speed="fast"]').length > 0) ? 60 : 0;
'height': Math.ceil($window.height() * parallaxSrollSpeed(parallaxSpeed) ) + $(this).outerHeight(true) + $ifFast
* Class names added for specific full width section rows at top
* @since 3.0
function fwsClasses() {
$('.wpb_wrapper > .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').each(function () {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('span_9') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('span_3') && $(this).parent().attr('id') != 'sidebar-inner') {
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0') {
var $contentElementsNum = ($('#portfolio-extra').length == 0) ? $('.main-content > .row > *').length : $('.main-content > .row #portfolio-extra > *').length;
if ($('#portfolio-extra').length == 0) {
$contentElementsNum = ($('.main-content > .row > .wpb_row').length > 0) ? $('.main-content > .row > .wpb_row').length : $('.main-content > .row > *').length;
} else {
$contentElementsNum = $('.main-content > .row #portfolio-extra > *').length;
$('.container-wrap .full-width-section, .container-wrap .full-width-content:not(.page-submenu .full-width-content):not(.blog-fullwidth-wrap), .row > .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"], .wpb_wrapper > .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"], .portfolio-items[data-col-num="elastic"]').each(function () {
if( $(this).parents('.nectar-global-section.before-footer').length > 0 ) {
return true;
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('span_9') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('span_3') && $(this).parent().attr('id') != 'sidebar-inner') {
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').length > 0) {
if ($(this).parents('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 &&
$('#full_width_portfolio').length == 0) {
return false;
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length != 0) {
//skip processing.
else if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0' &&
$pageHeaderBG.length == 0 && $('.page-header-no-bg').length == 0 &&
$('.project-title').length == 0 && $(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == '0' &&
$('.project-title').length == 0 && $('body[data-bg-header="true"]').length == 0) {
if ($('.single').length == 0) {
$('.container-wrap').css('padding-top', '0px');
} else {
// Check if it's also last (i.e. the only fws)
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').index() == $contentElementsNum - 1 && $('#respond').length == 0) {
if ($(this).attr('id') != 'portfolio-filters-inline') {
$('.container-wrap').css('padding-bottom', '0px');
$('#call-to-action .triangle').remove();
} else {
if ($(this).parents('#portfolio-extra').length > 0 && $('#full_width_portfolio').length == 0) {
return false;
if ($(this).find('.portfolio-filters-inline').length == 0 && $(this).attr('id') != 'post-area') {
if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length != 0) {
//skip processing.
else if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length == 0 &&
$(this).index() == '0' && $('.page-header-no-bg').length == 0 &&
$(this).index() == '0' && !$(this).hasClass('blog_next_prev_buttons') &&
!$(this).hasClass('nectar-shop-outer') && $(this).parents('.pum-container').length == 0) {
if ($('body[data-header-resize="0"]').length == 1 && $('.single').length == 0 || $('body.material').length > 0 && $('.single').length == 0) {
if (!$('body.blog .blog-fullwidth-wrap > .masonry:not(.meta-overlaid)').length > 0) {
$('.container-wrap').css('padding-top', '0px');
else {
//check if it's also last (i.e. the only fws)
if ($(this).index() == $contentElementsNum - 1 && $('#respond').length == 0 && $('body.woocommerce-checkout').length == 0) {
$('.container-wrap').css('padding-bottom', '0px');
$('.bottom_controls').css('margin-top', '0px');
$('#call-to-action .triangle').remove();
$('#portfolio-extra > .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"], .portfolio-wrap').each(function () {
//check if it's last
if ($(this).index() == $contentElementsNum - 1 && $('#commentform').length == 0 && $('#pagination').length == 0) {
if (parseInt($('.container-wrap').css('padding-bottom')) > 0) {
$(this).css('margin-bottom', '-40px');
$('#call-to-action .triangle').remove();
$('.portfolio-filters').each(function () {
if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length != 0 || $(this).index() == '0') {
$(this).addClass('first-section nder-page-header');
} else if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length == 0 || $(this).index() == '0') {
'margin-top': '0px'
$('.portfolio-filters-inline').each(function () {
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row').length > 0) {
//skip processing.
} else {
if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length != 0 || $(this).index() == '0') {
$(this).addClass('first-section nder-page-header');
} else if ($(this).index() == '0' && $pageHeaderBG.length == 0 || $(this).index() == '0') {
'margin-top': '-30px',
'padding-top': '50px'
* Full width row padding adjust calculations.
* @since 3.0
function fullWidthRowPaddingAdjustCalc() {
if ($('#boxed').length == 0) {
$('.full-width-section[data-top-percent], .full-width-section[data-bottom-percent], .full-width-content[data-top-percent], .full-width-content[data-bottom-percent]').each(function () {
var $windowHeight = $window.width(),
$topPadding = ($(this).attr('data-top-percent')) ? $(this).attr('data-top-percent') : 'skip',
$bottomPadding = ($(this).attr('data-bottom-percent')) ? $(this).attr('data-bottom-percent') : 'skip';
if ($topPadding != 'skip') {
$(this).css('padding-top', $windowHeight * (parseInt($topPadding) / 100));
if ($bottomPadding != 'skip') {
$(this).css('padding-bottom', $windowHeight * (parseInt($bottomPadding) / 100));
* Full width row padding adjust calculations for boxed theme option.
* @since 11.0.4
function fullWidthRowPaddingAdjustCalcBoxed() {
if ($('#boxed').length > 0) {
$('.full-width-section[data-top-percent], .full-width-section[data-bottom-percent], .full-width-content[data-top-percent], .full-width-content[data-bottom-percent]').each(function () {
var $topPadding = ($(this).attr('data-top-percent')) ? $(this).attr('data-top-percent') : 'skip',
$bottomPadding = ($(this).attr('data-bottom-percent')) ? $(this).attr('data-bottom-percent') : 'skip';
if ($topPadding != 'skip') {
$(this).css('padding-top', $topPadding);
if ($bottomPadding != 'skip') {
$(this).css('padding-bottom', $bottomPadding);
* Full width row padding adjust initialization
* @since 10.5
function fullWidthRowPaddingAdjust() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$window.on('resize', fullWidthRowPaddingAdjustCalc);
* Full width content row auto equal height cols.
* @since 4.0
function fullWidthContentColumns() {
var $frontEndEditorElDiv = ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) ? '.vc_element > ' : '';
$('.main-content > .row > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .full-width-content, #portfolio-extra > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .full-width-content, .woocommerce-tabs #tab-description > .full-width-content, .post-area.span_12 article .content-inner > .full-width-content').each(function () {
// Only set the height if more than one column
if ($(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').length > 1) {
var tallestColumn = 0;
var $columnInnerHeight = 0;
var $column_inner_selector;
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').each(function () {
$column_inner_selector = ($(this).find('> .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper').length > 0) ? '.vc_column-inner' : '.column-inner-wrap > .column-inner';
var $padding = ( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) ? parseInt($(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').css('padding-top')) : parseInt($(this).css('padding-top'));
var $frontEndEditorElPadding = ($frontEndEditorElDiv.length > 2 && $(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').length > 0) ? parseInt($(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').css('padding-top')) : 0;
if( $(this).find('> ' + $column_inner_selector + ' > .wpb_wrapper').height() + ($padding * 2) + $frontEndEditorElPadding > tallestColumn ) {
tallestColumn = $(this).find('> ' + $column_inner_selector + ' > .wpb_wrapper').height() + ($padding * 2) + $frontEndEditorElPadding;
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').each(function () {
$column_inner_selector = ($(this).find('> .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper').length > 0) ? '.vc_column-inner' : '.column-inner-wrap > .column-inner';
// Columns with content
if ($(this).find('> ' + $column_inner_selector + ' > .wpb_wrapper > *').length > 0) {
// Added in 7.6 to fix equal height columns
if ($frontEndEditorElDiv.length < 2 && !$(this).parent().parent().hasClass('vc_row-o-equal-height')) {
$(this).css('height', tallestColumn);
if( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
$(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').css('height', tallestColumn);
} else if ($frontEndEditorElDiv.length > 2 && !$(this).parent().parent().parent().hasClass('vc_row-o-equal-height')) {
$(this).css('height', tallestColumn);
if( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
$(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').css('height', tallestColumn);
// Empty columns
else {
if ($(this).is('[data-using-bg="true"]')) {
$(this).css('min-height', tallestColumn);
if( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
$(this).find('> .vc_column-inner').css('min-height', tallestColumn);
if ($(this).is('[data-animation*="reveal"]')) {
.css('min-height', tallestColumn);
// Nested column height
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col .wpb_row .col').css('min-height', '0px');
// Vertically center
if ($(this).hasClass('vertically-align-columns') &&
nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 &&
!$(this).hasClass('vc_row-o-equal-height')) {
// Parent columns
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').each(function () {
$column_inner_selector = ($(this).find('> .vc_column-inner > .wpb_wrapper').length > 0) ? '.vc_column-inner' : '.column-inner-wrap > .column-inner';
$columnInnerHeight = $(this).find('> ' + $column_inner_selector + ' > .wpb_wrapper').height();
var $marginCalc = ($(this).height() / 2) - ($columnInnerHeight / 2);
if ($marginCalc <= 0) {
$marginCalc = 0;
$(this).find('> ' + $column_inner_selector + ' > .wpb_wrapper')
.css('margin-top', $marginCalc)
.css('margin-bottom', $marginCalc);
if( $('body[data-flex-cols="true"]').length == 0 ) {
// Equal height columns in container type with reveal columns
$('.main-content > .row > .wpb_row:not(.full-width-content).vc_row-o-equal-height').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('>.span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .wpb_column[data-animation*="reveal"]').length > 0) {
var tallestColumn = 0;
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').each(function () {
var $padding = parseInt($(this).find('> .column-inner-wrap > .column-inner').css('padding-top'));
if( $(this).find('> .column-inner-wrap > .column-inner').height() + ($padding * 2) > tallestColumn ) {
tallestColumn = $(this).find('> .column-inner-wrap > .column-inner').height() + ($padding * 2);
$(this).find('> .span_12 > ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + ' .col').each(function () {
// Columns with content
if ($(this).find('> .column-inner-wrap > .column-inner .wpb_wrapper > *').length > 0) {
$(this).find('> .column-inner-wrap').css('height', tallestColumn);
// Empty columns
else {
$(this).css('min-height', tallestColumn);
if ($(this).is('[data-animation*="reveal"]')) {
$(this).find('.column-inner').css('min-height', tallestColumn);
// Using equal height option, top/bottom padding % needs to be convered into px for cross browser (flex bug)
$('.wpb_row.vc_row-o-equal-height>.span_12> ' + $frontEndEditorElDiv + '.wpb_column[class*="padding-"][data-padding-pos="all"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).parents('.tabbed').length == 0) {
'padding-top': $(this).css('padding-left'),
'padding-bottom': $(this).css('padding-left')
} // endif; Not using modern grid system.
* Mouse parallax row option.
* @since 4.0
function mouseParallaxInit() {
$('.wpb_row:has(.nectar-parallax-scene)').each(function (i) {
var $strength = parseInt($(this).find('.nectar-parallax-scene').attr('data-scene-strength'));
$mouseParallaxScenes[i] = $(this).find('.nectar-parallax-scene').parallax({
scalarX: $strength,
scalarY: $strength
// Wait until the images in the scene have loaded.
var images = $(this).find('.nectar-parallax-scene li');
$.each(images, function () {
if ($(this).find('div').length > 0) {
var el = $(this).find('div'),
image = el.css('background-image').replace(/"/g, '').replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, '');
if (image && image !== '' && image !== 'none') {
images = images.add($('
').attr('src', image));
* Add checkmark icons to unorder list with checkmark class.
* @since 2.0
function ulCheckmarks() {
$('ul.checks li').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('i.fa-check-circle').length == 0) {
* Allow CTA element BG color to also act as a link.
* @since 11.0
function ctaLinkBG() {
$body.on('click','.nectar-cta[data-using-bg="true"]:not([data-style="material"]) .link_wrap', function(e) {
if( !$(e.target).is('a') ) {
* Add CSS default animation classes through JS to
* avoid inital animation on page load.
* @since 11.0
function nectarKeyframeAssist() {
* Page builder row background layer animations.
* @since 9.0
* @see waypoints
function rowBGAnimations() {
var $rowBGAnimationsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '93%';
var $rowBGAnimationsRevealOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '97%';
var $rowBGOffset;
$($fullscreenSelector + '.row-bg-wrap[data-bg-animation]:not([data-bg-animation="none"]) .row-bg').each(function () {
var $animation = $(this).parents('.row-bg-wrap').attr('data-bg-animation');
if( $animation != 'zoom-out-reveal' && $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') == -1 ) {
$rowBGOffset = $rowBGAnimationsOffsetPos;
} else {
$rowBGOffset = $rowBGAnimationsRevealOffsetPos;
if( !$(this).hasClass('using-image') && $(this).parents('.nectar-scrolling-text').length == 0 ) {
if( $animation != 'zoom-out-reveal' && $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') == -1 ) {
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that.parents('.row-bg-wrap'),
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if( $animation == 'zoom-out-reveal' || $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') > -1 || $that.parents('.nectar-scrolling-text').length > 0 ) {
offset: $rowBGOffset
* Page builder column background layer animations.
* @since 9.0
* @see waypoints
function columnBGAnimations() {
var $colBGAnimationsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '93%';
var $colBGAnimationsRevealOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '80%';
var $colBGOffset;
$($fullscreenSelector + '.column-image-bg-wrap[data-bg-animation]:not([data-bg-animation="none"]):not([data-bg-animation*="displace-filter"]) .column-image-bg').each(function () {
var $animation = $(this).parents('.column-image-bg-wrap').attr('data-bg-animation');
if( $animation != 'zoom-out-reveal' && $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') == -1 ) {
$colBGOffset = $colBGAnimationsOffsetPos;
} else {
if( $animation == 'ro-reveal-from-bottom' && $fullscreenMarkupBool == false ) {
$colBGOffset = '95%';
} else if( $animation == 'ro-reveal-from-top' && $fullscreenMarkupBool == false ) {
$colBGOffset = '65%';
} else {
$colBGOffset = $colBGAnimationsRevealOffsetPos;
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that.parents('.column-image-bg-wrap'),
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if( $animation == 'zoom-out-reveal' || $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') > -1 ) {
offset: $colBGOffset
// Zoom out reveal with BG color only
$($fullscreenSelector + '.column-bg-overlay-wrap[data-bg-animation]').each(function () {
$colBGOffset = $colBGAnimationsRevealOffsetPos;
var $that = $(this);
var $animation = $(this).attr('data-bg-animation');
if( $animation == 'zoom-out-reveal' || $animation.indexOf('reveal-from-') > 0 ) {
if( $that.parent().find('.column-image-bg-wrap').length == 0 ) {
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ( $that.hasClass('animated-in') ) {
offset: $colBGOffset
* Page builder column and image animations.
* @since 4.0
* @see waypoints
function colAndImgAnimations() {
var $colAndImgOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '88%';
var $cascadingOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '70%';
var $colAndImgRevealOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '70%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.img-with-animation').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var $animationType = ($that.is('[data-animation]')) ? $that.attr('data-animation') : 'fade-in';
// reveal images alters offset
if( $animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-right' && $colAndImgOffsetPos == '88%' ||
$animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-left' && $colAndImgOffsetPos == '88%' ) {
$colAndImgOffsetPos = '75%';
// initiate waypoint.
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
var $delay = ($that.is('[data-delay]')) ? $that.attr('data-delay') : 0;
var $elToAnimate = ($that.parents('.hover-wrap').length > 0) ? $that.parents('.hover-wrap') : $that;
if ($animationType == 'fade-in-from-left' || $animationType == 'fade-in-from-right') {
'opacity': 1,
'x': '0px'
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
} else if ($animationType == 'fade-in-from-bottom') {
'opacity': 1,
'y': '0px'
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
} else if ($animationType == 'fade-in') {
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
} else if ($animationType == 'grow-in') {
setTimeout(function () {
scale: 1,
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($animationType == 'flip-in') {
setTimeout(function () {
rotateY: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($animationType == 'flip-in-vertical') {
setTimeout(function () {
rotateX: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
else if ($animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-left' ||
$animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-right' ||
$animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-bottom' ||
$animationType == 'ro-reveal-from-top') {
offset: $colAndImgOffsetPos
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar_cascading_images').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var $animationDelay = ($(this).is('[data-animation-timing]')) ? $(this).attr('data-animation-timing') : 175;
$animationDelay = parseInt($animationDelay);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
$that.find('.cascading-image').each(function (i) {
var $that2 = $(this);
if ($that2.attr('data-animation') == 'flip-in' || $that2.attr('data-animation') == 'flip-in-vertical') {
setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'rotate(0deg) translateZ(0px)'
}, i * $animationDelay);
} else if( $that2.attr('data-animation') == 'grow-in-reveal' ) {
setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1,1) translateZ(0px)'
$that2.find('.inner-wrap img').css({
'transform': 'translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1,1) translateZ(0px)'
}, i * $animationDelay);
else {
setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1,1) translateZ(0px)'
}, i * $animationDelay);
offset: $cascadingOffsetPos
$($fullscreenSelector + '.col.has-animation:not([data-animation*="reveal"]), ' + $fullscreenSelector + '.wpb_column.has-animation:not([data-animation*="reveal"]), ' + $fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-fancy-box.has-animation').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
var $delay = $that.attr('data-delay');
if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'fade-in-from-left' || $that.attr('data-animation') == 'fade-in-from-right') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1,
'x': '0px'
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'fade-in-from-bottom') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1,
'y': '0px'
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'fade-in') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'grow-in' || $that.attr('data-animation') == 'zoom-out') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
scale: 1,
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'flip-in') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
rotateY: '0',
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'flip-in-vertical') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
rotateX: '0',
y: '0',
'opacity': 1
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'slight-twist') {
$standAnimatedColTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
targets: $that[0],
rotateY: [20, 0],
rotateZ: [-4, 0],
opacity: 1,
easing: $animationEasing,
duration: $animationDuration
}, $delay);
//boxed column hover fix
if ($that.hasClass('boxed')) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, parseInt($animationDuration) + parseInt($delay) + 30);
if ($that.find('.nectar-post-grid-wrap[data-style="mouse_follow_image"]')) {
setTimeout(function() {
$that[0].style.transform = 'none';
}, parseInt($animationDuration) + parseInt($delay) + 30 );
offset: $colAndImgOffsetPos
$($fullscreenSelector + '.wpb_column.has-animation[data-animation*="reveal"]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
var $delay = $that.attr('data-delay');
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
var $columnInnerSelector = ( $that.find('> .vc_column-inner').length > 0 ) ? true : false;
if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'reveal-from-bottom' || $that.attr('data-animation') == 'reveal-from-top') {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if( $columnInnerSelector == true ) {
// Modern.
$that.find('> .vc_column-inner').transition({
'y': 0
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing );
} else {
// Legacy.
$that.find('.column-inner-wrap, .column-inner').transition({
'y': 0
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing, function () {
$that.find('.column-inner-wrap, .column-inner').addClass('no-transform');
}, $delay);
} else if ($that.attr('data-animation') == 'reveal-from-right' || $that.attr('data-animation') == 'reveal-from-left') {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if( $columnInnerSelector == true ) {
// Modern.
$that.find('> .vc_column-inner').transition({
'x': 0
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
} else {
// Legacy.
$that.find('.column-inner-wrap, .column-inner').transition({
'x': 0
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing, function () {
$that.find('.column-inner-wrap, .column-inner').addClass('no-transform');
}, $delay);
offset: $colAndImgRevealOffsetPos
* Cascading images element sizing
* @since 6.0
function cascadingImageBGSizing() {
$('.nectar_cascading_images').each(function () {
var forcedAspect = ( $(this).hasClass('forced-aspect') ) ? true : false;
//handle max width for cascading images in equal height columns
if ($(this).parents('.vc_row-o-equal-height').length > 0 && $(this).parents('.wpb_column').length > 0) {
$(this).css('max-width', $(this).parents('.wpb_column').width());
//set size for layers with no images
$(this).find('.bg-color').each(function () {
if( forcedAspect == true && $(this).parents('.cascading-image').index() == 0 ) {
return true;
var $bgColorHeight = 0;
var $bgColorWidth = 0;
if ($(this).parent().find('.img-wrap').length == 0) {
var $firstSibling = $(this).parents('.cascading-image').siblings('.cascading-image[data-has-img="true"]').first();
$bgColorHeight = $firstSibling.find('.img-wrap').height();
$bgColorWidth = $firstSibling.find('.img-wrap').width();
} else {
$bgColorHeight = $(this).parent().find('.img-wrap').height();
$bgColorWidth = $(this).parent().find('.img-wrap').width();
'height': $bgColorHeight,
'width': $bgColorWidth
* Cascading images element initialization.
* @since 10.5
function cascadingImageInit() {
if ($('.nectar_cascading_images').length > 0) {
var cascadingParallax = [];
imagesLoaded($(this), function (instance) {
// Create sizes.
// Parallax scrolling.
if( $(instance.elements[0]).is('[data-parallax="yes"]') && !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0 ) {
cascadingParallax[i] = new CascadingParallax($(instance.elements[0]), $(instance.elements[0]).attr('data-parallax-intensity'));
// BG Sizing Resize.
$window.on('resize', cascadingImageBGSizing);
function CascadingParallax(el, intensity) {
this.$element = el;
this.inView = false;
this.topLevel = false;
this.lastY = 0;
this.layer1Parallax = ( this.$element.is('[data-layer-1-parallax="yes"]') ) ? true : false;
switch(intensity) {
case 'subtle':
this.intensity = 0.09;
case 'medium':
this.intensity = 0.15;
case 'high':
this.intensity = 0.25;
if( $('.portfolio-filters').length > 0 ||
$('.portfolio-filters-inline').length > 0 ) {
$window.on('resize', this.calculatePos.bind(this));
CascadingParallax.prototype.calculatePos = function() {
this.offsetTop = this.$element.offset().top;
this.height = this.$element.outerHeight();
this.vertCenter = nectarDOMInfo.winH/2 - this.height/2;
CascadingParallax.prototype.trackView = function() {
var that = this;
if( this.$element.parents('.top-level').length > 0 ) {
this.topLevel = true;
if( 'IntersectionObserver' in window ) {
var options = {
rootMargin: '250px',
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
var isIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting;
if (isIntersecting) {
that.inView = true;
} else {
that.inView = false;
}, options);
CascadingParallax.prototype.animate = function() {
if( nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen == true ) {
this.lastY = linearInterpolate(this.lastY, nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop, 0.2);
if( this.inView ) {
var that = this;
this.$element.find('.bg-layer').each(function(i) {
var $scale = $(this).data('scale');
if( that.layer1Parallax ) {
i = (i/1.5)+1;
if( that.topLevel === true && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
$(this)[0].style.transform = 'translateY(' + -(that.lastY * that.intensity * i) + 'px) translateZ(0) scale(' + $scale + ')';
} else {
$(this)[0].style.transform = 'translateY(' + -((that.lastY - that.offsetTop + that.vertCenter ) * that.intensity * i ) + 'px) translateZ(0) scale(' + $scale + ')';
* Split line heading element initialization.
* @since 10.5
* @see waypoints
function splitLineHeadings() {
// Create waypoint.
var $splitLineOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-split-heading').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var $delay = ( $that.is('[data-animation-delay]') ) ? parseInt($that.attr('data-animation-delay')) : 0;
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
if (!bypassAnimations || $('body[data-responsive="0"]').length > 0) {
var $animationDurationCap;
setTimeout(function() {
if( $that.is('[data-animation-type="line-reveal-by-space"]') ) {
var stagger = 0;
if( $that.is('[data-stagger="true"]') ) {
stagger = 500 / $that.find('> * > span').length;
stagger = Math.min(Math.max(stagger, 15), 50); // Clamp val
$animationDurationCap = (parseInt($animationDuration) < 1100) ? $animationDuration : '1100';
if( $that.is('[data-m-rm-animation="true"]') && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
$that.find('> * > span .inner').css({
'transform' : 'translateY(0)'
else {
$that.find('> * > span').each(function (i) {
if( stagger == 0 ) {
$(this).find('> .inner').delay(i * stagger).transition({
'y': '0px'
}, $animationDurationCap, $animationEasing);
else {
var spanEl = $(this);
var $innerEl = spanEl.find('> .inner');
$innerEl[0].style.transform = 'translateY(0em)';
}, i * stagger);
} else if( $that.is('[data-animation-type="letter-fade-reveal"]') ) {
$animationDurationCap = (parseInt($animationDuration) < 1000) ? $animationDuration : '1000';
$that.find('> * > span span').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 8).transition({
'y': '0px',
'opacity': '1'
}, $animationDurationCap, $animationEasing);
} else {
$that.find('.heading-line').each(function (i) {
$(this).find('> div').delay(i * 70).transition({
'y': '0px'
}, $animationDuration, $animationEasing);
}, $delay);
offset: $splitLineOffsetPos
* Progress bar element initialization.
* @since 3.0
* @see waypoints
function progressBars() {
var $progressBarsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
var $progressSelector = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-mobile-disable="on"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) ? '.nectar-progress-bar' : $fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-progress-bar';
if( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $progressBarsOffsetPos == 'bottom-in-view') {
$progressBarsOffsetPos = '70%';
$($progressSelector).each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
if ($progressBarsOffsetPos == '100%') {
$that.find('.bar-wrap').css('opacity', '1');
var percent = $that.find('span').attr('data-width'),
$endNum = parseInt($that.find('span strong i').text());
'width': percent + '%'
}, 800, 'easeInOutCubic');
var countOptions = {
useEasing: false
var $countEle = $that.find('span strong i')[0];
var numAnim = new CountUp($countEle, 0, $endNum, 0, 1, countOptions);
$that.find('span strong').transition({
'opacity': 1
}, 550, 'easeInCirc');
////100% progress bar
if (percent == '100') {
$that.find('span strong').addClass('full');
offset: $progressBarsOffsetPos
* Page builder column border animations.
* @since 8.0
* @see waypoints
function animatedColBorders() {
var $progressBarsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '75%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.wpb_column[data-border-animation="true"]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
var $borderDelay = ($that.attr('data-border-animation-delay').length > 0) ? parseInt($that.attr('data-border-animation-delay')) : 0;
setTimeout(function () {
}, $borderDelay);
offset: $progressBarsOffsetPos
* Food menu item element.
* @since 8.0
* @see waypoints
function foodMenuItems() {
var $foodItemOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '80%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar_food_menu_item').parent().each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
$that.find('.nectar_food_menu_item').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, i * 150);
offset: $foodItemOffsetPos
* Divider element
* @since 3.0
* @see waypoints
function dividers() {
var $dividerOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.divider-small-border[data-animate="yes"], ' + $fullscreenSelector + '.divider-border[data-animate="yes"]').each(function () {
var $lineDur = ($(this).hasClass('divider-small-border')) ? 1300 : 1500,
$that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
$that.each(function () {
'transform': 'scale(0,1)',
'visibility': 'visible'
var $that = $(this);
'transform': 'scale(1, 1)'
}, $lineDur, 'cubic-bezier(.18,1,.22,1)');
offset: $dividerOffsetPos
* Image with hotspots element hover event
* @since 7.0
function hotSpotHoverBind() {
//add pulse animation
$('.nectar_image_with_hotspots[data-hotspot-icon="numerical"]').each(function () {
$(this).find('.nectar_hotspot_wrap').each(function (i) {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, i * 300);
var hotSpotHoverTimeout = [];
$('.nectar_image_with_hotspots:not([data-tooltip-func="click"]) .nectar_hotspot').each(function (i) {
hotSpotHoverTimeout[i] = '';
$(this).on('mouseover', function () {
'z-index': '400',
'height': 'auto',
'width': 'auto'
$(this).on('mouseleave', function () {
var $that = $(this);
'z-index': 'auto'
hotSpotHoverTimeout[i] = setTimeout(function () {
'height': '30px',
'width': '30px'
}, 300);
* Image with hotspots element responsive behavior.
* @since 7.0
function responsiveTooltips() {
$('.nectar_image_with_hotspots').each(function () {
$(this).find('.nectar_hotspot_wrap').each(function () {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 690) {
// Remove click if applicable
if ($(this).parents('.nectar_image_with_hotspots[data-tooltip-func="hover"]').length > 0) {
$(this).find('.nttip .inner a.tipclose').remove();
$('.nttip').css('height', 'auto');
// Reset for positioning
'width': 'auto',
'height': 'auto'
.css('width', 'auto');
var $tipOffset = $(this).find('.nttip').offset();
// Against right side
if ($tipOffset.left > $(this).parents('.nectar_image_with_hotspots').width() - 200) {
$(this).find('.nttip').css('width', '250px');
else {
$(this).find('.nttip').css('width', 'auto');
// Responsive
if ($tipOffset.left < 0) {
else if ($tipOffset.left + $(this).find('.nttip').outerWidth(true) > nectarDOMInfo.winW) {
$(this).find('.nttip').addClass('force-left').css('width', '250px');
else if ($tipOffset.top + $(this).find('.nttip').height() + 35 > $window.height() && $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) {
if ($(this).find('> .open').length == 0) {
'width': '30px',
'height': '30px'
} else {
//fixed position
if ($(this).find('.nttip a.tipclose').length == 0) {
$(this).find('.nttip .inner').append('
// Change height of fixed
$('.nttip').css('height', $window.height());
* Image with hotspots events
* @since 10.5
function imageWithHotspotEvents() {
if( $('.nectar_image_with_hotspots').length == 0 ) {
// Hover
// Click
$body.on('click', '.nectar_hotspot.click', function () {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 690) {
'z-index': '120',
'height': 'auto',
'width': 'auto'
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
$that.parents('.nectar_image_with_hotspots').find('.nectar_hotspot_wrap').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('> .open').length == 0) {
'height': '30px',
'width': '30px',
'z-index': 'auto'
}, 300);
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW <= 690) {
$(this).parents('.wpb_row, [class*="vc_col-"]').css('z-index', '200');
return false;
$body.on('click', '.nectar_hotspot.open', function () {
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').css('z-index', 'auto');
return false;
$body.on('click', '.nttip.open', function (e) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 690) {
if( e.target && $(e.target).is('a') ) {
$(this).parents('.wpb_row').css('z-index', 'auto');
return false;
// Calculate on init.
// Resize event.
* Image with hotspots initialization.
* @since 7.0
* @see waypoints
function imageWithHotspots() {
var $imageWithHotspotsOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '50%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar_image_with_hotspots[data-animation="true"]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
$that.find('.nectar_hotspot_wrap').each(function (i) {
var $that2 = $(this);
var $extrai = ($that2.parents('.col.has-animation').length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 175 * (i + $extrai));
offset: $imageWithHotspotsOffsetPos
* Nectar Lazy Loading
* @since 11.0
function nectarLazyImageLoading() {
var lazyItems = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[data-nectar-img-src]'));
if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) {
var options = {
rootMargin: '300px',
$window.off('resize.nectarLazySizing', nectarLazyImageSizing);
$window.on('resize.nectarLazySizing', nectarLazyImageSizing);
var lazyItemObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
var lazyItem = entry.target;
var imgSrc = lazyItem.getAttribute('data-nectar-img-src');
if( imgSrc ) {
// img tags.
if( lazyItem.classList.contains('nectar-lazy') ) {
lazyItem.addEventListener( 'load', function() {
lazyItem.style.height = "";
lazyItem.style.width = "";
lazyItem.src = imgSrc;
var srcset = lazyItem.getAttribute('data-nectar-img-srcset');
if( srcset ) {
lazyItem.setAttribute( 'srcset', srcset );
// BGs.
else {
lazyItem.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + imgSrc + "')";
}, options);
lazyItems.forEach(function(lazyItem) {
else {
// load all the images when intersection observer is not supported.
lazyItems.forEach(function(lazyItem) {
// img tags.
if( lazyItem.classList.contains('nectar-lazy') ) {
lazyItem.style.height = "";
lazyItem.style.width = "";
lazyItem.src = lazyItem.getAttribute('data-nectar-img-src');
var srcset = lazyItem.getAttribute('data-nectar-img-srcset');
if( srcset ) {
lazyItem.setAttribute( 'srcset', srcset );
// BGs.
else {
lazyItem.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + lazyItem.getAttribute('data-nectar-img-src') + "')";
* Nectar lazy img size helper.
* @since 11.0
function nectarLazyImageSizing() {
$('img.nectar-lazy:not(.loaded)').each(function() {
// items to skip.
if( $(this).hasClass('attachment-shop_thumbnail') || $(this).hasClass('attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail') ) {
return true;
'height': '',
'width' : ''
var heightAttr = parseInt($(this).attr('height'));
var widthAttr = parseInt($(this).attr('width'));
var width = ($(this).parents('.nectar_cascading_images').length > 0) ? $(this).parents('.bg-layer').width() : $(this).width();
// Shadow img.
if( $(this).parents('.img-with-aniamtion-wrap[data-shadow*="depth"]').length > 0 ) {
width = $(this).parents('.img-with-aniamtion-wrap').width();
// Post grid.
if( $(this).parents('.nectar-post-grid-item-bg-wrap-inner').length > 0 ) {
width = $(this).parents('.nectar-post-grid-item-bg-wrap-inner').width();
var dimensions = calculateAspectRatio( widthAttr, heightAttr, width, 2000 );
'height': dimensions.height + 'px',
'width' : dimensions.width + 'px'
* Nectar Post Grid Mouse Follow Init
* @since 11.0
function nectarPostGridMouse() {
viewIndicatorArr = [];
postGridImgMouseFollowArr = [];
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
$('.nectar-post-grid[data-indicator="yes"]').each(function(i) {
viewIndicatorArr[i] = new NectarIconMouseFollow($(this),'view-indicator');
$('.nectar-post-grid-wrap[data-style="mouse_follow_image"] .nectar-post-grid').each(function(i) {
postGridImgMouseFollowArr[i] = new NectarIconMouseFollow($(this), 'post-grid-images');
$('.nectar-category-grid[data-style="mouse_follow_image"]').each(function(i) {
postGridImgMouseFollowArr[i] = new NectarIconMouseFollow($(this), 'post-grid-images');
* Nectar Post Grid
* @since 11.0
function nectarPostGridInit() {
$nectarPostGridArr = [];
// Mouse follow.
// Create grid instances.
$('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').each(function(i) {
$nectarPostGridArr[i] = new NectarPostGrid($(this));
function NectarPostGrid(el) {
this.el = el;
this.currentPage = 0;
this.activeFilter = 1;
this.activeCatTotal = 0;
this.settingsData = JSON.parse(this.el.attr('data-el-settings'));
this.queryData = JSON.parse(this.el.attr('data-query'));
this.sortable = this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters').attr('data-sortable');
NectarPostGrid.prototype.initialMarkup = function() {
// Start Filter Active.
if( this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a.active').length == 0 ) {
this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a:first-child').addClass('active');
// Load More Markup.
if( this.settingsData.pagination === 'load-more' && this.el.find('.load-more-wrap').length == 0 ) {
if( this.el.find('.active.all-filter').length > 0 ) {
this.activeFilter = this.el.find('.active.all-filter').index() + 1;
this.activeCatTotal = parseInt(this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a:nth-child(' + this.activeFilter + ')').attr('data-total-count'));
// Start hidden?
if( this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-item').length >= this.activeCatTotal ) {
} else {
NectarPostGrid.prototype.lightboxGroups = function() {
var unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
var usingLightbox = (this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-link.pretty_photo').length > 0) ? true : false;
if ($('body[data-ls="magnific"]').length > 0) {
else if ($('body[data-ls="fancybox"]').length > 0) {
// New.
.attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + unique_id)
// Existing.
.attr('data-fancybox','group_' + unique_id);
if(usingLightbox) {
NectarPostGrid.prototype.clickEvents = function() {
// Sortable Mobile Toggle.
this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters h4').on('click', function(){
// Sortable/Pagination.
var settingsData = this.settingsData;
var queryData = this.queryData;
var instance = this;
this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a, .load-more-wrap .load-more').on('click', function() {
var $that = $(this);
// Filter active.
if($that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap.loading').length > 0 || $(this).hasClass('active') || $(this).hasClass('inactive') ) {
return false;
if( $(this).parents('.nectar-post-grid-filters').length > 0 ) {
// Filter specific.
instance.currentPage = 0;
instance.activeFilter = $that.index() + 1;
} else {
// Load More specific.
var $gridEl = $that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').find('.nectar-post-grid')
var $pagination = settingsData.pagination;
var $action = ($that.hasClass('load-more') && $pagination === 'load-more') ? 'load-more' : 'filter';
var $category = '';
var $custom_query = '';
// Determine what category to load from.
if( instance.sortable === 'yes' ) {
$category = $that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a.active').attr('data-filter');
$custom_query = $that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a.active').attr('data-filter');
} else {
var skipAll = ( $that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a').length > 1 ) ? ':not(.all-filter)' : '';
$that.parents('.nectar-post-grid-wrap').find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a' + skipAll).each(function(){
$category += $(this).attr('data-filter') + ', ';
$custom_query += $(this).attr('data-filter') + ', ';
$category = $category.substring(0, $category.length - 2);
$custom_query = $custom_query.substring(0, $custom_query.length - 2);
var $dataToPass = {
action: 'nectar_get_post_grid_segment',
post_type: queryData.post_type,
cpt_name: queryData.cpt_name,
custom_query_tax: $custom_query,
category: $category,
posts_per_page: queryData.posts_per_page,
current_page: instance.currentPage,
offset: queryData.offset,
order: queryData.order,
orderby: queryData.orderby,
load_action: $action,
settings: {
pagination: $pagination,
post_type: settingsData.post_type,
image_size: settingsData.image_size,
aspect_ratio_image_size: settingsData.aspect_ratio_image_size,
card_bg_color: settingsData.card_bg_color,
display_categories: settingsData.display_categories,
display_excerpt: settingsData.display_excerpt,
display_date: settingsData.display_date,
color_overlay: settingsData.color_overlay,
color_overlay_opacity: settingsData.color_overlay_opacity,
color_overlay_hover_opacity: settingsData.color_overlay_hover_opacity,
grid_style: settingsData.grid_style,
heading_tag: settingsData.heading_tag,
post_title_overlay: settingsData.post_title_overlay,
enable_gallery_lightbox: settingsData.enable_gallery_lightbox
$.post(window.nectarLove.ajaxurl, $dataToPass, function (data) {
// Update markup.
if( $action === 'load-more' ) {
} else {
// Load in animation.
if( $gridEl.is('[data-animation="fade-in-from-bottom"]') ) {
$gridEl.find('.nectar-post-grid-item:not(.animated-in)').each(function(i) {
var $storedEl = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, i * 90);
}, 950);
if( $pagination === 'load-more' ) {
instance.activeCatTotal = parseInt(instance.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a:nth-child(' + instance.activeFilter + ')').attr('data-total-count'));
if( $gridEl.find('.nectar-post-grid-item').length >= instance.activeCatTotal ) {
} else {
// Lightbox items.
// Resize.
// Mouse follow.
}); // end POST
return false;
// External project links
if( this.el.hasClass('target-blank-external-urls') ) {
this.el.find(".nectar-post-grid-item a[href*='http://']:not([href*='" + window.location.hostname + "'])").attr("target", "_blank");
this.el.find(".nectar-post-grid-item a[href*='https://']:not([href*='" + window.location.hostname + "'])").attr("target", "_blank");
NectarPostGrid.prototype.deepLinking = function() {
if (typeof nectarGetQueryParam['grid-filter'] != 'undefined') {
this.el.find('.nectar-post-grid-filters a').each(function () {
var $currentText = $(this).clone(),
$getText = nectarGetQueryParam['grid-filter'],
$that = $(this);
$currentText = $currentText.text();
$currentText = $currentText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
if( $currentText.length > 0 && $currentText.substring(0,1) === '-' ) {
$currentText = $currentText.substring(1);
$getText = $getText.replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/ 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
$that.find('.nectar-post-grid-item').each(function(i) {
var $item = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, i * 90);
}, 950);
offset: postGridOffsetPos
* Animated title element initialization.
* @since 7.0
* @see waypoints
function animatedTitles() {
var $animatedTitlesOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-animated-title').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
offset: $animatedTitlesOffsetPos
* Highlighted Text element initialization.
* @since 9.0
* @see waypoints
function highlightedText() {
var $highlightedTextOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : 'bottom-in-view';
if( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $highlightedTextOffsetPos == 'bottom-in-view' ) {
$highlightedTextOffsetPos = '85%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-highlighted-text').each(function (i) {
var $animationDelay = 0;
// convert italics to em.
return $('
if($(this).is('[data-animation-delay]') &&
$(this).attr('data-animation-delay').length > 0 &&
$(this).attr('data-animation') != 'false') {
$animationDelay = $(this).attr('data-animation-delay');
if (bypassAnimations) {
// Waypoint
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated')) {
setTimeout(function() {
$that.find('em').each(function (i) {
var $highlighted_em = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, i * 300);
}, $animationDelay);
offset: $highlightedTextOffsetPos
* WooCommerce product carousel.
* @since 13.0
* @see waypoints
function wooProductCarouselAnimations() {
var $wooProductOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '500%' : '75%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-woo-flickity[data-animation*="fade-in"]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('animated-in')) {
$that.find('.flickity-cell').each(function (i) {
var $el = $(this);
'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)',
'opacity': '1'
}, i * 100);
offset: $wooProductOffsetPos
* Pricing table element height calculations.
* @since 2.0
function pricingTableHeight() {
var $tallestCol;
$('.pricing-table[data-style="default"]').each(function () {
$tallestCol = 0;
$(this).find('> div ul').each(function () {
if( $(this).height() > $tallestCol ) {
$tallestCol = $(this).height();
//safety net incase pricing tables height couldn't be determined
if ($tallestCol == 0) {
$tallestCol = 'auto';
//set even height
$(this).find('> div ul').css('height', $tallestCol);
* Testimonial slider element initialization.
* @since 10.5
function nectarTestimonialSliders() {
$testimonialSliders = [];
if (typeof NectarTestimonialSlider == 'undefined') {
$('.testimonial_slider').each(function (i) {
var $that_el = $(this),
$type = ($(this).is('[data-style]')) ? $(this).attr('data-style') : 'none';
$testimonialSliders[i] = new NectarTestimonialSlider($that_el, $type, resizeVideoToCover, fullWidthContentColumns);
if ($(this).is('.disable-height-animation:not([data-style*="multiple_visible"])')) {
setTimeout($testimonialSliders[i].testimonialSliderHeight.bind($testimonialSliders[i]), 500);
if ($(this).is('.testimonial_slider[data-style="multiple_visible_minimal"]')) {
setTimeout($testimonialSliders[i].testimonialSliderHeightMinimalMult.bind($testimonialSliders[i]), 500);
* Testimonial slider element resize binding.
* @since 10.5
function nectarTestimonialSlidersEvents() {
if($testimonialSliders.length > 0) {
if( $('.testimonial_slider[data-style="multiple_visible_minimal"]').length > 0 ) {
function nectarTestimonialMainResize() {
for (var i = 0; i < $testimonialSliders.length; i++) {
function nectarTestimonialMiniamlResize() {
for (var i = 0; i < $testimonialSliders.length; i++) {
* Icon list element initialization.
* @since 6.0
* @see waypoints
function iconList() {
var $iconListOffsetPos = ($fullscreenMarkupBool == true) ? '250%' : '75%';
$($fullscreenSelector + '.nectar-icon-list[data-animate="true"]').each(function () {
var $that = $(this),
waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
if ($that.parents('.wpb_tab').length > 0 && $that.parents('.wpb_tab').css('visibility') == 'hidden' || $that.hasClass('completed')) {
$that.each(function () {
var $listItemAnimationDelay = ($that.is('[data-direction="horizontal"]')) ? 100 : 300;
$(this).find('.nectar-icon-list-item').each(function (i) {
var $thatt = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, i * $listItemAnimationDelay);
offset: $iconListOffsetPos
* Get the BG color of parent column/row.
* @since 6.0
function narrowParentBGC(element) {
var narrowedBGC;
if (element.parents('.wpb_column[data-bg-color*="#"]').length > 0 && element.parents('.wpb_column[data-bg-opacity="1"]').length > 0) {
narrowedBGC = element.parents('.wpb_column').attr('data-bg-color');
else if (element.parents('.wpb_row').length > 0 && element.parents('.wpb_row').find('.row-bg.using-bg-color').length > 0 ||
element.parents('.wpb_row').length > 0 && element.parents('.wpb_row').find('.row-bg.using-bg-color-excluded').length > 0) {
narrowedBGC = element.parents('.wpb_row').find('.row-bg').css('background-color');
else {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) {
narrowedBGC = $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows > .wpb_row .full-page-inner-wrap').css('background-color');
else {
narrowedBGC = $('.container-wrap').css('background-color');
return narrowedBGC;
* Icon BG matching row BG
* @since 6.0
function nectarIconMatchColoring() {
var nectarMatchingBGCss = '';
// Icon list
$('.nectar-icon-list[data-icon-style="border"], .nectar_icon_wrap[data-style="border-animation"][data-color*="extra-color-gradient-"]').each(function (i) {
var $bgColorToSet = narrowParentBGC($(this));
if( $(this).hasClass('nectar-icon-list') ) {
$(this).find('.list-icon-holder').css('background-color', $bgColorToSet);
else {
$(this).removeClass(function (index, className) {
return (className.match(/(^|\s)instance-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
nectarMatchingBGCss += '.nectar_icon_wrap.instance-' + i + ' .nectar_icon:before { background-color: ' + $bgColorToSet + '!important; }';
// Material gradient btns
$('body.material .nectar-button.see-through[class*="m-extra-color-gradient"]').each(function (i) {
var $bgColorToSet = narrowParentBGC($(this));
$(this).removeClass(function (index, className) {
return (className.match(/(^|\s)instance-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
$(this).addClass('instance-' + i);
nectarMatchingBGCss += '.nectar-button.see-through.instance-' + i + ':after { background-color: ' + $bgColorToSet + '!important; }';
// Style
nectarCreateStyle(nectarMatchingBGCss, 'nectaricon-color-match');
* One fourth column classes.
* @since 2.0
function oneFourthClasses() {
$('.col.span_3, .vc_span3, .vc_col-sm-3').each(function () {
if (!$(this).is('[data-t-w-inherits="small_desktop"]')) {
var $currentDiv = $(this);
var $nextDiv = $(this).next('div');
if ($nextDiv.hasClass('span_3') && !$currentDiv.hasClass('one-fourths') ||
$nextDiv.hasClass('vc_span3') && !$currentDiv.hasClass('one-fourths') ||
$nextDiv.hasClass('vc_col-sm-3') && !$currentDiv.hasClass('one-fourths')) {
$currentDiv.addClass('one-fourths clear-both');
$nextDiv.addClass('one-fourths right-edge');
// Make empty second 1/2 half columns display right on iPad
$('.span_12 .col.span_6').each(function () {
if ($(this).next('div').hasClass('span_6') && $.trim($(this).next('div').html()).length == 0) {
* Responsive video iframes initialization.
* @since 3.0
function responsiveVideoIframesInit() {
$('iframe').each(function () {
// Make sure the iframe has a src
if (typeof $(this).attr('src') != 'undefined' &&
!$(this).hasClass('skip-nectar-video-size') &&
!$(this).hasClass('iframe-embed') &&
$(this).parents('.ult_modal').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.ls-slide').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.woo-variation-product-gallery').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.esg-entry-media').length == 0 &&
$(this).parents('.wpb_video_widget.wpb_content_element').length == 0) {
if( $(this).parents('.woocommerce-product-gallery').length > 0 ) {
if( !$(this).is('[width="100%"]') || !$(this).is('[height="100%"]') ) {
return true;
var embedSrcLower = $(this).attr('src').toLowerCase();
if (embedSrcLower.indexOf("youtube") >= 0 ||
embedSrcLower.indexOf("vimeo") >= 0 ||
embedSrcLower.indexOf("twitch.tv") >= 0 ||
embedSrcLower.indexOf("kickstarter") >= 0 ||
embedSrcLower.indexOf("embed-ssl.ted") >= 0 ||
embedSrcLower.indexOf("dailymotion") >= 0) {
if ($(this).width() < $(this).parent().width()) {
.attr('data-aspectRatio', $(this).height() / $(this).width())
} else {
.attr('data-aspectRatio', '0.56')
if ($(this).parents('.post-area.masonry.classic').length > 0) {
.attr('data-aspectRatio', '0.56')
* Responsive video iframes.
* @since 3.0
function responsiveVideoIframes() {
$('iframe[data-aspectRatio]').each(function () {
var $el = $(this),
newWidth = $el.parent().width();
// In nectar slider
if ($(this).parents('.swiper-slide').length > 0) {
if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
.height(newWidth * $el.attr('data-aspectRatio'));
// All others
else {
.height(newWidth * $el.attr('data-aspectRatio'));
* Reveal the audio/video elements after the size has been calculated.
* @since 10.5
function audioVideoVis() {
//unwrap post and portfolio videos
$('.video-wrap iframe').unwrap();
$('#sidebar iframe[src]').unwrap();
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('height', '100%')
.css('visibility', 'visible');
$('video').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.wp-video').each(function () {
var video = $(this).find('video').get(0);
video.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () {
}, false);
//webkit video back button fix
$('.main-content iframe[src]').each(function () {
'opacity': '1',
'visibility': 'visible'
* Nectar video background size calculations
* @since 5.0
function resizeVideoToCover() {
var vid_w_orig = 1280,
vid_h_orig = 720,
min_w = 1200;
$('.nectar-video-wrap').each(function () {
var $containerHeight, $containerWidth;
if ($(this).find('video').length == 0) {
if ($(this).parents('#page-header-bg').length > 0) {
if ($('.container-wrap.auto-height').length > 0) {
return false;
$containerHeight = $(this).parents('#page-header-bg').outerHeight();
$containerWidth = $(this).parents('#page-header-bg').outerWidth();
} else {
if ($(this).hasClass('column-video')) {
if( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
$containerHeight = $(this).parents('.vc_column-inner').outerHeight();
$containerWidth = $(this).parents('.vc_column-inner').outerWidth();
} else {
$containerHeight = $(this).parents('.wpb_column').outerHeight();
$containerWidth = $(this).parents('.wpb_column').outerWidth();
} else {
$containerHeight = $(this).parents('.wpb_row').outerHeight();
$containerWidth = ($(this).parents('.full-width-section').length > 0) ? nectarDOMInfo.winW : $(this).parents('.wpb_row').outerWidth();
// Set the video viewport to the window size
if ($(this).parents('#page-header-bg').length > 0) {
// Use largest scale factor of horizontal/vertical
var scale_h = $containerWidth / vid_w_orig,
scale_v = ($containerHeight - $containerHeight) / vid_h_orig,
scale = scale_h > scale_v ? scale_h : scale_v;
// Update minium width to never allow excess space
min_w = 1280 / 720 * ($containerHeight + 40);
// Don't allow scaled width < minimum video width
if (scale * vid_w_orig < min_w) {
scale = min_w / vid_w_orig;
// Now scale the video
$(this).find('video, .mejs-overlay, .mejs-poster').width(Math.ceil(scale * vid_w_orig + 0));
$(this).find('video, .mejs-overlay, .mejs-poster').height(Math.ceil(scale * vid_h_orig + 0));
// And center it by scrolling the video viewport
$(this).scrollLeft(($(this).find('video').width() - $containerWidth) / 2);
$(this).scrollTop(($(this).find('video').height() - ($containerHeight)) / 2);
$(this).find('.mejs-overlay, .mejs-poster').scrollTop(($(this).find('video').height() - ($containerHeight)) / 2);
// Align bottom
if ($(this).attr('data-bg-alignment') == 'center bottom' || $(this).attr('data-bg-alignment') == 'bottom') {
$(this).scrollTop(($(this).find('video').height() - ($containerHeight + 6)));
// Align top
else if ($(this).attr('data-bg-alignment') == 'center top' || $(this).attr('data-bg-alignment') == 'top') {
// Add loaded class
* Nectar video background initialization.
* @since 5.0
function videoBGInit() {
if ($('.nectar-video-wrap').length == 0 && $('.nectar-youtube-bg').length == 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
// Resize
$('.video-color-overlay').each(function () {
$(this).css('background-color', $(this).attr('data-color'));
$('.nectar-video-wrap').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('video').length == 0) {
var $headerVideo = ($(this).parents('#page-header-bg').length > 0) ? true : false;
var $that = $(this);
var videoReady = setInterval(function () {
if ($that.find('video').get(0).readyState > 3) {
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
'opacity': '1'
}, 400);
'opacity': '1'
}, 400);
'opacity': '0.7'
}, 400);
if ($headerVideo == true) {
// Remove page loading screen
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}, 60);
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
if ($that.parents('.full-width-section').length > 0 &&
$that.parents('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0 &&
!$that.hasClass('column-video') ) {
$that.css('left', '50%');
} else {
$that.css('left', '0px');
if ($headerVideo == true) {
$that.find('video')[0].onplay = function () {
'opacity': '1'
}, 400);
'opacity': '1'
}, 400);
'opacity': '0.7'
}, 400);
} // end mobile only
}, 300);
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$('.nectar-video-wrap').each(function () {
if (!$(this).find('video').is('[muted]')) {
// Autoplay not supported unless muted
$('.wpb_row:has(".nectar-video-wrap"):not(.fp-section)').each(function (i) {
$(this).css('z-index', 100 + i);
$(".vc_row").each(function () {
var youtubeUrl, youtubeId, $row = jQuery(this);
$row.find('.nectar-youtube-bg').length > 0 ? (youtubeUrl = $row.find('.nectar-youtube-bg span').text(), youtubeId = nectarExtractYoutubeId(youtubeUrl), youtubeId && ($row.find(".vc_video-bg").remove(), nectarInsertYoutubeVideoAsBackground($row.find('.nectar-youtube-bg'), youtubeId))) : $row.find(".nectar-youtube-bg").remove();
// Remove yt url
$row.find('.nectar-youtube-bg span').remove();
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$row.find('.nectar-video-wrap, .nectar-youtube-bg').css({
'opacity': '1',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'
'opacity': '0.7'
}, 400);
function nectarInsertYoutubeVideoAsBackground($element, youtubeId, counter) {
if ("undefined" == typeof YT || void 0 === YT.Player) return 100 < (counter = void 0 === counter ? 0 : counter) ? void console.warn("Too many attempts to load YouTube api") : void setTimeout(function () {
nectarInsertYoutubeVideoAsBackground($element, youtubeId, counter++)
}, 100);
var $container = $element.prepend('
new YT.Player($container[0], {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
videoId: youtubeId,
playerVars: {
playlist: youtubeId,
iv_load_policy: 3,
enablejsapi: 1,
disablekb: 1,
autoplay: 1,
controls: 0,
showinfo: 0,
rel: 0,
loop: 1
events: {
onReady: function (event) {
}), nectarResizeVideoBackground($element), jQuery(window).on("resize", function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
function nectarResizeVideoBackground($element) {
var iframeW, iframeH, marginLeft, marginTop, containerW = $element.innerWidth(),
containerH = $element.innerHeight(),
ratio1 = 16,
ratio2 = 9;
ratio1 / ratio2 > containerW / containerH ? (iframeW = containerH * (ratio1 / ratio2),
iframeH = containerH, marginLeft = -Math.round((iframeW - containerW) / 2) + "px", marginTop = -Math.round((iframeH - containerH) / 2) + "px", iframeW += "px", iframeH += "px") : (iframeW = containerW, iframeH = containerW * (ratio2 / ratio1), marginTop = -Math.round((iframeH - containerH) / 2) + "px",
marginLeft = -Math.round((iframeW - containerW) / 2) + "px", iframeW += "px", iframeH += "px"),
$element.find(".vc_video-bg iframe").css({
maxWidth: "1000%",
marginLeft: marginLeft,
marginTop: marginTop,
width: iframeW,
height: iframeH
function nectarExtractYoutubeId(url) {
if ("undefined" == typeof url) {
return !1;
var id = url.match(/(?:https?:\/{2})?(?:w{3}\.)?youtu(?:be)?\.(?:com|be)(?:\/watch\?v=|\/)([^\s&]+)/);
return null !== id ? id[1] : !1
* Single Blog Posts
* @since 11.0
function blogSingle() {
// Remove first gallery on post when using the gallery slider option.
if( $body.hasClass('single-post') && $('.content-inner[data-has-gallery]').length > 0 ) {
if($('.wp-block-gallery').length > 0) {
// Gutenberg.
$('.content-inner').find('.wp-block-gallery').each(function(i) {
if(i !== 0) {
} else {
// Classic Editor.
$('.content-inner').find('.gallery').each(function(i) {
if(i !== 0) {
} // If using gallery slider on single conditional end.
/* Header + Search
* Correct megamenus in mobile navigation.
* @since 8.0
function mobileNavMegamenuCorrect() {
////mobile megamenus without titles / nested groupings
var $mobileNavSelector = ( $('#top #mobile-menu').length > 0 ) ? '#top #mobile-menu ' : '.off-canvas-menu-container.mobile-only ';
$($mobileNavSelector + '.menu-item > ul > li > a').each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == '-' || $(this).text() == '–' || $(this).parent().hasClass('hide-title') || $(this).find('> .remove-menu-item-title').length > 0 ) {
var $navLIs = $(this).parent().find('> ul > li').clone();
// column has widget
if( $(this).parent().find('> .widget-area-active').length > 0 ) {
$(this).parent().find('> a').remove();
} else {
* Material theme skin off canvas menu initialization.
* @since 10.5
function materialSkinOCM_Init() {
if ($('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]').length > 0) {
if( $wpAdminBar.length > 0 ) {
var $topToolBar = $wpAdminBar.detach();
$window.on('resize', OCM_materialSize);
* Material theme skin transition helper
* @since 10.5
function materialSkinTransition() {
if ($('body.material[data-header-search="true"]').length > 0 ||
$('body.material .ocm-effect-wrap').length > 0) {
var materialTransTO,
allowMaterialResizeCalc = false,
orientTrack = 0,
$winDOMWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW,
$winDOMHeight = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
// For mobile make sure the orientation has changed.
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () {
orientTrack = 1;
// Resize.
$window.on('resize', function () {
if( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
// Mobile.
if (($window.width() != $winDOMWidth && $window.height != $winDOMHeight) || orientTrack === 1) {
// Store the current window dimensions.
$winDOMWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW;
$winDOMHeight = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
// Reset orientation change tracker.
orientTrack = 0;
// Set to allow.
allowMaterialResizeCalc = true;
} else {
// Desktop always allows.
allowMaterialResizeCalc = true;
if(allowMaterialResizeCalc) {
$('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"] > a.slide_out_area_close, .material #header-outer, .ocm-effect-wrap, .ocm-effect-wrap-shadow')
materialTransTO = setTimeout(function () {
$('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"] > a.slide_out_area_close, .material #header-outer, .ocm-effect-wrap, .ocm-effect-wrap-shadow')
}, 250);
// Reset allow.
allowMaterialResizeCalc = false;
} // endif for allow.
}); // end resize.
* Calculate off canvas menu slide out from right on hover
* @since 8.0
function calculateHoverNavMinHeight() {
var $widgetHeights = 0;
$('#slide-out-widget-area > .widget').each(function () {
$widgetHeights += $(this).height();
var $menuHeight;
if(($offCanvasEl.height() - 25 - $('.bottom-meta-wrap').outerHeight(true) - $widgetHeights) > $('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container:last-child').height()) {
$menuHeight = $offCanvasEl.height() - 25 - $('.bottom-meta-wrap').outerHeight(true) - $widgetHeights;
} else {
$menuHeight = $('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container:last-child').height();
$('#slide-out-widget-area .inner').css({
'height': 'auto',
'min-height': $menuHeight
* Material theme skin off canvas menu width.
* @since 8.0
function OCM_materialWidth() {
'padding-top': $window.height() * 0.1,
'padding-bottom': $window.height() * 0.1
* Material theme skin off canvas menu icon markup
* @since 8.0
function OCM_materialIconMarkup() {
if ($('body.material').length > 0 && $('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right-hover"]').length == 0 ) {
if ($('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style*="fullscreen"]').length == 0 && $('#mobile-menu').length == 0) {
var $menuIconClone = $('header#top nav ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a > span > i').clone();
$('header#top nav ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a > span').append($menuIconClone);
var $menuIconClone2 = $('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a > span > i').clone();
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a > span').append($menuIconClone2);
$('body:not([data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]) header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a > span')
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a > span .close-wrap').addClass('loaded');
if ($('body.material #boxed').length > 0 && $('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right-hover"]').length > 0 && $('.ocm-effect-wrap').length > 0 ) {
$('#ajax-content-wrap > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.slide-out-hover-icon-effect').insertAfter('.ocm-effect-wrap');
//move material skin default ocm
if ($('body.material').length > 0 &&
$('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style*="fullscreen"]').length == 0 &&
$('.ocm-effect-wrap').length > 0 ) {
$('body.material #slide-out-widget-area.slide-out-from-right .slide_out_area_close').insertAfter('.ocm-effect-wrap');
* Material theme skin off canvas menu height
* @since 8.0
function OCM_materialSize() {
if ($('.ocm-effect-wrap.material-ocm-open').length > 0) {
'height': $window.height()
'padding-top': nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight
* Off canvas menu dropdown markup
* @since 8.0
function OCM_dropdownMarkup() {
var $nectar_ocm_dropdown_func = ($('#slide-out-widget-area[data-dropdown-func]').length > 0) ? $offCanvasEl.attr('data-dropdown-func') : 'default';
if ($nectar_ocm_dropdown_func == 'separate-dropdown-parent-link') {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children').append('
* Off canvas menu dropdown icon position.
* @since 8.0
function OCM_dropdownIconPos() {
$('#slide-out-widget-area[class*="slide-out-from-right"] .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children').each(function () {
'top': $(this).find('a').height() / 2
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children').each(function () {
'top': $(this).find('a').height() / 2
* Off canvas menu overflow scrolling.
* @since 8.0
function OCM_overflowState() {
//switch position of social media/extra info based on screen size
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ||
$('body > #boxed').length > 0 ||
$('.ocm-effect-wrap-inner > #boxed').length > 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .off-canvas-social-links, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .off-canvas-social-links').appendTo('#slide-out-widget-area .inner');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .bottom-text, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .bottom-text').appendTo('#slide-out-widget-area .inner');
} else {
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .off-canvas-social-links,#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .off-canvas-social-links').appendTo('#slide-out-widget-area .inner-wrap');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .bottom-text, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .bottom-text').appendTo('#slide-out-widget-area .inner-wrap');
//close mobile only slide out widget area if switching back to desktop
if ($('.slide-out-from-right.open .off-canvas-menu-container.mobile-only').length > 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').trigger('click');
//sizing for dropdown
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right hover open.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_slideOutRightHoverOpen() {
if ( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('#slide-out-widget-area.open').length > 0 ) {
return false;
if( nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').attr('aria-expanded','true');
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%'
'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)'
var withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
withinCustomBreakpoint = true;
var alignmentPosition = (window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format === 'centered-menu' && withinCustomBreakpoint) ? 'left' : 'right';
// Icon effect
// Set position
if ($('header#top .container .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').length > 0) {
var $hIconEl = $('.slide-out-hover-icon-effect'),
secondaryBarHeight = nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
var $nectarHamMenuPos;
var $withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if( $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"]').length > 0 ) {
$withinCustomBreakpoint = false;
if ($('body.mobile').length > 0 || $withinCustomBreakpoint) {
'top': $('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop
if( alignmentPosition === 'left' ) {
'left' : parseInt($('#header-outer header > .container').css('padding-right')) + 1,
'right' : ''
} else {
'right' : parseInt($('#header-outer header > .container').css('padding-right')) + 1,
'left' : ''
} else {
if ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
var $extraCushion = ($('#header-outer[data-has-menu="false"]').length > 0) ? 2 : 1;
'top': nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + secondaryBarHeight + parseInt($('header#top nav >ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').css('padding-top')),
'right': 29 + $extraCushion
} else {
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"]').length > 0) {
$nectarHamMenuPos = ($('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').css('display') == 'flex') ? $('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a').offset() : $('header#top .span_3 .right-side .slide-out-widget-area-toggle > div').offset();
if( $('#top .span_3 .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon').css('display') == 'flex' ) {
$nectarHamMenuPos = $('#top .span_3 .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a').offset();
'top': parseInt($nectarHamMenuPos.top) - nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop,
'right': parseInt($('#header-outer header >.container').css('padding-right')) + 2,
'left': ''
} else {
if( $body.hasClass('ascend') ) {
$nectarHamMenuPos = ($('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').css('display') == 'block') ? $('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon').position() : $('header#top nav .buttons .slide-out-widget-area-toggle > div a > span:not(.screen-reader-text)').position();
} else {
$nectarHamMenuPos = ($('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').css('display') == 'block') ? $('header#top .span_9 > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon').position() : $('header#top nav .buttons .slide-out-widget-area-toggle > div').position();
if ($('#header-secondary-outer.hide-up').length > 0) {
secondaryBarHeight = 0;
'top': nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + secondaryBarHeight + parseInt($nectarHamMenuPos.top),
'right': parseInt($('#header-outer header >.container').css('padding-right')) + 2,
'left': ''
} // No body border color match.
} //Not on mobile.
$('.slide-out-hover-icon-effect .lines-button')
if ($('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0 &&
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0 &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor &&
nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
if (!(nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0 && $('#header-outer.transparent').length > 0)) {
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 && $bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent', 'true').addClass('no-bg-color').addClass('slide-out-hover');
$('#header-outer header, #header-outer > .cart-outer').addClass('all-hidden');
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0 && $bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
if (headerResize == true) {
$window.off('scroll', bigNav);
$window.off('scroll', smallNav);
} else {
$window.off('scroll', opaqueCheck);
$window.off('scroll', transparentCheck);
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$window.on('mousemove.rightOffsetCheck', OCM_slideOutRightHoverCloseCheck);
} else {
return false;
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right hover close
* @since 10.5
function OCM_slideOutRightHoverCloseCheck(e) {
var $windowWidth = $window.width();
var $ocmHoverWidth = $offCanvasEl.outerWidth();
var withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
withinCustomBreakpoint = true;
var alignmentPosition = (window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format === 'centered-menu' && withinCustomBreakpoint) ? 'left' : 'right';
var conditionalShow = false;
if( alignmentPosition !== 'left') {
conditionalShow = (e.clientX < $windowWidth - parseInt($ocmHoverWidth) - $bodyBorderWidth);
} else {
conditionalShow = (e.clientX > parseInt($ocmHoverWidth) + $bodyBorderWidth);
if (conditionalShow && $offCanvasEl.hasClass('mouse-accessed')) {
$window.off('mousemove.rightOffsetCheck', OCM_slideOutRightHoverCloseCheck);
'transform': ''
$('.slide-out-hover-icon-effect .lines-button')
if ($('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0 && $bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$('#header-outer header, #header-outer > .cart-outer').removeClass('all-hidden');
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0 && $bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
if (headerResize == true) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"][data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true &&
$('#header-outer.pseudo-data-transparent').length > 0) {
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"] header > .container').stop(true, true).animate({
'padding': '0'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
} else {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', bigNav);
} else {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
* Off canvas menu: mobile slide out from right hover close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_mobileSlideOutRightHoverCloseCheck() {
if(nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').attr('aria-expanded','false');
'height': '1px',
'width': '1px'
'transform': ''
$('.slide-out-hover-icon-effect .lines-button')
if ($('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
$('#header-outer header').removeClass('all-hidden');
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0 && $bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) {
if (headerResize == true) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"][data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true &&
$('#header-outer.pseudo-data-transparent').length > 0) {
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"] header > .container').stop(true, true).animate({
'padding': '0'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
else {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', bigNav);
} else {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right hover initialization.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_slideOutRightHoverInit() {
if ($('#ajax-content-wrap > .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').length == 0) {
//icon effect html creation
var $iconInsertLocation = ( $('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle[data-custom-color="true"]').length > 0 ) ? '#slide-out-widget-area > div' : '#slide-out-widget-area';
if ($('#header-outer[data-has-menu="true"]').length > 0 ||
$('body[data-header-search="true"]').length > 0 ||
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a.using-label').length > 0 ||
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle[data-custom-color="true"]').length > 0 ) {
//hover triggered
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$body.on('mouseenter', '#header-outer .slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a', OCM_slideOutRightHoverOpen);
$offCanvasEl.on('mouseenter', function () {
} else {
$body.on('click', '.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a', OCM_slideOutRightHoverOpen);
$body.on('click', '#slide-out-widget-area-bg', OCM_slideOutRightMobileClose);
$window.on('smartresize', calculateHoverNavMinHeight);
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right close from body click on mobile.
* @since 12.2
function OCM_slideOutRightMobileClose() {
if( $('.slide-out-from-right-hover.open').length > 0 ) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a').first().addClass('non-human-allowed').trigger('click');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right open.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_slideOutRightOpen() {
var $slideOutAmount = ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0;
var withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
withinCustomBreakpoint = true;
var alignmentPosition = (window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format === 'centered-menu' && withinCustomBreakpoint) ? 'left' : 'right';
if ($('body.material').length == 0) {
// Calc height if used bottom meta.
$('#slide-out-widget-area .inner').css({
'height': 'auto',
'min-height': $offCanvasEl.height() - 25 - $('.bottom-meta-wrap').height()
// First item dropdown?
if($('#slide-out-widget-area[data-dropdown-func="separate-dropdown-parent-link"] .inner > div:first-of-type > .menu > li:first-child').length > 0 &&
$('#slide-out-widget-area .inner > div:first-of-type > .menu > li:first-child').hasClass('menu-item-has-children')) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .inner > div:first-of-type').css({'margin-top':'50px'});
if ($('#boxed').length == 0) {
$('.container-wrap, .home-wrap, #footer-outer:not(#nectar_fullscreen_rows #footer-outer), .nectar-box-roll, #page-header-wrap .page-header-bg-image, #page-header-wrap .nectar-video-wrap, #page-header-wrap .mobile-video-image, #page-header-wrap #page-header-bg > .container, .page-header-no-bg, div:not(.container) > .project-title').stop(true).transition({
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? '300px' : '-300px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
var $withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length == 0 || $withinCustomBreakpoint) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-transparency-option="1"]').length == 0 ||
($('#header-outer[data-transparency-option="1"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"]').length == 0) ||
$('body.mobile').length > 0) {
$headerOuterEl.stop(true).css('transform', 'translateY(0)').transition({
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? (300 + $slideOutAmount) + 'px' : '-' + (300 + $slideOutAmount) + 'px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
} else {
$headerOuterEl.stop(true).css('transform', 'translateY(0)').transition({
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? (300 + $slideOutAmount) + 'px' : '-' + (300 + $slideOutAmount) + 'px',
'background-color': 'transparent',
'border-bottom': '1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.22)'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
} else {
$('#header-outer header#top nav > ul.buttons, body:not(.material) #header-outer:not([data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]) .cart-outer .cart-menu-wrap').transition({
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? '300px' : '-300px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? $slideOutAmount + 'px' : '-' + $slideOutAmount + 'px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic').addClass('open');
if ($('#boxed').length == 0) {
// Full width menu adjustments
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0 && !$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length == 0) {
if ($bodyBorderWidth == 0) {
$('header#top #logo').stop(true).transition({
x: (300 + $slideOutAmount) + 'px' //todo
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle .lines-button:not(.legacy-double)').addClass('close');
$('body #header-outer nav > ul > li > a').css({
'margin-bottom': '0'
// Fade In BG Overlay
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%'
'opacity': 1
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic', function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) > div > a').removeClass('animating');
// Hide menu if no space
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length == 0) {
var $logoWidth = ($('#logo img:visible').length > 0) ? $('#logo img:visible').width() : $('#logo').width();
if ($('header#top nav > .sf-menu').offset().left - $logoWidth - 300 < 20) {
} else {
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
if ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true && headerResize == true && $headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
y: '0'
}, 0).addClass('transparent').css('transition', 'transform');
$window.off('scroll', bigNav);
$window.off('scroll', smallNav);
} else if ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true && $headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
$window.off('scroll', opaqueCheck);
$window.off('scroll', transparentCheck);
} else if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
// Material theme skin slide out from right
//move ajax loading outside
if ($loadingScreenEl.length > 0 && $('.ocm-effect-wrap #ajax-loading-screen').length > 0) {
// Hide secondary header when not at top with hhun
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 40) {
$('body[data-hhun="1"] #header-secondary-outer').addClass('hidden');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) > div > a').removeClass('animating');
}, 300);
$('#slide-out-widget-area, #slide-out-widget-area-bg, #header-outer .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').addClass('material-open');
// Handle bottom bar nav
if ($('body:not(.mobile) #header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"][data-condense="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] .span_9').css('display') != 'none') {
$('#header-outer:not(.fixed-menu)').css('top', nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight - nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + 'px');
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 && $('#header-outer.fixed-menu').length > 0) {
$headerSecondaryEl.css('visibility', 'hidden');
'position': 'relative',
'top': '-' + nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + 'px'
'padding-top': nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight
nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen = true;
'height': nectarDOMInfo.winH
setTimeout(function () {
}, 40);
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').addClass('follow-body');
//icon effect
$('#header-outer:not([data-format="left-header"]) header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').addClass('effect-shown');
//handle hhun when at top
$('body[data-hhun="1"]:not(.no-scroll):not(.mobile) #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]:not(.detached):not(.parallax-contained):not(.at-top-before-box)').css({
'transition': 'none',
'transform': 'translateY(' + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 'px)'
setTimeout(function () {
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').addClass('material-ocm-open');
}, 350);
* Off canvas menu: slide out from right close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_slideOutRightClose() {
if ($('body.material').length == 0) {
var withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
withinCustomBreakpoint = true;
var alignmentPosition = (window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format && window.nectarOptions.mobile_header_format === 'centered-menu' && withinCustomBreakpoint) ? 'left' : 'right';
$('.container-wrap, .home-wrap, #footer-outer:not(#nectar_fullscreen_rows #footer-outer), .nectar-box-roll, #page-header-wrap .page-header-bg-image, #page-header-wrap .nectar-video-wrap, #page-header-wrap .mobile-video-image, #page-header-wrap #page-header-bg > .container, .page-header-no-bg, div:not(.container) > .project-title').stop(true).transition({
x: '0px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
if ($('#header-outer[data-transparency-option="1"]').length > 0 && $('#boxed').length == 0) {
var $currentRowBG = ($('#header-outer[data-current-row-bg-color]').length > 0) ? $headerOuterEl.attr('data-current-row-bg-color') : $headerOuterEl.attr('data-user-set-bg');
x: '0px',
'background-color': $currentRowBG
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
} else {
x: '0px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
x: (alignmentPosition === 'left') ? '-301px' : '301px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic').removeClass('open');
if ($('#boxed').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0) {
$('header#top #logo').stop(true).transition({
x: '0px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length > 0) {
$('#header-outer header#top nav > ul.buttons, #header-outer .cart-outer .cart-menu-wrap').stop(true).transition({
x: '0px'
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic');
//fade out overlay
'opacity': 0
}, 700, 'easeInOutCubic', function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('animating');
'height': '1px',
'width': '1px'
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
//hide menu if transparent, user has scrolled down and hhun is on
if ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('parallax-contained') &&
nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
else if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0 && $('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && $('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').length > 0 ||
nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0 && $('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && $('.parallax_slider_outer').length > 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-transparency-option="1"]').length > 0) {
//fix for fixed subpage menu
$('.container-wrap').css('transform', 'none');
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
if ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true &&
headerResize == true &&
nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"][data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true &&
$('#header-outer.pseudo-data-transparent').length > 0) {
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"] header > .container').stop(true, true).animate({
'padding': '0'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
} else {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', bigNav);
if ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('pseudo-data-transparent')) {
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header', 'false')
$headerOuterEl.css('transition', 'transform');
} else if ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
$headerOuterEl.css('transition', 'transform');
if ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('pseudo-data-transparent')) {
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header', 'false')
else if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area, #slide-out-widget-area-bg, #header-outer .slide-out-widget-area-toggle').removeClass('material-open');
$('.ocm-effect-wrap, .ocm-effect-wrap-shadow, body > .slide_out_area_close, #fp-nav').removeClass('material-ocm-open');
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('follow-body');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('animating');
'height': '100%'
'padding-top': '0'
'position': '',
'top': ''
//handle bottom bar nav
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] .span_9').css('display') != 'none' &&
$('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$('#header-outer:not(.fixed-menu)').css('top', '');
$headerSecondaryEl.css('visibility', '');
//handle hhun when at top
$('body[data-hhun="1"]:not(.no-scroll) #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]:not(.detached):not(.parallax-contained):not(.at-top-before-box)').css({
'transform': ''
setTimeout(function () {
$('body[data-hhun="1"]:not(.no-scroll) #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]:not(.detached):not(.parallax-contained):not(.at-top-before-box)').css({
'transition': ''
}, 30);
$('body[data-hhun="1"] #header-secondary-outer.hidden').removeClass('hidden');
nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen = false;
}, 900);
setTimeout(function () {
//icon effect
$('#header-outer:not([data-format="left-header"]) header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a')
}, 200);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#header-outer:not([data-format="left-header"]) header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('no-trans');
}, 500);
* Off canvas menu: fullscreen open.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_fullscreenOpen() {
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').addClass('menu-push-out');
// Scroll away from fixed reveal footer if shown (firefox bug with bluring over it)
var $scrollDelay = 0;
var $scrollDelay2 = 0;
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + $window.height() > $('.blurred-wrap').height() && $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
scrollTop: $('.blurred-wrap').height() - $window.height()
}, 600, 'easeInOutCubic');
$scrollDelay = 550;
$scrollDelay2 = 200;
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) .lines-button:not(.legacy-double)').addClass('close');
setTimeout(function () {
}, $scrollDelay);
if ($('.nectar-social.fixed').length == 0) {
// Remove box shadow incase at the top of the page with nectar box roll above
$headerOuterEl.stop(true).css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 50).transition({
y: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, 800, 'easeOutExpo');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .widget').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 100).transition({
y: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, 800, 'easeOutExpo');
}, 370 + $scrollDelay2);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links').addClass('line-shown');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links li').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 50).transition({
'scale': 1
}, 400, 'easeOutCubic');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .bottom-text').transition({
'opacity': 0.7
}, 400, 'easeOutCubic');
}, 750 + $scrollDelay2);
// Fade In BG Overlay
setTimeout(function () {
var $easing = ($('body.mobile').length > 0) ? 'easeOutCubic' : 'easeInOutQuint';
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%'
'y': '0%'
}, 920, $easing, function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle > div > a').removeClass('animating');
}, 50 + $scrollDelay2);
// Overflow state
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap').hasClass('no-scroll')) {
var headerOffset = $headerOuterEl.offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .inner-wrap').css('padding-top', ($headerOuterEl.outerHeight() + headerOffset));
* Off canvas menu: fullscreen close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_fullscreenClose() {
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('menu-push-out');
}, 350);
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) .lines-button:not(.legacy-double)').removeClass('close');
'opacity': 0
}, 700, 'easeOutQuad', function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen').hide().css('opacity', '1');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .widget').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 700, 'easeOutQuad', function () {
y: '110px'
}, 0);
setTimeout(function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').transition({
y: '80px',
'opacity': 0
}, 0);
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links li').transition({
'scale': 0
}, 0);
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links').removeClass('line-shown');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .bottom-text').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 0);
// Close submenu items
$('#slide-out-widget-area .menuwrapper .menu').removeClass('subview');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .menuwrapper .menu li').removeClass('subview subviewopen');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .inner .menu-wrap').css('height', 'auto');
}, 800);
setTimeout(function () {
if ($('.nectar-social.fixed').length == 0) {
}, 500);
// Fade out overlay
'opacity': 0
}, 900, 'easeOutQuad', function () {
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap').hasClass('no-scroll')) {
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length == 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen .inner-wrap').css('padding-top', '0');
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('animating');
var $opacity = 0.4;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('solid')) {
$opacity = 1;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('dark')) {
$opacity = 0.93;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('medium')) {
$opacity = 0.6;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('light')) {
$opacity = 0.4;
'height': '1px',
'width': '1px',
'opacity': $opacity
y: '-100%'
}, 0);
* Off canvas menu: fullscreen alt open.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_fullscreenAltOpen() {
var $ocm_fullscreen_class = ( $offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-alt') ) ? '.fullscreen-alt' : '.fullscreen-split';
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').addClass('menu-push-out');
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) .lines-button:not(.legacy-double)').addClass('close');
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
} else {
$('body > div[class*="body-border"]').css('z-index', '9995');
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu').transition({
y: '0px',
'opacity': 1
}, 0);
if ($('.nectar-social.fixed').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer.transparent').length > 0) {
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0) {
$('.admin-bar #slide-out-widget-area-bg'+$ocm_fullscreen_class).css({
'padding-top': ($bodyBorderTop.outerHeight(true) + 32) + 'px'
$('body:not(.admin-bar) #slide-out-widget-area-bg'+$ocm_fullscreen_class).css({
'padding-top': ($bodyBorderTop.outerHeight(true)) + 'px'
// Set translateY to 0 in all cases
$headerOuterEl.stop(true).css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
if ($('#logo .starting-logo').length > 0 &&
$window.width() > 1000 &&
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"].fixed-menu').length == 0 &&
$('body.material #header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length == 0 &&
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
$headerOuterEl.stop(true).css('transform', 'translateY(0)').addClass('transparent');
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap').css('transition-duration', '0s');
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 50).transition({
y: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, 750, 'easeOutCubic').addClass('no-pointer-events');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').removeClass('no-pointer-events');
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap').css('transition-duration', '.45s');
}, 500);
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .widget').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 100).transition({
y: 0,
'opacity': 1
}, 650, 'easeOutCubic');
}, 200);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links').addClass('line-shown');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links li').css('opacity', '1').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 50).transition({
'scale': 1
}, 400, 'easeOutCubic');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .bottom-text').transition({
'opacity': 1
}, 600, 'easeOutCubic');
}, 200);
// Fade In BG Overlay
var $opacity = 0.4;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('solid')) {
$opacity = 1;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('dark')) {
$opacity = 0.97;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('medium')) {
$opacity = 0.6;
if ($offCanvasBG.hasClass('light')) {
$opacity = 0.4;
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
'height': '100%',
'width': '100%',
'left': '0',
'opacity': $opacity
// Overflow state
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle > div > a').removeClass('animating');
}, 600);
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length > 0 &&
$('.container-wrap').hasClass('no-scroll')) {
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
var headerOffset = $headerOuterEl.offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
$('#slide-out-widget-area'+$ocm_fullscreen_class+' .inner-wrap').css('padding-top', ($headerOuterEl.outerHeight() + headerOffset));
} else {
$('#slide-out-widget-area'+$ocm_fullscreen_class+' .inner-wrap').css('padding-top', $headerOuterEl.outerHeight());
* Off canvas menu: fullscreen alt close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_fullscreenAltClose() {
var $ocm_fullscreen_class = ( $offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-alt') ) ? '.fullscreen-alt' : '.fullscreen-split';
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('header#top .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('menu-push-out');
}, 350);
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) .lines-button:not(.legacy-double)').removeClass('close');
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-split' ) {
setTimeout(function () {
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .widget').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 500, 'easeOutQuad', function () {
y: '40px'
}, 0);
$('#slide-out-widget-area .bottom-text, #slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links li').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 250, 'easeOutQuad');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links').removeClass('line-shown');
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu').transition({
y: '-13px',
'opacity': 0
}, 400);
setTimeout(function () {
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').stop(true, true).transition({
y: '40px',
'opacity': 0
}, 0);
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links li').transition({
'scale': 0
}, 0);
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-social-links').removeClass('line-shown');
// Close submenu items
$('#slide-out-widget-area .menuwrapper .menu').removeClass('subview');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .menuwrapper .menu li').removeClass('subview subviewopen');
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt .inner .menu-wrap').css('height', 'auto');
'height': '1px',
'width': '1px',
'left': '-100%'
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap').hasClass('no-scroll')) {
if ($('.mobile #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length == 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area'+$ocm_fullscreen_class+' .inner-wrap').css('padding-top', '0');
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').removeClass('animating');
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
}, 550);
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-split' ) {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($('.nectar-social.fixed').length == 0) {
}, 600);
// Fade out overlay
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
var borderDelay = ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true) ? 150 : 50;
setTimeout(function () {
if( $ocm_fullscreen_class === '.fullscreen-alt' ) {
'opacity': 0
if ($('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0) {
$('body > div[class*="body-border"]').css('z-index', '10000');
}, borderDelay);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#header-outer:not([data-permanent-transparent="1"]).transparent.small-nav, #header-outer[data-hhun="1"]:not([data-permanent-transparent="1"]).transparent.scrolling, #header-outer:not([data-permanent-transparent="1"]).transparent.scrolled-down').removeClass('transparent');
if ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('pseudo-data-transparent')) {
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header', 'false')
}, 100);
* Off canvas menu: simple dropdown open.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_simpleDropdownOpen(classname) {
$('header#top').find('.'+classname+':not(.std-menu) .lines-button').addClass('close');
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$('header#top').find('.'+classname+' a').addClass('menu-push-out');
setTimeout(function () {
$('header#top').find('.'+classname+' > div > a').removeClass('animating');
}, 100);
* Off canvas menu: simple dropdown close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_simpleDropdownClose(classname) {
$('body').find('.'+classname+':not(.std-menu) .lines-button').removeClass('close');
setTimeout(function () {
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$('header#top .'+classname+' a').removeClass('menu-push-out');
$('body').find('.'+classname+' a').removeClass('animating');
}, 350);
* Off canvas menu: simple dropdown click events.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_simpleStyleInit() {
if( $('#header-outer #mobile-menu').length == 0 ) {
$('#header-outer #mobile-menu li.megamenu').removeClass('megamenu');
// Add icons/markup.
$('#header-outer #mobile-menu ul li a').each(function() {
if( !$(this).hasClass('nectar-widget-link') && $(this).find('.nectar-ext-menu-item').length == 0 ) {
$('#header-outer #mobile-menu ul li').each(function(){
if($(this).find('> ul').length > 0) {
$(this).find('> a').append('
// Click event.
$('#header-outer #mobile-menu .sf-sub-indicator').on('click', function(){
var $parentLI = $(this).parent().parent();
// Open.
if( $parentLI.hasClass('current-open-item') ) {
$parentLI.find('> ul').show();
} else {
// Close.
// Ensure open children also close.
return false;
// Resize event.
$window.on('smartresize', function(){
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 && $('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a.open').length > 0 ||
nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 && $('.nectar-ocm-trigger-open.simple-mobile-menu a.open').length > 0) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a, .nectar-ocm-trigger-open.simple-mobile-menu a').addClass('non-human-allowed');
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a.open, .nectar-ocm-trigger-open.simple-mobile-menu a.open').trigger('click');
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a, .nectar-ocm-trigger-open.simple-mobile-menu a').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
* Off canvas menu click triggered styles initialization
* @since 10.5
function OCM_clickTriggeredStylesInit() {
// Click triggered open bind.
$body.on('click', '.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a.closed:not(.animating), .nectar-ocm-trigger-open', function () {
if (nectarBoxRoll.animating == 'true' || $('.slide-out-from-right-hover').length > 0) {
return false;
// Classic Mobile Direct Custom Link.
if( $(this).hasClass('simple-mobile-menu')) {
return false;
// Slide out from right.
if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('slide-out-from-right')) {
// Fullscreen.
else if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen')) {
// Fullscreen Alt.
else if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-alt') || $offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-split')) {
// Simple dropdown.
else if( $('#header-outer #mobile-menu').length > 0 ) {
// Add open class
if( $('#header-outer #mobile-menu').length == 0 ) {
// Give header transparent state
if ($('#header-outer[data-transparency-option="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#boxed').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0 &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
if ($('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]').length == 0 &&
$('body.material #header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length == 0) {
// Dark slide transparent nav
if ($('#header-outer.dark-slide.transparent').length > 0 &&
$('#boxed').length == 0 &&
$('body.material-ocm-open').length == 0) {
} // Not using simple OCM.
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.simple-mobile-menu) > div > a')
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.simple-mobile-menu) > div > a').addClass('animating');
return false;
// Close event bind.
$body.on('click', '.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a.open:not(.animating), .nectar-ocm-trigger-open a.open, #slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close, > .slide_out_area_close, #slide-out-widget-area-bg.slide-out-from-right, .material-ocm-open #ajax-content-wrap', function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent == undefined &&
$('.slide_out_area_close.non-human-allowed').length == 0 &&
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a.non-human-allowed').length == 0) {
if ($('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a.animating').length > 0) {
// Classic Mobile Direct Custom Link.
if( $(this).parents('.simple-mobile-menu').length > 0 ) {
return false;
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu):not(.simple-mobile-menu) a')
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.simple-mobile-menu):not(.std-menu) a')
// Slide out from right.
if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('slide-out-from-right')) {
// Fullscreen.
else if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen')) {
// Fullscreen alt.
else if ($offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-alt') || $offCanvasEl.hasClass('fullscreen-split')) {
// Simple dropdown.
else if( $('#header-outer #mobile-menu').length > 0 ) {
if( $('#header-outer #mobile-menu').length == 0 ) {
// Dark slide transparent nav
if ($('#header-outer.temp-removed-dark-slide.transparent').length > 0 && $('#boxed').length == 0) {
// Remove header transparent state
if ($('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0 && $('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt').length == 0) {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer.small-nav').length > 0 ||
$('#header-outer.scrolled-down').length > 0) {
else {
if ($('#header-outer.small-nav').length > 0 ||
$('#header-outer.scrolled-down').length > 0 ||
$('.container-wrap.auto-height').length > 0) {
// Remove hidden menu
} // Not using simple OCM.
return false;
* Off canvas menu main initialization.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_init() {
if ($('#slide-out-widget-area.slide-out-from-right-hover').length > 0) {
} else {
if ($('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split').length == 0 &&
$('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style*="slide-out-from-right"]').length == 0 &&
$('#slide-out-widget-area[data-dropdown-func="separate-dropdown-parent-link"]').length == 0) {
} else if ($('body.using-mobile-browser[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right-hover"]').length > 0) {
// Close OCM on mobile when clicking anchor on same page
$('body #slide-out-widget-area .inner .off-canvas-menu-container li a[href*="#"]').on('click', function () {
if ($(this).attr('href') != '#') {
// Page fullscreen row close OCM fullscreen/classic slide out from right
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0 && ($('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style*="fullscreen"]').length > 0 || $('body[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]:not(.material)').length > 0) ) {
$('body #slide-out-widget-area .inner .off-canvas-menu-container li a[href]').on('click', function () {
var $link_href = ($(this).is('[href*="#"]')) ? $(this).attr('href') : '';
if ($link_href != '#' && $('div[data-fullscreen-anchor-id="' + $link_href.substr($link_href.indexOf("#") + 1) + '"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close')
}, 100);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 150);
// Submenu link hover fix
$body.on('mouseover', '#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container .menuwrapper > .sub-menu li > a', function () {
var $currentTxt = $(this).text();
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menuwrapper .menu li > a').removeClass('hovered');
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menuwrapper .menu li > a:contains(' + $currentTxt + ')').addClass('hovered');
$body.on('mouseover', '.off-canvas-menu-container .menuwrapper .menu li > a', function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menuwrapper .menu li > a').removeClass('hovered');
// Bind mousewheel.
setTimeout(OCM_scrolling, 500);
// Handle mobile scrolling.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
* Off canvas menu scrolling.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_scrolling() {
$offCanvasEl.mousewheel(function (event, delta) {
this.scrollTop -= (event.deltaY * event.deltaFactor)/1.5;
* Off canvas menu close.
* @since 10.5
function OCM_close(item) {
if ($('#slide-out-widget-area.open').length > 0) {
var $windowCurrentLocation = window.location.href.split("#")[0];
var $windowClickedLocation = item.find('> a').attr('href').split("#")[0];
if ($windowCurrentLocation == $windowClickedLocation || item.find('a[href^="#"]').length > 0) {
if (item.parents('.slide-out-from-right-hover').length > 0) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.slide-out-hover-icon-effect a').trigger('click');
} else {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').trigger('click');
* Click based submenus.
* Used by left header layout and off canvas menu.
* @since 10.5
function clickToggleSubmenus() {
if (!$('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"]').length > 0 &&
!$('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style*="slide-out-from-right"]').length > 0 &&
!$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split').length > 0 &&
!$('#slide-out-widget-area[data-dropdown-func="separate-dropdown-parent-link"]').length > 0) {
// Remove megamenu class.
$('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav li.megamenu').removeClass('nectar-megamenu-menu-item').removeClass('megamenu');
var $ocm_link_selector;
if ($('#slide-out-widget-area[data-dropdown-func="separate-dropdown-parent-link"]').length > 0) {
$ocm_link_selector = '#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children > .ocm-dropdown-arrow';
} else {
$ocm_link_selector = 'body.material #slide-out-widget-area[class*="slide-out-from-right"] .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children > a, #slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-split .off-canvas-menu-container li.menu-item-has-children > a';
var left_header_selector = '#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav li.menu-item-has-children > a';
var lh_dropdown_func = ( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.left_header_dropdown_func ) ? window.nectarOptions.left_header_dropdown_func : 'default';
if( lh_dropdown_func === 'separate-dropdown-parent-link' ) {
left_header_selector = '#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav li.menu-item-has-children > a .sf-sub-indicator';
// Click event.
$(left_header_selector + ', ' + $ocm_link_selector).on('click', function () {
var $parentSelector = $(this).parent();
if( lh_dropdown_func === 'separate-dropdown-parent-link' ) {
$parentSelector = $(this).closest('.menu-item');
if ($parentSelector.hasClass('open-submenu')) {
'max-height': '0'
} else {
// Get max height.
var $that = $(this);
var $maxSubMenuHeight;
.find('> .sub-menu')
setTimeout(function () {
$parentSelector.find('> .sub-menu').css({
'max-height': 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'visibility': 'hidden'
$maxSubMenuHeight = $parentSelector.find('> .sub-menu').height();
.find('> .sub-menu')
$parentSelector.find('> .sub-menu').css({
'max-height': '0',
'position': 'relative',
'visibility': 'visible'
}, 25);
setTimeout(function () {
// Reset Max Height.
$that.closest('ul').find('li.menu-item-has-children > .sub-menu').css({
'max-height': '0'
.find('> .sub-menu')
.css('max-height', $maxSubMenuHeight);
// Add height to open parents.
if ($that.parents('ul').length > 0) {
$that.parents('ul:not(.sf-menu)').each(function () {
$(this).css('max-height', parseInt($(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) * 2 + $maxSubMenuHeight) + 'px');
}, 50);
return false;
// Start open for current page items.
if($('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav .sf-menu > .current-menu-ancestor.menu-item-has-children > ul > li.current-menu-item').length > 0) {
if( lh_dropdown_func === 'separate-dropdown-parent-link' ) {
$('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav .sf-menu > .current-menu-ancestor.menu-item-has-children > a .sf-sub-indicator').trigger('click');
} else {
$('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"] nav .sf-menu > .current-menu-ancestor.menu-item-has-children > a').trigger('click');
* DLMenu - plugin used for submenus in off canvas menu.
* @since 6.0
$.DLMenu = function (options, element) {
this.$el = $(element);
// the options
$.DLMenu.defaults = {
// classes for the animation effects
animationClasses: {
classin: 'dl-animate-in-1',
classout: 'dl-animate-out-1'
onLevelClick: function () {
return false;
onLinkClick: function () {
return false;
$.DLMenu.prototype = {
_init: function (options) {
// options
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.DLMenu.defaults, options);
var animEndEventNames = {
'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd',
'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd',
'animation': 'animationend'
transEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
'transition': 'transitionend'
// animation end event name
this.animEndEventName = animEndEventNames['animation'] + '.menu';
// transition end event name
this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames['transition'] + '.menu',
// support for css animations and css transitions
this.supportAnimations = true,
this.supportTransitions = true;
_config: function () {
this.open = false;
this.$trigger = this.$el.children('.trigger');
this.$menu = this.$el.children('ul.menu');
this.$menuitems = this.$menu.find('li:not(.back) > a');
' + $offCanvasEl.attr('data-back-txt') + ' ');
this.$back = this.$menu.find('li.back');
_initEvents: function () {
var self = this;
this.$trigger.on('click.menu', function () {
if (self.open) {
} else {
return false;
this.$menuitems.on('click.menu', function (event) {
var $item = $(this).parent('li'),
$submenu = $item.children('ul.sub-menu');
$('.fullscreen-alt .off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap, .fullscreen-alt .off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap span').css('transition-duration', '0s');
if ($submenu.length > 0) {
var $flyin = $submenu.clone().css('opacity', 0).insertAfter(self.$menu),
onAnimationEndFn = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .menu > li').removeClass('no-pointer-events');
$('.off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap, .off-canvas-menu-container .clip-wrap span').css('transition-duration', '.45s');
}, 300);
setTimeout(function () {
if (self.supportAnimations) {
self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn);
} else {
self.options.onLevelClick($item, $item.children('a:first').text());
$item.parents('.menu-wrap').css('height', $item.parents('.off-canvas-menu-container').find('.menuwrapper .menu').height()).transition({
'height': $flyin.height()
}, 500, 'easeInOutQuad');
return false;
} else {
self.options.onLinkClick($item.find('> a'), event);
this.$back.on('click.menu', function () {
var $this = $(this),
$submenu = $this.parents('ul.sub-menu:first'),
$item = $submenu.parent(),
$flyin = $submenu.clone().insertAfter(self.$menu);
var onAnimationEndFn = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if (self.supportAnimations) {
self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn);
} else {
var $subview = $this.parents('.subview:first');
if ($subview.is('li')) {
setTimeout(function () {
'height': $item.parent().height()
}, 500, 'easeInOutQuad');
}, 50);
return false;
closeMenu: function () {
if (this.open) {
_closeMenu: function () {
var self = this,
onTransitionEndFn = function () {
if (this.supportTransitions) {
this.$menu.on(this.transEndEventName, onTransitionEndFn);
} else {
this.open = false;
openMenu: function () {
if (!this.open) {
_openMenu: function () {
var self = this;
$body.off('click').on('click.menu', function () {
this.$menu.addClass('menuopen menu-toggle').on(this.transEndEventName, function () {
this.open = true;
_resetMenu: function () {
this.$menuitems.removeClass('subview subviewopen');
var logError = function (message) {
if (window.console) {
$.fn.dlmenu = function (options) {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
this.each(function () {
var instance = $.data(this, 'menu');
if (!instance) {
logError("cannot call methods on menu prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'");
if (!$.isFunction(instance[options]) || options.charAt(0) === "_") {
logError("no such method '" + options + "' for menu instance");
instance[options].apply(instance, args);
} else {
this.each(function () {
var instance = $.data(this, 'menu');
if (instance) {
} else {
instance = $.data(this, 'menu', new $.DLMenu(options, this));
return this;
* Initialize DL menu.
* @since 6.0
function fullscreenMenuInit() {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container .menu').wrap('');
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container .menu').addClass('menuopen');
var $ocmAnimationClassNum = ($('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt').length > 0) ? '4' : '5';
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container .menu-wrap').dlmenu({
animationClasses: {
classin: 'dl-animate-in-' + $ocmAnimationClassNum,
classout: 'dl-animate-out-' + $ocmAnimationClassNum
* Set the page header height when using "slide down" theme option effect.
* @since 2.0
function pageHeaderSlideInHeight() {
var pageHeaderHeight = parseInt($pageHeaderBG.height());
$('body[data-aie="slide-down"] #page-header-wrap:not(.fullscreen-header):not([data-responsive="true"])').css('height', pageHeaderHeight + 'px');
* Fired after page header image has loaded.
* @since 2.0
function pageHeaderAfterLoad() {
//fade in header
if ($('#ajax-content-wrap').length == 0 || !$body.hasClass('ajax-loaded')) {
'opacity': 1
}, 350, 'easeInCubic');
} else if ($('#ajax-content-wrap').length == 1) {
'opacity': 1
$('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"] .nectar-particles').append('
* Page header unload event.
* @since 2.0
function pageHeaderUnload() {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1 || navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
window.onunload = function () {
$('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"] .span_6').css({
'opacity': 1
* Page header initialization.
* @since 2.0
function pageHeaderInit() {
var pageHeaderState = {
inView: true
var $pageHeaderInnerEl = $('#page-header-bg .span_6 .inner-wrap');
var $pageHeaderCanvasEl = $('#page-header-bg #canvas');
if ($('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').length > 0) {
// Fade in
var img = new Image(),
pageHeaderHeight = parseInt($pageHeaderBG.height()),
headerSpaceHeight = $('#header-space').height(),
globalTopSectionHeight = ($('.nectar-global-section.after-nav').length > 0) ? $('.nectar-global-section.after-nav').height() : 0,
$initialImgCheck = extractUrl($('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').css('background-image'));
if ($initialImgCheck && $initialImgCheck.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
img.onload = function () {
img.src = extractUrl($('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').css('background-image'));
} else {
if ($('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && !$('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
// Calculate on scroll.
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 ) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 ) {
}, false);
var $pt_timeout = ($('body[data-ajax-transitions="true"]').length > 0 && $('#page-header-bg[data-animate-in-effect="slide-down"]').length > 0) ? 350 : 0;
if ($pageHeaderBG.length > 0) {
// Slide in height effect.
setTimeout(function () {
}, $pt_timeout);
// Using bg classname.
var $initialImgCheckAscend = extractUrl($pageHeaderBG.css('background-image'));
if ($initialImgCheckAscend && $initialImgCheckAscend.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
// Resize slide in height.
function parallaxPageHeaderCalc() {
var $multiplier = 0.15;
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 &&
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) == null &&
nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen != true ) {
// Calc parallax.
if (pageHeaderState.inView == true) {
'transform': 'translateY(' + nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop * $multiplier + 'px)',
'opacity': 1 - (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop / ((globalTopSectionHeight + pageHeaderHeight)*.7))
if( $pageHeaderCanvasEl ) {
'transform': 'translateY(' + nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop * $multiplier*2 + 'px)'
// Hide elements to allow other parallax sections to work in webkit browsers.
if ((nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop / (pageHeaderHeight + headerSpaceHeight + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight)) > 1) {
pageHeaderState.inView = false;
$('.nectar-particles, #page-header-bg .fade-out').css('visibility', 'hidden').addClass('out-of-sight');
else {
pageHeaderState.inView = true;
$('#page-header-bg, .nectar-particles, #page-header-bg .fade-out').css('visibility', 'visible').removeClass('out-of-sight');
if ($pageHeaderBG.length > 0) {
// Bind unload event
// Initialize text effects.
if( $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 ) {
* Page header text effect markup creation.
* @since 6.0
function pageHeaderTextEffectMarkup() {
$pageHeaderBG.each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('data-text-effect') == 'rotate_in') {
var $topHeading = 'none';
if ($(this).find('.span_6 h1').length > 0) {
$topHeading = 'h1';
if ($topHeading != 'none') {
var $selector = ($(this).find('.nectar-particles').length > 0) ? '.inner-wrap.shape-1' : '.span_6';
$(this).find($selector).find($topHeading).addClass('top-heading').contents().filter(function () {
return this.nodeType === 3 && typeof this.data != 'undefined' && this.data.replace(/\s+/, "");
$(this).find($selector).find('.wraped').each(function () {
var textNode = $(this),
text = textNode.text().split(' '),
replace = '';
$.each(text, function (index, value) {
if (value.replace(/\s+/, "")) {
replace += '
' + value + ' ';
* Page header text effect animation.
* @since 6.0
function pageHeaderTextEffect() {
if ($('#page-header-bg .nectar-particles').length == 0 && $('#page-header-bg[data-text-effect="none"]').length == 0 ||
$('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && $('#page-header-bg .nectar-particles').length == 0) {
var $selector = ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) ? '#page-header-bg .span_6' : '.nectar-box-roll .overlaid-content .span_6';
$($selector).find('.wraped').each(function (i) {
$(this).find('span').delay(i * 370).transition({
rotateX: '0',
'opacity': 1,
y: 0
}, 400, 'easeOutQuad');
setTimeout(function () {
$($selector).find('.inner-wrap > *:not(.top-heading)').each(function (i) {
$(this).delay(i * 370).transition({
rotateX: '0',
'opacity': 1,
y: 0
}, 650, 'easeOutQuad');
$('.scroll-down-wrap, .scroll-down-wrap .section-down-arrow').removeClass('hidden');
}, $($selector).find('.wraped').length * 370);
* Page header text effect initialization.
* @since 6.0
function pageHeaderTextEffectInit() {
var $effectTimeout = ($loadingScreenEl.length > 0) ? 800 : 0;
if ($('#page-header-bg .nectar-video-wrap video').length == 0) {
setTimeout(pageHeaderTextEffect, $effectTimeout);
* Permanent transparent header effect.
* @since 6.0
function midnightInit() {
if ($('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('body[data-bg-header="true"]').length > 0) {
// Pages that set no midnight coloring.
if ($('.container-wrap div[data-midnight]').length == 0) {
$('.container-wrap').attr('data-midnight', 'dark');
//// Cache midnight compat divs.
var $midnightCompatArr = [];
$('div[data-midnight]').each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('data-midnight') == 'light' && $(this).parents('.pum-content').length == 0 ||
$(this).attr('data-midnight') == 'dark' && $(this).parents('.pum-content').length == 0) {
if( $(this).is('#page-header-bg') && $(this).parents('#page-header-wrap[data-midnight]').length > 0 ) {
// skip.
} else {
if ($midnightCompatArr.length > 0) {
$.each($midnightCompatArr, function (k, v) {
if (v.attr('data-midnight') == 'light' || v.attr('data-midnight') == 'dark') {
var $that = v;
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function (direction) {
if ($('body.material-ocm-open').length > 0 || $that.css('display') == 'none' ) {
var $textColor;
if (direction == 'down') {
$textColor = ($that.attr('data-midnight') == 'light') ? '' : 'dark-slide';
} else {
var $prevMidItem;
if (k - 1 >= 0) {
$prevMidItem = k - 1;
} else {
$prevMidItem = k;
$textColor = ($midnightCompatArr[$prevMidItem].attr('data-midnight') == 'light') ? '' : 'dark-slide';
offset: $headerOuterEl.height()
* Box roll header effect initialization.
* @since 6.0
function nectarBoxRollInit() {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && typeof NectarBoxRoll !== 'undefined') {
// listen for emits.
$(window).on('nectar-box-roll-scroll-disabled', function() {
nectarState.preventScroll = true;
$(window).on('nectar-box-roll-scroll-enabled', function() {
nectarState.preventScroll = false;
nectarBoxRoll = new NectarBoxRoll(nectarDOMInfo, waypoints, midnightInit, pageLoadHash, resizeVideoToCover);
* Create all waypoints.
* @since 6.0
function waypoints() {
* Salient page builder elements initialization.
* @since 10.5
function salientPageBuilderElInit() {
setTimeout(flickityInit, 100);
setTimeout(tabbedInit, 60);
var stickyEls = new NectarStickyEls();
/***************** WooCommerce *****************/
* Woo filter toggle
* @since 13.0
function NectarWooCommerceFilters() {
this.$toggleBtn = $('.nectar-shop-filters .nectar-shop-filter-trigger');
this.$sidebar = $('#sidebar');
this.sidebarPos = (this.$sidebar.hasClass('col_last')) ? 'right' : 'left';
this.state = {
open: (this.getLS()) ? this.getLS() : 'true'
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.events = function() {
this.$toggleBtn.on('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
this.$sidebar.find('.nectar-close-btn-wrap').on('click', this.mobileToggle.bind(this));
$(window).on('smartresize', this.mobileToggleResize.bind(this));
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.mobileToggleResize = function() {
if( this.$sidebar.hasClass('open') && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999 ) {
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.mobileToggle = function() {
if( this.$sidebar.hasClass('open') ) {
} else {
return false;
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.toggle = function() {
// Mobile.
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
return false;
var visibility = '';
// Close.
if( this.state.open == 'true' ) {
// Handle state.
this.state.open = 'false';
visibility = 'false';
// Layout change.
this.$toggleBtn.find('.top-line, .bottom-line').css({
'transform': 'translateX(0)'
if( this.sidebarPos == 'left' ) {
'margin-right' : '-25%',
'opacity': '0'
} else {
'margin-left': '-25%',
'opacity': '0'
this.$sidebar.find('> .inner').css({
'transform': (this.sidebarPos == 'left') ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)',
// Open.
else {
// Handle state.
this.state.open = 'true';
visibility = 'true';
// Layout change.
'transform': 'translateX(10px)'
'transform': 'translateX(-10px)'
if( this.sidebarPos == 'left' ) {
'margin-right' : '0',
'opacity': '1'
} else {
'margin-left' : '0',
'opacity': '1'
this.$sidebar.find('> .inner').css({
'transform': 'translateX(0)'
// Trigger event.
// Store in LS.
if( typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" ) {
localStorage.setItem("nectar_product_filters_vis", visibility);
return false;
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.setup = function() {
// Start filters expanded on mobile.
// Mobile active filters.
if( $('.nectar-active-product-filters').length > 0 ) {
var $filtersHTML = $('.nectar-active-product-filters').clone();
this.$sidebar.find('> .inner').prepend($filtersHTML);
NectarWooCommerceFilters.prototype.getLS = function() {
if( typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" ) {
return localStorage.getItem("nectar_product_filters_vis");
return null;
* Handle Woo quantity button functionality
* @since 13.0
function wooQauntityBtns() {
var quantityButtons = new NectarWooCommerceQuantity();
function NectarWooCommerceQuantity() {
this.$qty = '';
this.step = 1;
this.ajaxTimeout = '';
this.ajaxTimeoutDur = 500;
this.state = {
max: 100000,
min: 0,
currentVal: 1,
key: 0,
removeFlag: false
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.updateState = function(el) {
// Get key.
var key = 0;
if( true === this.checkMiniCart(this.$qty) ) {
var matches = this.$qty.attr('name').match(/cart\[(\w+)\]/);
key = matches[1];
// Store current.
var currentVal = parseFloat(this.$qty.val());
if (!currentVal || currentVal === '' || currentVal === 'NaN') {
currentVal = 0;
// Max/Min vals.
var max = parseFloat(this.$qty.attr('max'));
var min = parseFloat(this.$qty.attr('min'));
if (max === '' || max === 'NaN' || isNaN(max) ) {
max = '';
if (min === '' || min === 'NaN' || isNaN(min) ) {
min = 0;
// Push to state.
this.state = {
currentVal: currentVal,
max: max,
min: min,
key: key
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.events = function() {
var that = this;
$('body').on('click', '.quantity .plus', function() {
that.$qty = $(this).closest('.quantity').find('.qty');
$('body').on('click', '.quantity .minus', function() {
that.$qty = $(this).closest('.quantity').find('.qty');
$('body').on('keyup', '.woocommerce-mini-cart .quantity .qty', function(e) {
that.$qty = $(this);
// Max value.
if( that.state.max && that.$qty.val() > that.state.max ) {
// Check if item should be removed.
if (that.state.min && (that.state.min == that.state.currentVal || that.state.currentVal < that.state.min)) {
that.state.removeFlag = true;
$('body').on('change', '.woocommerce-mini-cart .quantity .qty', function(e) {
if( !e.originalEvent && true === that.checkMiniCart(that.$qty) ) {
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.increment = function() {
if (this.state.max && (this.state.max == this.state.currentVal || this.state.currentVal > this.state.max)) {
} else {
this.$qty.val(this.state.currentVal + parseFloat(this.step));
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.decrement = function() {
if (this.state.min && (this.state.min == this.state.currentVal || this.state.currentVal < this.state.min)) {
this.state.removeFlag = true;
} else if (this.state.currentVal > 0) {
this.$qty.val(this.state.currentVal - parseFloat(this.step));
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.checkMiniCart = function(el) {
return ( el.parents('.woocommerce-mini-cart').length > 0 ) ? true : false;
NectarWooCommerceQuantity.prototype.updateCart = function(val) {
var that = this;
// Debounce a little to prevent too many requests when clicking a lot
this.ajaxTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
that.$qty.closest( '.widget_shopping_cart_content' ).addClass('loading');
that.$qty.closest( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item' ).addClass('blockUI').addClass('blockOverlay');
type: 'POST',
url: window.nectarLove.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: "nectar_minicart_update_quantity",
quantity: val,
item_key: that.state.key
cache: false,
success: function (response) {
if( response ) {
that.$qty.closest( '.widget_shopping_cart_content' ).removeClass('loading');
that.$qty.closest( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item' ).removeClass('blockUI').removeClass('blockOverlay');
// Update subtotal.
var $subtotal = that.$qty.closest( '.widget_shopping_cart_content' ).find('.woocommerce-mini-cart__total');
// Does the item need to be removed?
if( that.state.removeFlag === true ) {
that.$qty.closest( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item' ).remove();
that.state.removeFlag = false;
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_wc_div' );
// Update cart count.
if( $('#header-outer a.cart-contents .cart-wrap span').length > 0 ) {
$('#header-outer a.cart-contents .cart-wrap span').text(response.item_count);
}, this.ajaxTimeoutDur);
* WooCommerce Single Product AJAX Add to Cart.
* @since 13.0
function NectarWooCommerceCartAJAX() {
this.state = {
processing: false,
productID: false,
type: 'regular'
NectarWooCommerceCartAJAX.prototype.events = function() {
$('body').on('submit', 'form.cart', this.addToCartAJAX.bind(this));
NectarWooCommerceCartAJAX.prototype.addNotices = function(notices) {
var that = this;
var $noticeParent = $('.nectar-slide-in-cart.style_slide_in_click .widget_shopping_cart_content')
$.each(notices, function(k,item) {
// Remove.
NectarWooCommerceCartAJAX.prototype.addToCartAJAX = function(e) {
var that = this;
var $wooForm = $(e.currentTarget);
// External or redirect active.
if( $wooForm.closest('.product').hasClass('product-type-external') || (wc_add_to_cart_params && wc_add_to_cart_params.cart_redirect_after_add === 'yes') ) {
// If already submitted
if( that.state.processing == true ) {
that.state.processing = true;
that.state.productID = false;
// Store type
that.state.type = 'regular';
if( $wooForm.parents('.nectar-quick-view-box').length > 0 ) {
that.state.type = 'quickview';
// Gather info to pass.
var $parentProduct = $wooForm.closest('.product');
var $addToCartBtn = $wooForm.find('button.single_add_to_cart_button');
var $formData = $wooForm.serializeArray();
var regID = 0;
// Try and get ID from parent.
if( $parentProduct.is('[id*="product-"]') ) {
regID = $parentProduct.attr('id').match(/\d+/);
if(regID && regID[0]) {
that.state.productID = regID[0];
// Fallback to ID from submit.
if( that.state.productID === false && $addToCartBtn.length > 0 ) {
regID = $addToCartBtn.val().match(/\d+/);
if(regID && regID[0]) {
that.state.productID = regID[0];
// No ID found, bail out.
if( that.state.productID === false ) {
console.log('Error: no product ID found.');
// Add Loading.
if( that.state.type === 'quickview' ) {
$addToCartBtn = $('.single_add_to_cart_button_wrap .single_add_to_cart_button');
// Must be formatted like this to use add-to-cart key for WooCommerce to trigger AJAX.
name: 'action',
value: 'nectar_ajax_add_to_cart'
}, {
name: 'add-to-cart',
value: that.state.productID
type: 'POST',
url: window.nectarLove.ajaxurl,
data: $formData,
cache: false,
success: function (response) {
that.state.processing = false;
}, 300);
if( response && response.fragments ) {
// Update content.
$('body').trigger( 'added_to_cart', [response.fragments, response.cart_hash] );
// Check for/Output errors.
if( response.notices && response.notices.length > 0 ) {
// Close quickview.
if( that.state.type === 'quickview' ) {
$('.nectar-quick-view-box .close').trigger('click');
} // end success.
}); // end ajax.
* WooCommerce events.
* @since 10.5
function wooCommerceEvents() {
var wooCartTimeout;
// Notification.
$body.on('click', '.product .add_to_cart_button', function () {
var $productHeading = ($(this).parents('li').find('h2').length > 0) ? 'h2' : 'h3',
productToAdd = $(this).parents('li').find($productHeading).text();
$('#header-outer .cart-notification span.item-name').html(productToAdd);
// Notification hover.
$body.on('mouseenter', '#header-outer .cart-notification', function () {
$('#header-outer .widget_shopping_cart')
.stop(true, true)
$('#header-outer .cart_list')
.stop(true, true)
// Cart dropdown.
var $headerCartSelector = '#header-outer .nectar-woo-cart';
if ($($headerCartSelector).length > 0) {
$($headerCartSelector).hoverIntent(function () {
$('#header-outer .widget_shopping_cart')
.stop(true, true)
$('#header-outer .cart_list')
.stop(true, true)
$('#header-outer .cart-notification').hide();
$body.on('mouseleave', $headerCartSelector, function () {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$that.is(':hover')) {
$('#header-outer .widget_shopping_cart')
.stop(true, true)
$('#header-outer .cart_list')
.stop(true, true)
}, 200);
if ($('#header-outer[data-cart="false"]').length == 0) {
$body.on('added_to_cart', shopping_cart_dropdown_show);
$body.on('added_to_cart', shopping_cart_dropdown);
function shopping_cart_dropdown() {
if (!$('.widget_shopping_cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .cart_list .empty').length &&
$('.widget_shopping_cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .cart_list').length > 0) {
$('header#top nav > ul, #search-outer #search #close a, header#top .span_9 >.slide-out-widget-area-toggle').addClass('product_added');
if (!$('.cart-menu-wrap').hasClass('static')) {
$('.cart-menu-wrap, #mobile-cart-link').addClass('first-load');
function shopping_cart_dropdown_show(e) {
if (!$('.widget_shopping_cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .cart_list .empty').length &&
$('.widget_shopping_cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .cart_list').length > 0 &&
typeof e.type != 'undefined') {
// Standalone woocommerce add to cart buttons.
if ($('#header-outer .cart-notification .item-name').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .cart-notification .item-name').text().length == 0) {
// Before cart has slide in.
if (!$('#header-outer .cart-menu-wrap').hasClass('has_products')) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#header-outer .cart-notification').fadeIn(400);
}, 400);
} else if (!$('#header-outer .cart-notification').is(':visible')) {
$('#header-outer .cart-notification').fadeIn(400);
} else {
$('#header-outer .cart-notification').show();
$('body #header-outer [data-cart-style="slide_in_click"] .cart-menu-wrap').trigger('click');
wooCartTimeout = setTimeout(hideCart, 2700);
function hideCart() {
$('#header-outer .cart-notification').stop(true, true).fadeOut();
function checkForWooItems() {
var checkForCartItems = setInterval(shopping_cart_dropdown, 250);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4500);
if ($('#header-outer[data-cart="false"]').length == 0) {
function nectarAccountPageTabs() {
// Not on account page.
if ($('body.woocommerce-account #customer_login').length == 0) {
// Create HTML.
$('.woocommerce-account .woocommerce > #customer_login').prepend('
$('.woocommerce-account .woocommerce > #customer_login > div:not(.nectar-form-controls)').each(function () {
var $title = $(this).find('> h2').text();
$('#customer_login .nectar-form-controls').append('
' + $title + '
// Click event.
$('.woocommerce-account .woocommerce > #customer_login .nectar-form-controls .control').on('click', function () {
$('.woocommerce-account .woocommerce > #customer_login .nectar-form-controls .control').removeClass('active');
var formIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
$('#customer_login div[class*="u-column"]').hide();
$('#customer_login div[class*="u-column"].col-' + formIndex).show();
setTimeout(function () {
$('#customer_login div[class*="u-column"]').removeClass('visible');
$('#customer_login div[class*="u-column"].col-' + formIndex).addClass('visible');
}, 30);
// Starting.
$('.woocommerce-account .woocommerce > #customer_login .nectar-form-controls .control:nth-child(1)').trigger('click');
var bindTextOnHoverMobile = ( $('.products[data-rm-m-hover="1"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) ? false : true;
// Text on hover effect.
if(bindTextOnHoverMobile) {
$body.on('mouseover', '.text_on_hover .product-wrap, .text_on_hover > a:first-child', function () {
$body.on('mouseout', '.text_on_hover .product-wrap, .text_on_hover > a:first-child', function () {
// Material/fancy parallax hover effect zindex.
if ($('.material.product').length > 0 ||
$('.minimal.product').length > 0 ||
$('.nectar-fancy-box[data-style="parallax_hover"]').length > 0 ||
$('.nectar-category-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"]').length > 0 ||
$('.nectar-post-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"]').length > 0) {
var $productZindex = 101;
$body.on('mouseenter', '.material.product, .nectar-fancy-box[data-style="parallax_hover"], .nectar-post-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-post-grid-item, .nectar-category-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-category-grid-item', function () {
$(this).css('z-index', $productZindex + 1);
$body.on('mouseleave', '.material.product, .nectar-fancy-box[data-style="parallax_hover"], .nectar-post-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-post-grid-item, .nectar-category-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-category-grid-item', function () {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$that.is(':hover')) {
$that.css('z-index', 100);
}, 350);
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_minimal_product_effect && window.nectarOptions.woo_minimal_product_effect === 'default' ) {
$body.on('mouseenter', '.minimal.product', function () {
$(this).css('z-index', $productZindex + 1);
$body.on('mouseleave', '.minimal.product', function () {
var $that = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$that.is(':hover')) {
$that.css('z-index', 100);
}, 350);
// Reset to stop zindex from getting too high.
setInterval(function () {
if ($('.nectar-fancy-box[data-style="parallax_hover"]:hover').length > 0 ||
$('.minimal.product:hover').length > 0) {
$('.material.product:not(:hover), .minimal.product:not(:hover), .nectar-fancy-box[data-style="parallax_hover"]:not(:hover), .nectar-post-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-post-grid-item:not(:hover), .nectar-category-grid[data-shadow-hover="yes"] .nectar-category-grid-item:not(:hover)').css('z-index', 100);
$productZindex = 101;
}, 10000);
function minimalProductHover() {
// Add icons.
$('.products .classic .product-wrap .add_to_cart_button').wrapInner('
$('.products .classic .product-wrap .add_to_cart_button').prepend('
// Bind hover.
var bindMobileHover = ( $('.products[data-rm-m-hover="1"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) ? false : true;
if( bindMobileHover && window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_minimal_product_effect && window.nectarOptions.woo_minimal_product_effect === 'default' ) {
$body.on('mouseover', '.products .minimal.product', function () {
$body.on('mouseleave', '.products .minimal.product', function () {
'transform': 'scale(1, 1) translateY(0) translateZ(0px)'
// Starting trigger mouse over.
$('.products .minimal.product').each(function () {
if ($(this).is(':hover')) {
function minimalProductCalc(el) {
var expansionAmtX = 40,
expansionAmtY = expansionAmtX,
translateYAmt = 0;
var $item = el,
$itemWidth = $item.width(),
$itemHeight = $item.height(),
$wChange = (parseInt($itemWidth) + expansionAmtX) / parseInt($itemWidth),
$hChange = (parseInt($itemHeight) + expansionAmtY) / parseInt($itemHeight);
'transform': 'scale(' + $wChange + ',' + $hChange + ') translateY('+translateYAmt+'px) translateZ(0px)'
// Mobile widget filters.
$('.woocommerce #sidebar .widget.woocommerce').each(function () {
// Skip widgets without any titles.
if ($(this).find('> h4').length == 0) {
$body.on('click', '#sidebar .widget.woocommerce:not(.widget_price_filter) h4', function () {
if(window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_sidebar_toggles !== 'false') {
if ($window.width() < 1000 ) {
if ($(this).parent().is('.widget_product_tag_cloud')) {
$(this).parent().find('> div').slideToggle();
if ($(this).parent().is('.woocommerce-widget-layered-nav') && $(this).parent().find('> .woocommerce-widget-layered-nav-dropdown').length > 0) {
$(this).parent().find('> .woocommerce-widget-layered-nav-dropdown').slideToggle();
$(this).parent().find('> ul').slideToggle();
// Slide in cart event.
$body.on('mouseenter', '#header-outer [data-cart-style="slide_in"] .cart-menu-wrap', openRightCartHover);
$body.on('mouseenter', '.nectar-slide-in-cart', function () {
function openRightCartHover() {
if ($('.nectar-slide-in-cart ul.cart_list li:not(.empty)').length > 0) {
$window.on('mousemove.rightCartOffsetCheck', closeCartCheck);
function closeCartCheck(e) {
var $windowWidth = $window.width();
if (e.clientX < $windowWidth - 370 - $bodyBorderWidth && $('.nectar-slide-in-cart').hasClass('mouse-accessed')) {
$window.off('mousemove.rightCartOffsetCheck', closeCartCheck);
// Slide in click cart.
var wooBgOverlayTimeout;
$body.on('click', '#header-outer [data-cart-style="slide_in_click"] .cart-menu-wrap, #mobile-cart-link[data-cart-style="slide_in_click"]', openRightCart);
function openRightCart() {
if( $body.is('.woocommerce-checkout') || $body.is('.woocommerce-cart') ) {
return true;
$('.nectar-slide-in-cart, .nectar-slide-in-cart-bg').addClass('open');
// YITH ajax filters compat.
$('.style_slide_in_click div.quantity').each(function(){
if( $(this).find('.minus').length > 1 ) {
if( $(this).find('.plus').length > 1 ) {
return false;
$body.on('click', '.nectar-slide-in-cart.style_slide_in_click .close-cart, .nectar-slide-in-cart-bg', closeRightCart);
function closeRightCart() {
$('.nectar-slide-in-cart, .nectar-slide-in-cart-bg').removeClass('open');
wooBgOverlayTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
return false;
// Add quantity functionality.
// AJAX add to cart.
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.ajax_add_to_cart === '1' ) {
var ajaxAddToCart = new NectarWooCommerceCartAJAX();
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_product_filter_toggle === '1' && $body.is('.archive.woocommerce') ) {
var nectarProductFilters = new NectarWooCommerceFilters();
// Third party.
// YITH Ajax filters.
$(document).on( 'yith-wcan-ajax-filtered', nectarLazyImageLoading );
* Modern quick search.
* @since 13.0
function NectarQuickSearch() {
this.$el = $('#search-outer #search .container #s');
this.$container = '';
this.$parent = '';
this.$searchEl = $('#search-outer');
this.request = '';
this.timeout = '';
this.state = {
requesting: false,
open: false,
prevResults: ''
this.minChars = 2;
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.setup = function() {
this.$container = $('
this.$parent = $('#search-outer .nectar-ajax-search-results');
$('#search-outer .nectar-ajax-search-results .container').append(this.$container);
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.events = function() {
var that = this;
this.throttled = throttle(this.getResults.bind(this),350);
this.$el.on('keyup', this.keyHandle.bind(this) );
$(window).on('resize', this.resize.bind(this));
$(window).on('nectar-search-close', function() {
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.keyHandle = function(e) {
// Verify Key.
var keysToSkip = [16,91,32,37,39,17];
if( keysToSkip.indexOf(e.keyCode) != -1 ) {
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.debouncedSearch = function() {
var that = this;
this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){
if(that.state.requesting) {
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.resize = function() {
'max-height': ''
if( this.state.open === true ) {
'max-height': parseInt(this.$container.outerHeight()) + 'px'
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.resetHeight = function() {
var that = this;
'max-height': ''
this.state.prevResults = '';
this.state.open = false;
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.requestCheck = function() {
if( this.state.requesting === true ) {
this.state.requesting = false;
NectarQuickSearch.prototype.getResults = function() {
var that = this;
var val = this.$el.val();
// Deleted all chars / too few chars.
if( val.length == 0 || val.length < this.minChars ) {
this.request = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: window.nectarLove.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: "nectar_ajax_ext_search_results",
search: val
cache: false,
success: function (response) {
that.state.requesting = false;
// No results.
if( !response ) {
if( response && response.content && response.content !== that.state.prevResults && that.$searchEl.hasClass('material-open') ) {
'max-height': parseInt(that.$container.outerHeight()) + 'px'
// Desktop animation
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 && !$headerOuterEl.hasClass('results-shown') ) {
that.$container.find('.product, .search-post-item').css({
'opacity': '0',
'transform': 'translateY(25px)',
'transition': 'none'
that.$container.find('.product, .search-post-item').css({
'transition': 'box-shadow 0.25s ease, opacity 0.55s cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 1), transform 0.55s cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 1)'
that.$container.find('.product, .search-post-item').each(function(i) {
var $that = $(this);
'opacity': '1',
'transform': 'translateY(0)'
}, 50 + (i*60));
that.state.open = true;
that.state.prevResults = response.content;
this.state.requesting = true;
* Search in navigation functionality.
* @since 10.5
function navigationSearchInit() {
// Init quick search.
var quickSearch = false;
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.quick_search && window.nectarOptions.quick_search === 'true' ) {
quickSearch = new NectarQuickSearch();
var $placeholder = ($('#search-outer #search input[type=text][data-placeholder]').length > 0) ? $('#search-outer #search input[type=text]').attr('data-placeholder') : '';
// Material skin add search BG markup.
if ($body.hasClass('material') && $('#header-outer .bg-color-stripe').length == 0) {
// Prevent jumping on click.
$body.on('click', '#search-btn a', function () {
return false;
// Open search on mouseup.
$body.on('click', '#search-btn a:not(.inactive), #header-outer .mobile-search', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('open-search')) {
return false;
// Close menu on original skin.
if( $body.hasClass('original') && $('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a.open').length > 0 ) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a')
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
if ($body.hasClass('ascend') ||
$('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $('body.material').length == 0) {
// Ascend theme skin.
$('#search-outer > #search form, #search-outer #search .span_12 span, #search-outer #search #close').css('opacity', 0);
$('#search-outer > #search form').css('transform', 'translateY(-30px)');
$('#search-outer #search .span_12 span').css('transform', 'translateY(20px)');
scale: '1,0',
'opacity': 1
}, 0).transition({
scale: '1,1'
}, 700, 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1)');
$('#search-outer > #search form').delay(350).transition({
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'translateY(0)'
}, 700, 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1)');
$('#search-outer #search #close').delay(500).transition({
'opacity': 1
}, 700, 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1)');
$('#search-outer #search .span_12 span').delay(450).transition({
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'translateY(0)'
}, 700, 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1)');
else if (!$body.hasClass('material')) {
// Original theme skin.
$('#search-outer').stop(true).fadeIn(600, 'easeOutExpo');
else {
// Material theme skin.
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .bg-color-stripe').css('transition', '');
$('#search-outer, #ajax-content-wrap').addClass('material-open');
nectarState.materialSearchOpen = true;
setTimeout(function () {
$('#search input[type=text]').trigger('focus');
if ($('#search input[type=text]').val() == $placeholder) {
$('#search input[type=text]').setCursorPosition(0);
}, 300);
// Close slide out widget area.
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle a:not(#toggle-nav).open:not(.animating)').trigger('click');
return false;
// Handle the placeholder value.
$('body:not(.material)').on('keydown', '#search input[type=text]', function () {
if ($(this).val() == $placeholder) {
$('body:not(.material)').on('keyup', '#search input[type=text]', function () {
if ($(this).val().length == 0 ) {
// Close search btn event.
$body.on('click', '#close', function () {
$('#header-outer .mobile-search').removeClass('open-search');
return false;
// Original and Ascend skin close search when clicking off.
$('body:not(.material)').on('blur', '#search-box input[type=text]', function () {
$('#header-outer .mobile-search').removeClass('open-search');
// Material skin close when clicking off the search.
$('body.material').on('click', '#ajax-content-wrap', function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent !== undefined) {
$('#header-outer .mobile-search').removeClass('open-search');
// Material skin close on esc button event.
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
$(document).on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
// Close ocm material
if ($('.ocm-effect-wrap.material-ocm-open').length > 0) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.material-open a').trigger('click');
// Called to hide the search bar.
function closeSearch() {
if ($body.hasClass('ascend') || $('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $('body.material').length == 0) {
'opacity': 0
}, 300, 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1)');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
} else if ($('body.material').length == 0) {
$('#search-outer').stop(true).fadeOut(450, 'easeOutExpo');
if ($body.hasClass('material')) {
var closeTimeoutDur = ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('results-shown')) ? 800 : 400;
$('#search-outer #s').val('');
nectarState.materialSearchOpen = false;
* Header layout "Centered header bottom bar" functionality.
* @since 9.0
function centeredNavBottomBarReposition() {
var $headerOuter = $headerOuterEl,
$headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9'),
$headerSpan3 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_3'),
$secondaryHeader = $headerSecondaryEl,
$headerBtns = $headerSpan3.find('nav >ul.buttons'),
$navLogoMargin = parseInt($('body.material #header-outer').attr('data-padding')),
$navLogoHeight = parseInt($('body.material #header-outer').attr('data-logo-height')),
$separatorExtra = parseInt($headerSpan3.css('margin-bottom')),
$triggerCondition = $navLogoMargin + $separatorExtra + $navLogoHeight + parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight);
if ($secondaryHeader.length > 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && $('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
if( $headerSecondaryEl.css('display') != 'none' ) {
nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight = $headerSecondaryEl.outerHeight();
}, 50);
// Helper to determine if custom mobile breakpoint is active.
function condenseCustomBreakPointHelper() {
var $withinCustomBreakpoint = mobileBreakPointCheck();
// Adding class to prevent logo from hiding when opening OCM
if ( $withinCustomBreakpoint ) {
} else {
// Bind events if "Condense Header On Scroll" effect is enabled.
if ($('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
$window.on('scroll.centeredNavCondense', centeredNavBottomFixed_Scroll);
$window.on('resize', function(){
if(nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 || mobileBreakPointCheck() ) {
$window.on('smartresize', function() {
if(nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1000 && false == mobileBreakPointCheck() ) {
// Coming from mobile.
if($headerOuter.hasClass('force-condense-remove')) {
// Remove condense effect.
// See if the condense effect needs to be reapplied.
setTimeout(function() {
if(nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop >= $triggerCondition) {
// Bind scroll event.
$window.on('scroll.centeredNavCondense', centeredNavBottomFixed_Scroll);
function centeredNavBottomFixed_Scroll() {
// Bypass calculating.
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ||
$('body.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0 ||
$('body.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 ||
$('body.material-ocm-open').length > 0 ||
$('#header-outer[data-has-menu="true"][data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] .span_9').css('display') == 'none' ||
$('#header-outer[data-has-menu="true"][data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] .span_9 > nav').css('display') == 'none') {
$bodyBorderTop = ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight > 0) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0;
// Add condense effect.
if ($headerOuter.hasClass('force-condense') || !$headerOuter.hasClass('fixed-menu') && nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop >= $triggerCondition) {
var amountToMove = (parseInt($headerSpan9.position().top) - $navLogoMargin - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight)) + parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight) - $bodyBorderTop;
// Megamenu removes transparency option
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0) {
'top': '-' + amountToMove + 'px',
'position': 'fixed'
if( !$headerOuter.is('[data-menu-bottom-bar-align="left"]') ) {
var $headerNavBarOffset = ($('header#top .span_9 nav > ul').length > 0) ? $('header#top .span_9 nav > ul').offset().top : 0;
var $headerButtonsOffset = ($headerBtns.find('li:first-child > *').length > 0) ? $headerBtns.find('li:first-child > *').offset().top : 0;
var $headerButtonsHeight = ($headerSpan9.find('.sf-menu > li > a').length > 0) ? (20 - parseInt($headerSpan9.find('.sf-menu > li > a').height())) / 2 : 2;
$headerBtns.css('transform', 'translateY(' + Math.ceil(parseInt($headerNavBarOffset) - parseInt($headerButtonsOffset) - $headerButtonsHeight) + 'px)');
$headerBtns.find('.nectar-woo-cart').css('height', $headerOuter.height() + parseInt($headerOuter.css('top')) - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight));
// Remove condense effect.
else if ($headerOuter.hasClass('force-condense-remove') || $headerOuter.hasClass('fixed-menu') && nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop < $triggerCondition ) {
'top': '0',
'position': 'absolute'
$headerBtns.css('transform', 'translateY(0px)');
$headerBtns.find('.nectar-woo-cart').css('height', '');
if ($('#header-outer.transparent').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
$('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 &&
$('.megamenu.sfHover:not(.width-75):not(.width-50)').length == 0) {
else if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
$('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 &&
$('.megamenu.sfHover').length > 0) {
else {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' && $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
} // endif transparent header conditional.
} // End Remove condense effect.
} // End centeredNavBottomFixed_Scroll.
* Header layout "Centered header bottom bar" initialization.
* @since 10.5
function centeredNavBottomBarInit() {
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"]').length > 0) {
* Header layout "Centered logo between menu".
* Splits the main navigation menu into two sections placed on each side of logo.
* @since 8.0
function centeredLogoMargins() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
var $navItemLength = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"] #top nav > .sf-menu:not(.buttons) > li').length;
if ($('#header-outer #social-in-menu').length > 0) {
var $centerLogoWidth,
if ($('#header-outer #top .row .col.span_3 #logo img:visible').length == 0) {
$centerLogoWidth = parseInt($('#header-outer #top .row .col.span_3').width());
} else {
$centerLogoWidth = parseInt($('#header-outer #top .row .col.span_3 img:visible').width());
if ($('#header-outer[data-lhe="animated_underline"]').length > 0) {
$extraMenuSpace = parseInt($('header#top nav > ul > li:first-child > a').css('margin-right'));
} else {
$extraMenuSpace = parseInt($('header#top nav > ul > li:first-child > a').css('padding-right'));
if ($extraMenuSpace > 30) {
$extraMenuSpace += 45;
} else if ($extraMenuSpace > 20) {
$extraMenuSpace += 40;
} else {
$extraMenuSpace += 30;
if (!$body.hasClass('rtl')) {
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"] #top nav > .sf-menu:not(.buttons) > li:nth-child(' + Math.floor($navItemLength / 2) + ')').css({
'margin-right': ($centerLogoWidth + $extraMenuSpace) + 'px'
} else {
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"] #top nav > .sf-menu:not(.buttons) > li:nth-child(' + Math.floor($navItemLength / 2) + ')').css({
'margin-left': ($centerLogoWidth + $extraMenuSpace) + 'px'
var $leftMenuWidth = 0;
var $rightMenuWidth = 0;
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"] #top nav > .sf-menu:not(.buttons) > li:not(#social-in-menu)').each(function (i) {
if (i + 1 <= Math.floor($navItemLength / 2)) {
$leftMenuWidth += $(this).width();
} else {
$rightMenuWidth += $(this).width();
var $menuDiff = Math.abs($rightMenuWidth - $leftMenuWidth);
if ($leftMenuWidth > $rightMenuWidth || ($body.hasClass('rtl') && $leftMenuWidth < $rightMenuWidth) ) {
$('#header-outer #top .row > .col.span_9').css('padding-right', $menuDiff);
} else {
$('#header-outer #top .row > .col.span_9').css('padding-left', $menuDiff);
$('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"] nav').css('visibility', 'visible');
else if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
$('#header-outer .row > .col.span_9').css({
'padding-right': '0',
'padding-left': '0'
* Header layout "Centered logo between menu" initialization.
* @since 10.5
function centeredLogoHeaderInit() {
if($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length > 0) {
if(!usingLogoImage) {
else if(usingLogoImage && $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-logo-between-menu"]').length > 0 && $('header#top #logo img:first[src]').length > 0) {
//fadein img on load
var tempLogoImg = new Image();
tempLogoImg.src = $('header#top #logo img:first').attr('src');
tempLogoImg.onload = function() {
// Resize event.
$window.on('smartresize', centeredLogoMargins);
* Handle basic items before initializing effects.
* @since 10.5
function headerNavPreInit() {
// Deactivate hide header until needed effect on mobile.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
$body.attr('data-hhun', '0');
// Page fullscreen rows does not need permanent transparent.
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) {
($headerOuterEl.attr('data-permanent-transparent', 'false'));
// Set mobile header height.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && $('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length == 0) {
$('#header-space').css('height', $headerOuterEl.outerHeight());
* Hide header until needed.
* Used when "Header Hide Until Needed" is active.
* @since 10.5
var hhunState = {
timeoutQueued: false,
visible: true
function hhunHeaderEffect() {
var previousScroll = 0, // previous scroll position
menuOffset = ( headerTransparent == false && $('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').length > 0 ) ? 200 : 60, // height of menu (once scroll passed it, menu is hidden)
hideShowOffset = 3, // scrolling value after which triggers hide/show menu
stickyPageSubmenu = ( $('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0 ) ? true : false,
bodyOffsetHeight = document.body.offsetHeight;
function getBodyHeight() {
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999 && nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen != true ) {
bodyOffsetHeight = document.body.offsetHeight;
// Periodically update the body height.
setInterval(getBodyHeight, 1500);
// Called in RAF loop to calculate the header visibility.
function hhunCalcs() {
var currentScroll = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop, // Gets current scroll position
scrollDifference = Math.abs(currentScroll - previousScroll); // Calculates how fast user is scrolling
// Stop scrolling while animated anchors / box roll
if ( nectarState.animatedScrolling == true && $('#header-outer.detached').length > 0 || nectarState.preventScroll == true ) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999) {
if (currentScroll > menuOffset) {
// Remove transparent when clicking anchor from the top
if( nectarState.animatedScrolling == true && headerTransparent == true && nectarState.permanentTransHeader == false ) {
// Still keep scroll tracking to continue hiding menu.
previousScroll = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop;
currentScroll = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop;
// Stop when material ocm or material search is open
if ( nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen == true || nectarState.materialSearchOpen == true ) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999) {
// Still handle transparency when scrolling with material search open.
if( nectarState.materialSearchOpen == true && headerTransparent == true) {
if( nectarState.permanentTransHeader == false && currentScroll > menuOffset ) {
} else {
// Stop on mobile if not using sticky option
if (headerMobileFixed == false && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
if (!$headerOuterEl.hasClass('side-widget-open') && !$('#header-outer .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a').hasClass('animating')) {
var heightToAdjust;
// Remove transparent and body border margin
if (currentScroll > 1) {
// Handle secondary header
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
if (currentScroll > menuOffset) {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', 'translateY(-' + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight + 'px)');
} else {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', '0px)');
// Scrolled past menu
if (currentScroll > menuOffset) {
// Handle transparency
if ( nectarState.permanentTransHeader == false ) {
if( hhunState.timeoutQueued == false ) {
setTimeout(function() {
hhunState.timeoutQueued = false;
hhunState.timeoutQueued = true;
// Scrolled past detach point add class to fix menu
if (!$headerOuterEl.hasClass('detached')) {
// Scrolling faster than hideShowOffset hide/show menu
if (scrollDifference >= hideShowOffset) {
if (currentScroll > previousScroll) {
// Hide menu
if (!$headerOuterEl.hasClass('invisible')) {
// Close submenus
if ($(".sf-menu").length > 0 && $().superfish) {
$('header#top nav > ul.sf-menu > li.menu-item-over').removeClass('menu-item-over');
if( stickyPageSubmenu == true ) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0px)')
} else {
// Show menu
if ($headerOuterEl.hasClass('invisible')) {
// Page submenu adjust
if( stickyPageSubmenu == true ) {
heightToAdjust = $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
heightToAdjust -= nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$bodyBorderSizeToRemove = ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0;
.css('transform', 'translateY(' + (heightToAdjust - $bodyBorderSizeToRemove) + 'px)')
} else {
.css('transform', 'translateY(' + heightToAdjust + 'px)')
} // End sticky page sub conditional.
else {
// At top of document.
var $topDetachNum = ($('#header-outer[data-using-secondary="1"]').length > 0) ? 32 : 0;
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0) {
$topDetachNum = ($('#header-outer[data-using-secondary="1"]').length > 0) ? 32 + $bodyBorderTop.height() : $bodyBorderTop.height();
if (currentScroll <= $topDetachNum) {
// Megamenu removes transparent.
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
headerTransparent == true &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 &&
$('.megamenu.sfHover:not(.width-75):not(.width-50)').length == 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)')
} else if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)')
} else {
if (headerTransparent == true &&
$('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
} else if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)')
if ($('#page-header-bg[data-parallax="1"]').length > 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
// At the bottom of document - show menu
if ((nectarDOMInfo.winH + nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop) >= bodyOffsetHeight) {
// Page submenu adjust
if( stickyPageSubmenu == true ) {
heightToAdjust = $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
heightToAdjust -= nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$bodyBorderSizeToRemove = ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0;
.css('transform', 'translateY(' + (heightToAdjust - $bodyBorderSizeToRemove) + 'px)')
} else {
.css('transform', 'translateY(' + heightToAdjust + 'px)')
} // End sticky page submenu conditional.
// Keep track of current scroll position
previousScroll = currentScroll;
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999) {
// Start the animation loop.
* Shrink the header navigation size.
* Used when "Header Resize On Scroll" is active.
* @since 1.0
function smallNav() {
var $offset = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop,
$windowWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW,
$scrollTriggerOffset = 30;
if( headerTransparent == true ) {
$scrollTriggerOffset = 0;
if ($offset > $scrollTriggerOffset && $windowWidth >= 1000 && $('body.material-ocm-open').length == 0) {
// Going to small when material search is closing, it must be closed immediately
if ($body.is('.material')) {
if ($('#search-outer.material-open').length == 0) {
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .bg-color-stripe').css('transition', 'none');
// Secondary header
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', 'translateY(-' + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight + 'px)');
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
$('#header-outer.side-widget-open').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0 &&
$('.megamenu.sfHover:not(.width-75):not(.width-50)').length == 0) {
} else {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
$('#header-outer.side-widget-open').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
// Centered logo between menu.
$('#header-outer:not(.small-nav) header#top nav > ul > li.menu-item-with-margin').stop(true, true).animate({
'margin-right': (parseInt($('header#top nav > ul > li.menu-item-with-margin').css('margin-right')) - parseInt(logoShrinkNum) * 3) + 'px'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
// Add small nav class.
$('#header-outer, #search-outer').addClass('small-nav');
// Body border full width side padding
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"][data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true) {
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"] header > .container').stop(true, true).animate({
'padding': '0'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
// Box roll effect
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
'margin-top': (Math.floor(($logoHeight - logoShrinkNum) + (headerPadding * 2) / 1.8 + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight))
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
$window.off('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', bigNav);
// Dark slider coloring border
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').css('transition', 'transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.30s ease, opacity 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.30s ease, margin 0.25s ease-out');
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .cart-menu').css('transition', 'none');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').css('transition', 'transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.30s ease, opacity 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.30s ease, border-color 0.30s ease, margin 0.25s ease-out');
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .cart-menu').css('transition', 'border-color 0.30s ease');
}, 300);
* Return header navigation size to full.
* Used when "Header Resize On Scroll" is active.
* @since 1.0
function bigNav() {
var $offset = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop,
$windowWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW,
$scrollTriggerOffset = 30;
if ($body.is('.material-ocm-open')) {
return false;
if( headerTransparent == true ) {
$scrollTriggerOffset = 0;
if ($offset <= $scrollTriggerOffset && $windowWidth >= 1000 || $('.small-nav').length > 0 && $('#ajax-content-wrap.no-scroll').length > 0) {
$('#header-outer, #search-outer').removeClass('small-nav');
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' &&
$('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 &&
$('.megamenu.sfHover:not(.width-75):not(.width-50)').length == 0) {
} else {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' && $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
// Body border full width side padding
if ($('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"][data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch == true) {
$('#header-outer[data-full-width="true"] header > .container').stop(true, true).animate({
'padding': '0 28px'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
// centered logo between menu.
$('header#top nav > ul > li.menu-item-with-margin').stop(true, true).animate({
'margin-right': (parseInt($('header#top nav > ul > li.menu-item-with-margin').css('margin-right')) + parseInt(logoShrinkNum) * 3) + 'px'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 150,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
// Secondary header
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0%)');
// Box roll
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
'margin-top': (Math.floor(($logoHeight) + (headerPadding * 2) + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight))
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 250,
easing: 'easeOutCubic'
$window.off('scroll.headerResizeEffect', bigNav);
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
// Dark slider coloring border
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').css('transition', 'transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.30s ease, opacity 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.30s ease, margin 0.25s ease-out');
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .cart-menu').css('transition', 'none');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').css('transition', 'transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.30s ease, opacity 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.30s ease, border-color 0.30s ease, margin 0.25s ease-out');
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"] .cart-menu').css('transition', 'border-color 0.30s ease');
}, 300);
* Default scroll event to handle transparency/secondary header when no header effects are enabled.
* @since 4.0
function opaqueCheck() {
// The condense header effect will bypass this unless in the custom mobile breakpoint (which is defined in theme options).
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"][data-condense="true"]').length > 0 && !$headerOuterEl.hasClass('within-custom-breakpoint') ) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 0) {
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
// Secondary header
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', 'translateY(-' + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight + 'px)');
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' && $('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
// Switch event to watch.
$window.off('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', transparentCheck);
* Default scroll event to handle transparency/secondary header when no header effects are enabled.
* @since 4.0
function transparentCheck() {
// The condense header effect will bypass this unless in the custom mobile breakpoint (which is defined in theme options).
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"][data-condense="true"]').length > 0 && !$headerOuterEl.hasClass('within-custom-breakpoint') ) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop == 0 && $('body.material-ocm-open').length == 0) {
if ($('#header-outer[data-megamenu-rt="1"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#header-outer .megamenu').length > 0) {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true' && $('.megamenu.sfHover:not(.width-75):not(.width-50)').length == 0) {
} else if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
} else {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
if ($('body.material').length > 0) {
// Secondary header
if ($headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0%)');
// Switch event to watch.
$window.off('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', transparentCheck);
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
* Mobile header event for handling transparency/secondary header.
* @since 10.5
* @see bindScrollEffectsMobile
function mobileHeaderRAF() {
if ( nectarState.materialOffCanvasOpen == true ) {
// Scrolled down.
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 5 ) {
if( nectarState.mobileHeader != 'scrolled' ) {
if ( nectarState.permanentTransHeader == false ) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight > 0) {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', 'translateY(-' + nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight + 'px)').addClass('hidden-secondary');
} else {
// Update state.
nectarState.mobileHeader = 'scrolled';
// At top.
else {
if( nectarState.mobileHeader != 'at-top' ) {
if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
if (nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight > 0) {
$headerOuterEl.css('transform', 'translateY(0px)');
// Update state.
nectarState.mobileHeader = 'at-top';
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
* Bind mobile header scroll effects.
* @since 10.5
* @see headerNavScrollInit
function bindScrollEffectsMobile() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 999) {
// Reset state.
nectarState.mobileHeader = '';
// Unbind desktop effects.
// Remove HHUN classes.
.css('transform', 'none');
// Handle mobile transparent class.
if ($('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
} else if ($headerOuterEl.attr('data-transparent-header') == 'true') {
$window.on('smartresize.nectarNavScrollEffects', bindScrollEffectsDesktop);
* Bind deaktop header scroll effects.
* @since 10.5
* @see headerNavScrollInit
function bindScrollEffectsDesktop() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
if (headerResize == true && headerHideUntilNeeded != '1') {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
} else if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-mobile-disable="on"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffect', smallNav);
} else if (headerHideUntilNeeded != '1') {
$window.on('scroll.headerResizeEffectOpaque', opaqueCheck);
} else if (headerHideUntilNeeded == '1') {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0) {
// Don't trigger for header remove stickiness.
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
} //end if hhun
// Condense header effect coming from mobile.
if ($('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"][data-condense="true"]').length > 0 ) {
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 ) {
// Remove transform.
if ( nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 200 && !$headerOuterEl.hasClass('fixed-menu') ) {
// Only bind mobile if applicable.
$window.on('smartresize.nectarNavScrollEffects', bindScrollEffectsMobile);
* Header Navigation scroll events initialization.
* @since 10.5
function headerNavScrollInit() {
// Remove transparent class if page loaded further down.
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
if ( $(window).scrollTop() != 0 && $('#header-outer.transparent[data-permanent-transparent="false"]').length == 1) {
// Permanent transparent header.
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0 && $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
// Determine which events to bind at start.
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 && $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
$window.on('smartresize.nectarNavScrollEffects', bindScrollEffectsMobile);
} else {
$window.on('smartresize.nectarNavScrollEffects', bindScrollEffectsDesktop);
* Set the header space div height.
* @since 10.5
function headerSpace() {
if ($('.mobile').length > 0) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.winH < nectarDOMInfo.winW && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) {
if ($('#header-outer.small-nav').length == 0) {
$('#header-space').css('height', $headerOuterEl.outerHeight());
} else {
$('#header-space').css('height', $headerOuterEl.outerHeight());
} else {
if ($('.nectar-parallax-scene.first-section').length == 0) {
var headerPadding2 = headerPadding - headerPadding / 1.8;
var $headerHeight = ($('#header-outer[data-header-resize="1"]').length > 0 && $('.small-nav').length > 0) ? $headerOuterEl.outerHeight() + (parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding2 * 2) : $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
// Is the calculation greater than the margin of error?
if( Math.abs($headerHeight - $('#header-space').height()) > 7) {
$('#header-space').css('height', $headerHeight);
* Handle header nav distance away from top to account for admin bar.
* @since 10.5
function headerNavOffsetInit() {
var lastPosition = -1;
var $headerScrollTop = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop;
// Verify scroll pos has changed before calculating.
function headerOffsetAdjust() {
if ( $body.hasClass('compose-mode') ) {
$headerScrollTop = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop;
if (lastPosition == $headerScrollTop) {
return false;
} else {
lastPosition = $headerScrollTop;
// Called when scrolling occurs.
function headerOffsetAdjustCalc() {
var $eleHeight = 0;
// Mobile.
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ||
(condenseHeaderLayout == true && $('#header-outer .span_9').css('display') == 'none') ||
(condenseHeaderLayout == true && $('#header-outer .span_9 > nav').css('display') == 'none')) {
$eleHeight = 0;
var $endOffset = ($wpAdminBar.css('position') == 'fixed') ? $wpAdminBar.height() : 0;
$eleHeight += nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
if ($eleHeight - $headerScrollTop > $endOffset) {
$headerOuterEl.css('top', $eleHeight - $headerScrollTop + 'px');
} else {
$headerOuterEl.css('top', $endOffset);
// Desktop
else {
if ( condenseHeaderLayout == false ) {
$eleHeight = 0;
if( !$headerOuterEl.is('[data-remove-fixed="1"]') ) {
$eleHeight += nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
$headerOuterEl.css('top', $eleHeight + 'px');
// Bind event and begin if needed.
if ($('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0 && $wpAdminBar.length > 0) {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
} else if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
$window.on('smartresize', headerOffsetAdjustCalc);
* Calculate the minimum body height when using the footer reveal effect or material OCM
* @since 7.0
function footerRevealCalcs() {
var $headerNavSpace = 0;
var pageHeaderHeight = 0;
if( $headerOuterEl.is('[data-logo-height]') && $headerOuterEl.is('[data-padding]') ) {
if( !$headerOuterEl.hasClass('transparent') ) {
if( $headerOuterEl.find('#logo.no-image').length > 0 ) {
$headerNavSpace = ( headerLayoutFormat == 'left-header' && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) ? 0 : parseInt($headerOuterEl.find('#logo.no-image').height()) + (parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')*2));
} else {
$headerNavSpace = ( headerLayoutFormat == 'left-header' && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) ? 0 : parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-logo-height')) + (parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')*2));
} else {
$headerNavSpace = ( headerLayoutFormat == 'left-header' && nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000) ? 0 : $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
if( $pageHeaderBG.length > 0 ) {
pageHeaderHeight += $pageHeaderBG.height();
if( $('.page-header-no-bg').length > 0 ) {
pageHeaderHeight += $('.page-header-no-bg').height();
if (nectarDOMInfo.winH - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight - $headerNavSpace - nectarDOMInfo.footerOuterHeight - 1 - pageHeaderHeight > 0) {
var $resizeExtra = ($('body:not(.material) #header-outer[data-header-resize="1"]').length > 0) ? 55 : 0;
$('body[data-footer-reveal="1"]:not(.nectar_using_pfsr) .container-wrap').css({
'margin-bottom': nectarDOMInfo.footerOuterHeight
'min-height': nectarDOMInfo.winH - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight - $headerNavSpace - nectarDOMInfo.footerOuterHeight - pageHeaderHeight + $resizeExtra
} else {
$('body[data-footer-reveal="1"]:not(.nectar_using_pfsr) .container-wrap').css({
'margin-bottom': nectarDOMInfo.footerOuterHeight
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000) {
$footerOuterEl.attr('data-midnight', 'light');
else {
* Initialize footer reveal and bind event
* @since 10.5
function footerRevealInit() {
if ($('body[data-footer-reveal="1"]').length > 0 || $('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(footerRevealCalcs, 60);
$window.on('resize', footerRevealCalcs);
if ($('body[data-footer-reveal="1"][data-footer-reveal-shadow="large_2"]').length > 0) {
boxShadow: '0 70px 110px -30px ' + $footerOuterEl.css('backgroundColor')
* Switch header navigation BG color to match row BG color that is passes.
* Only called when using "Header Inherit Row Color" option.
* @since 5.0
function headerRowColorInheritInit() {
if ($('body[data-header-inherit-rc="true"]').length > 0 && $('.mobile').length == 0 && $('#header-outer[data-transparent-header="true"]').length > 0 ) {
var headerOffset = $logoHeight / 2 + headerPadding + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
if( $('#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0 ) {
headerOffset = ($logoHeight - logoShrinkNum) + Math.ceil((headerPadding * 2) / 1.8) + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
$('.main-content > .row > .wpb_row').each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var $textColor;
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function (direction) {
//User is scrolling down.
if (direction == 'down') {
if ($that.find('.row-bg.using-bg-color').length > 0) {
$textColor = ($that.find('> .col.span_12.light').length > 0) ? 'light-text' : 'dark-text';
.css('background-color', $that.find('.row-bg').css('background-color'))
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-current-row-bg-color', $that.find('.row-bg').css('background-color'));
$('body.material #header-outer .bg-color-stripe').css('background-color', $that.find('.row-bg').css('background-color'));
} else {
.css('background-color', $headerOuterEl.attr('data-user-set-bg'))
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-current-row-bg-color', $headerOuterEl.attr('data-user-set-bg'));
$('body.material #header-outer .bg-color-stripe').css('background-color', '');
//User is scrolling up.
else {
if ($that.prev('div.wpb_row').find('.row-bg.using-bg-color').length > 0) {
$textColor = ($that.prev('div.wpb_row').find('> .col.span_12.light').length > 0) ? 'light-text' : 'dark-text';
.css('background-color', $that.prev('div.wpb_row').find('.row-bg').css('background-color'))
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-current-row-bg-color', $that.prev('div.wpb_row').find('.row-bg').css('background-color'));
$('body.material #header-outer .bg-color-stripe').css('background-color', $that.prev('div.wpb_row').find('.row-bg').css('background-color'));
} else {
.css('background-color', $headerOuterEl.attr('data-user-set-bg'))
$headerOuterEl.attr('data-current-row-bg-color', $headerOuterEl.attr('data-user-set-bg'));
$('body.material #header-outer .bg-color-stripe').css('background-color', '');
offset: headerOffset
}); // End of waypoint bind.
}); // End of loop through rows.
* Page submenu sticky functionality
* @since 10.5.2
function stickyPageSubmenuInit() {
var $ = window.jQuery,
Waypoint = window.Waypoint,
$offsetHeight = calcHeaderNavHeight(),
$headerHeight = calcHeaderNavHeight();
$window.on('smartresize', function () {
$offsetHeight = calcHeaderNavHeight();
if ($wpAdminBar.length > 0 &&
$wpAdminBar.css('position') == 'fixed') {
$offsetHeight += $wpAdminBar.height();
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 &&
$window.width() > 1000 &&
$('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0) {
$offsetHeight += $bodyBorderTop.height();
// Recalc for resizing (same as stuck/unstuck logic below)
if ($('.page-submenu.stuck').length > 0) {
.css('top', $offsetHeight)
.css('transform', 'translateY(0)').addClass('stuck');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
.css('z-index', 10000);
// Boxed layout
if ($('#boxed').length > 0) {
var $negMargin = ($window.width() > 1000) ? $('.container-wrap').width() * 0.04 : 39;
'margin-left': '-' + $negMargin + 'px',
'width': $('.container-wrap').width()
} else {
.css('top', '0')
.css('z-index', 'auto');
if ($('#boxed').length > 0) {
'margin-left': '0px',
'width': '100%'
/* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/shortcuts/sticky-elements */
function Sticky(options) {
this.options = $.extend({}, Waypoint.defaults, Sticky.defaults, options);
this.element = this.options.element;
this.$element = $(this.element);
this.topLevel = ($(this.element).parents('.top-level').length > 0) ? true : false;
/* Private */
Sticky.prototype.createWaypoint = function () {
var originalHandler = this.options.handler;
$offsetHeight = calcHeaderNavHeight();
// top level hhun
if( this.topLevel && $('body[data-hhun="1"] #header-outer.detached:not(.invisible)').length > 0) {
$offsetHeight += 1;
'margin-top': '-1px',
if ($wpAdminBar.length > 0 && $wpAdminBar.css('position') == 'fixed') {
$offsetHeight += $wpAdminBar.height();
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000 && $('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0) {
$offsetHeight += $bodyBorderTop.height();
this.waypoint = new Waypoint($.extend({}, this.options, {
element: this.wrapper,
handler: $.proxy(function (direction) {
var shouldBeStuck = this.options.direction.indexOf(direction) > -1;
var wrapperHeight = shouldBeStuck ? this.$element.outerHeight(true) : '';
if (shouldBeStuck) {
// top level hhun
var transformAmt = 0;
if( this.topLevel && $('body[data-hhun="1"] #header-outer.detached:not(.invisible)').length > 0) {
// Page submenu adjust
var heightToAdjust = $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
var $bodyBorderSizeToRemove = 0;
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
heightToAdjust -= nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
if ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $('body.mobile').length == 0) {
$bodyBorderSizeToRemove = ($bodyBorderHeaderColorMatch) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0;
transformAmt = heightToAdjust - $bodyBorderSizeToRemove;
.css('top', $offsetHeight)
.css('transform', 'translateY('+transformAmt+'px)')
var $that = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
this.$element.parents('.wpb_row').css('z-index', 10000);
if ($('#boxed').length > 0) {
var $negMargin = ($window.width() > 1000) ? $('.container-wrap').width() * 0.04 : 39;
'margin-left': '-' + $negMargin + 'px',
'width': $('.container-wrap').width()
} else {
this.$element.css('top', '0').removeClass('stuck');
if ($('#boxed').length > 0) this.$element.css({
'margin-left': '0px',
'width': '100%'
if (originalHandler) {
originalHandler.call(this, direction);
}, this),
offset: $offsetHeight
var $that = this;
setInterval(function () {
if ($('body[data-hhun="1"] #header-outer.detached:not(.invisible)').length > 0) {
var heightToAdjust = $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
if( $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
heightToAdjust -= nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight;
$that.waypoint.options.offset = $offsetHeight + heightToAdjust;
else {
$that.waypoint.options.offset = $offsetHeight;
}, 100);
/* Private */
Sticky.prototype.createWrapper = function () {
if (this.options.wrapper) {
this.$wrapper = this.$element.parent();
this.wrapper = this.$wrapper[0];
/* Public */
Sticky.prototype.destroy = function () {
if (this.$element.parent()[0] === this.wrapper) {
if (this.options.wrapper) {
Sticky.defaults = {
wrapper: '
stuckClass: 'stuck',
direction: 'down right'
Waypoint.Sticky = Sticky;
* Page submenu page builder element.
* @since 10.5
function pageSubmenuInit() {
if ($('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0 && $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
// Remove outside of column setups
if ($('.page-submenu').parents('.span_12').find('> .wpb_column').length > 1) {
var pageMenu = $('.page-submenu').clone(),
pageMenuParentRow = $('.page-submenu').parents('.wpb_row');
var sticky = new Waypoint.Sticky({
element: $('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]')[0]
// Adjust to be higher.
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
.css('z-index', 10000);
// Bind events.
$('.page-submenu .mobile-menu-link').on('click', function () {
return false;
$('.page-submenu ul li a').on('click', function () {
if ($('body.mobile').length > 0) {
* Page builder full height row option.
* @since 8.0
function vcFullHeightRow() {
var $element = $(".vc_row-o-full-height:first");
if ($element.length) {
var windowHeight, offsetTop, fullHeight;
windowHeight = $window.height();
$(".vc_row-o-full-height").each(function () {
offsetTop = $(this).offset().top;
if (offsetTop < windowHeight &&
$(this).hasClass('top-level') &&
!nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
fullHeight = 100 - offsetTop / (windowHeight / 100);
$(this).css("min-height", fullHeight + "vh");
$(this).find('> .col.span_12').css("min-height", fullHeight + "vh");
} else {
$(this).css("min-height", windowHeight);
$(this).find('> .col.span_12').css("min-height", windowHeight);
* Page builder full height row init.
* @since 10.5
function vcFullHeightRowInit() {
if( $('.vc_row-o-full-height').length > 0 ) {
$window.on('smartresize', vcFullHeightRow);
* Page builder equal height row IE helper.
* @since 8.0
function fixIeFlexbox() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent,
msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");
(msie > 0 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) && $(".vc_row-o-full-height").each(function () {
"flex" === $(this).find('> .span_12').css("display") && $(this).wrap('
if( msie > 0 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) {
* Fix the IE11 bug with max-width 100% on imgs
* @since 11.0
function fixIE11Images() {
$('.img-with-aniamtion-wrap img.img-with-animation').each(function() {
if( $(this).parents('.tabbed').length == 0 && $(this).parents('.toggle').length == 0 ) {
var $parentWrap = $(this).parents('.img-with-aniamtion-wrap');
'height' : ''
var height = $(this).height();
'height' : height
* Recent post height
* @since 10.5
function recentPostsTitleOnlyEqualHeight() {
function recentPostHeight() {
$('.blog-recent[data-style="title_only"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('> .col').length > 1) {
return false;
var $parentsSeletor = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
if ($parentsSeletor.hasClass('vc_col-sm-3') ||
$parentsSeletor.hasClass('vc_col-sm-4') ||
$parentsSeletor.hasClass('vc_col-sm-6') ||
$parentsSeletor.hasClass('vc_col-sm-8') ||
$parentsSeletor.hasClass('vc_col-sm-9')) {
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 && $(this).next('div').length == 0) {
var tallestColumn = 0;
$(this).find('> .col').css('padding', '50px 20px');
$(this).parents('.span_12').find(' > .wpb_column').each(function () {
if( Math.floor($(this).height()) > tallestColumn ) {
tallestColumn = Math.floor($(this).height());
if (Math.floor($(this).find('> .col').outerHeight(true)) < Math.floor($(this).parents('.wpb_row').height()) - 1) {
$(this).find('> .col').css('padding-top', (tallestColumn - $(this).find('> .col').height()) / 2 + 'px');
$(this).find('> .col').css('padding-bottom', (tallestColumn - $(this).find('> .col').height()) / 2 + 'px');
} else {
$(this).find('> .col').css('padding', '50px 20px');
// Set heights.
if( $('.blog-recent[data-style="title_only"]').length > 0 ) {
* Helper to calculate recent post slider height
* @since 7.0
function recentPostSliderHeight() {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-slider').each(function () {
var $minHeight = 250,
$definedHeight = parseInt($(this).attr('data-height')),
dif = ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0) ? $window.width() / 1400 : $window.width() / 1100,
$sliderSelectors = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide, .flickity-viewport');
if (nectarDOMInfo.winW > 1000 && $('#boxed').length == 0) {
if ($(this).parents('.full-width-content').length == 0) {
if ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length > 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1400) {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', Math.ceil($definedHeight));
} else if ($('body[data-ext-responsive="true"]').length == 0 && nectarDOMInfo.winW >= 1100) {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', Math.ceil($definedHeight));
} else {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', Math.ceil($definedHeight * dif));
} else {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', Math.ceil($definedHeight * dif));
} else {
// Column sliders
var $parentCol = ($(this).parents('.wpb_column').length > 0) ? $(this).parents('.wpb_column') : $(this).parents('.col');
if ($parentCol.length == 0) {
$parentCol = $('.main-content');
if (!$parentCol.hasClass('vc_span12') &&
!$parentCol.hasClass('main-content') &&
!$parentCol.hasClass('span_12') &&
!$parentCol.hasClass('vc_col-sm-12')) {
var $parentColWidth = sliderColumnDesktopWidth($parentCol),
$aspectRatio = $definedHeight / $parentColWidth;
// Min height
if ($aspectRatio * $parentCol.width() <= $minHeight) {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', $minHeight);
} else {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', $aspectRatio * $parentCol.width());
// Regular
else {
// Min height
if ($definedHeight * dif <= $minHeight) {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', $minHeight);
} else {
$sliderSelectors.css('height', Math.ceil($definedHeight * dif));
function sliderColumnDesktopWidth(parentCol) {
var $parentColWidth = 1100,
$columnNumberParsed = $(parentCol).attr('class').match(/\d+/);
if ($columnNumberParsed == '2') {
$parentColWidth = 170
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '3') {
$parentColWidth = 260
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '4') {
$parentColWidth = 340
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '6') {
$parentColWidth = 530
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '8') {
$parentColWidth = 700
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '9') {
$parentColWidth = 805
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '10') {
$parentColWidth = 916.3
} else if ($columnNumberParsed == '12') {
$parentColWidth = 1100
return $parentColWidth;
* Spit text into separate lines to animate in
* @since 7.0
function splitLineText() {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured.multiple_featured').each(function () {
var $slideClass = ($(this).find('.project-slides').length > 0) ? '.project-slide' : '.nectar-recent-post-slide',
$slideInfoClass = ($(this).find('.project-slides').length > 0) ? '.project-info h1' : '.inner-wrap h2 a';
$(this).find($slideClass).each(function () {
$(this).find($slideInfoClass).each(function () {
var textArr = $(this).text();
textArr = textArr.trim();
textArr = textArr.split(' ');
$(this)[0].innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < textArr.length; i++) {
$(this)[0].innerHTML += '
' + textArr[i] + ' ';
$(this).find($slideInfoClass + ' > span').wrapInner('
* Spit text into separate lines to animate in
* @since 7.0
function splitLineHeadingMarkup() {
$('.nectar-split-heading[data-animation-type="line-reveal-by-space"]').each(function () {
var animatedClass = ( $(this).hasClass('animated-in') ) ? ' animated' : '';
$(this).find('> *').each(function () {
var textArr = $(this).text();
textArr = textArr.trim();
textArr = textArr.split(' ');
$(this)[0].innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < textArr.length; i++) {
$(this)[0].innerHTML += '
' + textArr[i] + ' ';
$('.nectar-split-heading[data-animation-type="letter-fade-reveal"]').each(function () {
$(this).find('> *').each(function () {
var textArr = $(this).text();
textArr = textArr.trim();
textArr = textArr.split(' ');
$(this)[0].innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < textArr.length; i++) {
$(this)[0].innerHTML += '
' + textArr[i] + ' ';
$(this).find('span').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var textArr = $(this).text().split('');
$.each(textArr, function (i, el) {
" + el + " 0 || $('.nectar-split-heading[data-animation-type="letter-fade-reveal"]').length > 0 ) {
// Generate markup.
* Create recent post sliders
* @since 7.0
function recentPostsFlickityInit() {
if ($('.nectar-recent-posts-slider-inner').length > 0) {
var $rpFGroupCells = ($('.nectar-recent-posts-slider_multiple_visible').length > 0) ? '90%' : false;
var $rpF = $('.nectar-recent-posts-slider-inner').flickity({
contain: true,
groupCells: $rpFGroupCells,
draggable: true,
lazyLoad: false,
imagesLoaded: true,
percentPosition: true,
prevNextButtons: false,
pageDots: true,
resize: true,
setGallerySize: true,
wrapAround: true,
accessibility: false
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1150);
var flkty = $rpF.data('flickity');
$rpF.on('dragStart.flickity', function () {
$rpF.on('dragEnd.flickity', function () {
var $dragTimeout;
$rpF.on('select.flickity', function () {
$dragTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
$window.on('resize', recentPostSliderHeight);
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
$window.on('resize', recentPostSliderParallaxMargins);
// Multiple featured controls
function multipleLargeFeaturedInit() {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured.multiple_featured').each(function (sliderIndex) {
if ($(this).find('> .normal-container').length > 0) {
$(this).find('> .normal-container').remove();
var $that = $(this);
var tallestFeaturedSlide = 0;
var $slideClickTimeout;
// Store instance
$nectarCustomSliderRotate[sliderIndex] = {
autorotate: ''
$(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).find('.recent-post-container').height() > tallestFeaturedSlide) {
tallestFeaturedSlide = $(this).find('.recent-post-container').height();
var $activeClass = (i == 0 && $(this).parents('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured.multiple_featured[data-autorotate="none"]').length > 0) ? 'class="active"' : '';
' + $(this).find('h2').text() + '');
// Click event
$(this).find('.controls li').on('click', function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
if (e.originalEvent !== undefined) {
var $index = $(this).index(),
$oldIndex = $(this).parent().find('.active').index(),
$that = $(this);
$slideClickTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
.find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:not(:eq(' + $index + '))')
.css('opacity', '0')
}, 300);
.find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:not(:eq(' + $index + '))')
.css('z-index', '10');
.find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:eq(' + $oldIndex + ')')
.css('z-index', '15');
'opacity': '1',
'z-index': '20'
if ($(this).parents('.multiple_featured').attr('data-autorotate') != 'none') {
nectarCustomSliderResetRotate($that.parents('.nectar-recent-posts-single_featured.multiple_featured'), sliderIndex);
// Autorotate
$that = $(this);
if ($(this).attr('data-autorotate').length > 0 &&
$(this).attr('data-autorotate') != 'none' &&
$('body.vc_editor').length == 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
var slide_interval = (parseInt($that.attr('data-autorotate')) < 100) ? 4000 : parseInt($that.attr('data-autorotate'));
$nectarCustomSliderRotate[sliderIndex].autorotate = setInterval(function () {
}, slide_interval);
// Set first active class
.find('.controls > li:first-child')
}, 30);
$window.on('resize', splitLineText);
* Default recent post slider parallax RAF loop.
* @since 7.0
function recentPostSliderParallax() {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-slider').each(function () {
var $offset = parseInt($(this).find('.flickity-slider').position().left),
$slides = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide'),
$slideLength = $slides.length,
$slideWidth = $slides.width(),
$lastChildIndex = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:last-child').index(),
$slideFirstChildBG = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:first-child .nectar-recent-post-bg'),
$slideLastChildBG = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide:last-child .nectar-recent-post-bg');
// First going to last
if ($offset >= -3) {
$slideLastChildBG.css('margin-left', parseInt(Math.ceil($slideWidth / 3.5)) + 'px');
} else {
$slideLastChildBG.css('margin-left', '-' + parseInt(Math.ceil($slideWidth / 3.5 * $lastChildIndex)) + 'px');
// Last going to first
if (Math.abs($offset) >= ($slideLength - 1) * $slideWidth) {
$slideFirstChildBG.css('margin-left', '-' + parseInt(Math.ceil(($slideWidth / 3.5) * $slideLength)) + 'px');
} else {
$slideFirstChildBG.css('margin-left', '0px');
.css('transform', 'translateX(' + Math.ceil($(this).find('.flickity-slider').position().left / -3.5) + 'px)');
* Default recent post slider margin calculations.
* @since 7.0
function recentPostSliderParallaxMargins() {
$('.nectar-recent-posts-slider').each(function () {
var $slideWidth = $(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide').width();
$(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-slide').each(function (i) {
$(this).find('.nectar-recent-post-bg').css('margin-left', '-' + parseInt(Math.ceil($slideWidth / 3.5) * i) + 'px');
* Initialize all recent post elements.
* @since 7.0
function recentPostsInit() {
// Start flickity based sliders.
// Classic enhanced specific
$('.blog-recent[data-style="classic_enhanced_alt"] .inner-wrap').each(function () {
$(this).find('.post-featured-img').each(function () {
var $src = $(this).find('img').attr('src');
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $src + ')');
$('.blog-recent[data-style="classic_enhanced"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('.inner-wrap.has-post-thumbnail').length == 0) {
// Regular recent posts slider.
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
if ($('.nectar-recent-posts-slider').length > 0 && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
if (!nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
* Parallax on mousemove effect
* @since 10.5
function parallaxItemHoverEffect() {
//change sizer pos
$('.style-5').each(function () {
// Set parent zindex
.css('z-index', '100');
var d = document,
bd = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
win = window,
imgs = d.querySelectorAll('.parallaxImg'),
totalImgs = imgs.length,
supportsTouch = 'ontouchstart' in win || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints,
lazyLoadedItems = false;
if (totalImgs <= 0) {
// Build HTML
for (var l = 0; l < totalImgs; l++) {
var thisImg = imgs[l],
layerElems = thisImg.querySelectorAll('.parallaxImg-layer'),
totalLayerElems = layerElems.length;
if (totalLayerElems <= 0) {
while (thisImg.firstChild) {
var lastMove = 0;
//throttle performance old browsers
var eventThrottle = 80;
if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge/") < 1 ) {
eventThrottle = 1;
} else {
var containerHTML = d.createElement('div'),
shineHTML = d.createElement('div'),
shadowHTML = d.createElement('div'),
layersHTML = d.createElement('div'),
layers = [];
thisImg.id = 'parallaxImg__' + l;
containerHTML.className = 'parallaxImg-container';
shadowHTML.className = 'parallaxImg-shadow';
layersHTML.className = 'parallaxImg-layers';
for (var i = 0; i < totalLayerElems; i++) {
var layer = d.createElement('div'),
layerInner = d.createElement('div'),
imgSrc = layerElems[i].getAttribute('data-img');
layer.className = 'parallaxImg-rendered-layer';
layer.setAttribute('data-layer', i);
if (i == 0 && $(thisImg).parents('.wpb_gallery').length == 0) {
layerInner.className = 'bg-img';
if( $(thisImg).parents('.nectar-fancy-box').length > 0 ) {
layerInner.setAttribute('data-nectar-img-src', imgSrc);
lazyLoadedItems = true;
} else {
layerInner.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + imgSrc + ')';
if (!(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1)) {
if (supportsTouch && $('body.using-mobile-browser').length > 0) {
// Stop processing.
} else {
(function (_thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine) {
$(thisImg).parents('.style-5').on('mousemove', function (e) {
var parentEl = $(this);
var parallaxContainer = parentEl.find('.parallaxImg-container');
var parallaxShad = parentEl.find('.parallaxImg-shadow');
var now = Date.now();
var usingGallery = ($(_thisImg).parents('.wpb_gallery').length > 0) ? true : false;
if (now > lastMove + eventThrottle) {
lastMove = now;
window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
processMovement(e, false, _thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine, parentEl, parallaxContainer, parallaxShad, usingGallery);
$(thisImg).parents('.style-5').on('mouseenter', function (e) {
processEnter(e, _thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine);
$(thisImg).parents('.style-5').on('mouseleave', function (e) {
processExit(e, _thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine);
})(thisImg, layers, totalLayerElems, shineHTML);
// Set the depths
(function (_thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine) {
depths(false, _thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine);
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
depths(false, _thisImg, _layers, _totalLayers, _shine);
})(thisImg, layers, totalLayerElems, shineHTML);
if( lazyLoadedItems ) {
function processMovement(e, touchEnabled, elem, layers, totalLayers, shine, parentEl, parallaxContainer, parallaxShad, usingGal) {
// Stop raf if exit already called
if (!$(elem.firstChild).hasClass('over')) {
processExit(e, elem, layers, totalLayers, shine);
return false
// Set up multipliers
var yMult = 0.03;
var xMult = 0.063;
var scaleAmount = '1.03';
var offsetAmount = '-10';
var usingMasonrySize = false;
if ($(elem).parents('.col.wide').length > 0) {
yMult = 0.03;
xMult = 0.063;
usingMasonrySize = true;
} else if ($(elem).parents('.col.regular').length > 0 || $(elem).parents('.wpb_gallery').length > 0) {
yMult = 0.045;
xMult = 0.045;
} else if ($(elem).parents('.col.tall').length > 0) {
yMult = 0.05;
xMult = 0.015;
usingMasonrySize = true;
} else if ($(elem).parents('.col.wide_tall').length > 0) {
yMult = 0.04;
xMult = 0.04;
usingMasonrySize = true;
} else if (parentEl.hasClass('nectar-fancy-box')) {
yMult = 0.045;
xMult = 0.022;
scaleAmount = '1.06';
offsetAmount = '-2';
} else {
yMult = 0.045;
xMult = 0.075;
var bdst = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop,
bdsl = 0,
pageX = (touchEnabled) ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX,
pageY = (touchEnabled) ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY,
offsets = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
w = elem.clientWidth || elem.offsetWidth || elem.scrollWidth,
h = elem.clientHeight || elem.offsetHeight || elem.scrollHeight,
wMultiple = 320 / w,
offsetX = 0.52 - (pageX - offsets.left - bdsl) / w,
offsetY = 0.52 - (pageY - offsets.top - bdst) / h,
dy = (pageY - offsets.top - bdst) - h / 2,
dx = (pageX - offsets.left - bdsl) - w / 2,
yRotate = (offsetX - dx) * (yMult * wMultiple),
xRotate = (dy - offsetY) * (xMult * wMultiple);
var imgCSS;
if (usingGal == true) {
imgCSS = ' perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px) rotateX(' + -xRotate * 1.9 + 'deg) rotateY(' + -yRotate * 1.3 + 'deg)';
} else {
if (usingMasonrySize == false) {
imgCSS = ' perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px) rotateX(' + xRotate + 'deg) rotateY(' + yRotate + 'deg) translateY(' + offsetY * offsetAmount + 'px) translateX(' + offsetX * offsetAmount + 'px) scale(' + scaleAmount + ')';
} else {
imgCSS = ' perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px) rotateX(' + xRotate + 'deg) rotateY(' + yRotate + 'deg) translateY(' + offsetY * -10 + 'px) translateX(' + offsetX * -10 + 'px) scale(1.013)';
// Container transform
parallaxContainer.css('transform', imgCSS);
if (!(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1)) {
parallaxShad.css('transform', imgCSS);
function processEnter(e, elem) {
elem.firstChild.className += ' over';
elem.className += ' over';
if ($(elem).parents('.wpb_gallery').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 450);
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
function processExit(e, elem) {
var w = elem.clientWidth || elem.offsetWidth || elem.scrollWidth;
var container = elem.firstChild;
container.className = container.className.replace(' over', '');
elem.className = elem.className.replace(' over', '');
$(container).css('transform', 'perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) translateZ(0)');
$(elem).parents('.parallaxImg-wrap').find('.parallaxImg-shadow').css('transform', 'perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) translateZ(0)');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
function depths(touchEnabled, elem, layers, totalLayers) {
var w = elem.clientWidth || elem.offsetWidth || elem.scrollWidth;
var container = elem.firstChild;
// Set z
for (var ly = 0; ly < totalLayers; ly++) {
if (ly == 0) {
$(layers[ly]).css('transform', 'translateZ(0px)');
else {
$(layers[ly]).css('transform', 'translateZ(' + (w * 3) / 27 * (ly * 1.1) + 'px) ');
totalLayers = totalLayers + 3;
// Set perspective from beginning
$(container).css('transform', 'perspective(' + w * 3 + 'px)');
* Fancy Box
* @since 11.0
function nectarFancyBoxHover() {
if( $('.nectar-fancy-box[data-style="hover_desc"]').length == 0 ) {
return false;
var $hoverContentHeight = 0;
$('body').on('mouseenter touchstart','.nectar-fancy-box[data-style="hover_desc"]', function() {
$hoverContentHeight = parseInt($(this).find('.hover-content').outerHeight(true));
$(this).find('.heading-wrap').css('transform','translateY(-'+ $hoverContentHeight +'px)');
$('body').on('mouseleave touchend','.nectar-fancy-box[data-style="hover_desc"]', function() {
* Mouse Follow Icon
* @since 11.0
function NectarMouseFollowIcon(el,iconSelector) {
this.$el = el;
this.$iconEl = this.$el.find(iconSelector);
this.elX = 0;
this.elY = 0;
this.initialX = this.$el.width() / 2;
this.initialY = this.$el.height() / 2;
this.elX = 0;
this.elY = 0;
this.lastScroll = 0;
this.scrollAdjust = 0;
this.lastX = this.initialX;
this.lastY = this.initialY;
this.activeFollow = false;
this.percentage = 0.13;
$window.on('resize', this.resizeEvent.bind(this));
NectarMouseFollowIcon.prototype.resizeEvent = function() {
this.initialX = this.$el.width() / 2;
this.initialY = this.$el.height() / 2;
NectarMouseFollowIcon.prototype.mouseEvents = function() {
var that = this;
that.$el.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
that.activeFollow = true;
that.elX = e.offsetX;
that.elY = e.offsetY;
that.lastScroll = 0;
that.percentageTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
that.percentage = 0.2;
that.$el.on('mouseleave', function() {
that.activeFollow = false;
that.lastScroll = 0;
that.percentage = 0.13;
that.$el.on('mousemove', function(e){
that.elX = e.offsetX;
that.elY = e.offsetY;
that.lastScroll = 0;
$(window).on('scroll',function() {
if( that.activeFollow == true && that.lastScroll == 0) {
that.lastScroll = nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop;
NectarMouseFollowIcon.prototype.rafLoop = function() {
if( this.activeFollow == true ) {
this.scrollAdjust = ( this.lastScroll > 0 ) ? nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop - this.lastScroll : 0;
this.lastY = linearInterpolate(this.lastY, this.elY + this.scrollAdjust, this.percentage);
this.lastX = linearInterpolate(this.lastX, this.elX, this.percentage);
} else {
this.lastY = linearInterpolate(this.lastY, this.initialY, 0.13);
this.lastX = linearInterpolate(this.lastX, this.initialX, 0.13);
'transform': 'translateX(' + this.lastX + 'px) translateY(' + this.lastY + 'px)'
* Video Lightbox
* @since 11.0
function nectarVideoLightbox() {
iconMouseFollowArr = [];
// Parent hover relationship.
$body.on('mouseenter','.nectar_video_lightbox[data-parent-hover="1"]', function() {
var $parentRow = $(this).parents('.wpb_row');
$parentRow.find('> .row-bg-wrap .row-bg, > .nectar-video-wrap .nectar-video-inner').addClass('transition');
$parentRow.find('> .row-bg-wrap .row-bg, > .nectar-video-wrap .nectar-video-inner').css({
'transform' : 'scale(1.08)'
$body.on('mouseleave','.nectar_video_lightbox[data-parent-hover="1"]', function() {
var $parentRow = $(this).parents('.wpb_row');
$parentRow.find('> .row-bg-wrap .row-bg, > .nectar-video-wrap .nectar-video-inner').css({
'transform' : 'scale(1)'
// Mouse Indicator.
if( $(this).find('.play_button_mouse_follow') ) {
var $that = $(this);
$(this).imagesLoaded(function () {
// Follow mouse.
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
iconMouseFollowArr[i] = new NectarMouseFollowIcon($that, '.play_button_mouse_follow');
// Initial setup.
var $playColor = ( $that.is('[data-mouse-icon-color]') && $that.attr('data-mouse-icon-color').length > 0 ) ? $that.attr('data-mouse-icon-color') : '#000';
if( $that.is('[data-mouse-style="solid_color"]') ) {
'background-color': $playColor
* Salient slider rotation
* @since 10.5
function nectarCustomSliderRotate(slider) {
if ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) {
var $controlSelector = (slider.find('.project-slides').length > 0) ? '.dot-nav > span' : '.controls > li',
$controlSelectorInd = (slider.find('.project-slides').length > 0) ? 'span' : ' li',
$slideLength = slider.find($controlSelector).length,
$currentSlide = slider.find($controlSelector + '.active').index();
if ($currentSlide + 1 == $slideLength) {
slider.find($controlSelector + ':first-child').trigger('click');
} else {
slider.find($controlSelector + '.active').next($controlSelectorInd).trigger('click');
* Salient slider rotation reset
* @since 10.5
function nectarCustomSliderResetRotate(slider, index) {
// Reinit autorotate
if (slider.attr('data-autorotate').length > 0) {
var slide_interval = (parseInt(slider.attr('data-autorotate')) < 100) ? 4000 : parseInt(slider.attr('data-autorotate'));
$nectarCustomSliderRotate[index].autorotate = setInterval(function () {
}, slide_interval);
* Fullscreen recent project slider
* @since 10.5
function fsProjectSliderInit() {
$fsProjectSliderArr = [];
if (typeof SalientRecentProjectsFullScreen === 'undefined') {
$('.nectar_fullscreen_zoom_recent_projects').each(function (i) {
$fsProjectSliderArr[i] = new SalientRecentProjectsFullScreen($(this));
* Portfolio single template sticky sidebar
* @since 6.0
function portfolioSidebarFollow() {
var sidebarFollow = $('.single-portfolio #sidebar').attr('data-follow-on-scroll');
if ($('body.single-portfolio').length == 0 || $('#sidebar[data-follow-on-scroll]').length == 0) {
sidebarFollow = $('.single-portfolio #sidebar').attr('data-follow-on-scroll');
if (sidebarFollow == 1 &&
!$body.hasClass('mobile') &&
parseInt($('#sidebar').height()) + 50 <= parseInt($('.post-area').height())) {
//padding from top of screen
var $ssExtraTopSpace = 50;
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="0"]').length > 0 &&
$('body[data-hhun="1"]').length == 0) {
$ssExtraTopSpace += $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
// Resize effect
if ($('#header-outer[data-shrink-num][data-header-resize="1"]').length > 0) {
var headerPadding2 = parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) - parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) / 1.8;
$ssExtraTopSpace -= logoShrinkNum;
$ssExtraTopSpace -= headerPadding2;
// Condense
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 && $('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9');
$ssExtraTopSpace = 50;
$ssExtraTopSpace += $headerOuterEl.height() - (parseInt($headerSpan9.position().top) - parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top'))) - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight);
if ($wpAdminBar.length > 0) {
$ssExtraTopSpace += $wpAdminBar.outerHeight();
$('.single-portfolio #sidebar').theiaStickySidebar({
additionalMarginTop: $ssExtraTopSpace,
updateSidebarHeight: false
* Infinite scroll pagination
* @since 6.0
function infiniteScrollInit() {
if ($('.infinite_scroll').length > 0) {
// Portfolio
navSelector: "div#pagination",
nextSelector: "div#pagination a:first",
itemSelector: ".portfolio-items.infinite_scroll .element",
finishedMsg: "
Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.",
msgText: " ",
}, function (newElements) {
var $container = $('.portfolio-items.infinite_scroll:not(.carousel)'),
$newElems = $(newElements).css('opacity', 0);
// Ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout
$newElems.imagesLoaded(function () {
$(newElements).css('opacity', 1);
$container.isotope('appended', $(newElements));
// Show elems now they're ready
$(newElements).find('.work-meta, .nectar-love-wrap').css({
'opacity': 1
// Keep current filtering
if ($('.portfolio-filters-inline').length > 0 || $('.portfolio-filters').length > 0) {
var selector;
if ($('.portfolio-filters-inline').length > 0) {
selector = $('.portfolio-filters-inline a.active').attr('data-filter');
} else {
selector = $('.portfolio-filters a.active').attr('data-filter');
$('.portfolio-filters-inline a.active').attr('data-filter');
filter: selector
// Set width
for (var i = 0; i < $portfolio_containers.length; i++) {
if ($(newElements).find('.work-item.style-5').length > 0) {
if ($(newElements).find('.inner-wrap').attr('data-animation') == 'none') {
$('.portfolio-items .col .inner-wrap').removeClass('animated');
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < $portfolio_containers.length; i++) {
$(newElements).each(function () {
var $portfolioOffsetPos = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0) ? '200%' : '90%';
// Not already visible
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
var $portfolioAnimationDelay = ($that.is('[data-masonry-type="photography"].masonry-items')) ? 85 : 115;
setTimeout(function () {
}, $portfolioAnimationDelay * $that.attr('data-delay-amount'));
offset: $portfolioOffsetPos
// Lightbox reinit.
$('.portfolio-items').each(function () {
var $unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('a[rel^="prettyPhoto"], a.pretty_photo').attr('rel', 'prettyPhoto[' + $unique_id + '_gal]').removeClass('pretty_photo');
$('.portfolio-items').each(function () {
var $unique_id = uniqueIdGenerate();
$(this).find('a[data-fancybox^="group_"]').attr('data-fancybox', 'group_' + $unique_id);
setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < $portfolio_containers.length; i++) {
}, 700);
// Blog
$('.post-area.infinite_scroll .posts-container').infinitescroll({
navSelector: "div#pagination",
nextSelector: "div#pagination a:first",
itemSelector: ".post-area.infinite_scroll .posts-container .post",
finishedMsg: "
Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.",
msgText: " "
}, function (newElements) {
if($(newElements).find('[data-nectar-img-src]').length > 0) {
// Only trigger recalc of waypoints and elements if needed.
if ($('.masonry.classic').length > 0 ||
$('.post-area:not(.masonry):not(.featured_img_left)').length > 0 ||
$('.post-area.standard-minimal').length > 0) {
// Gallery.
// Media players.
if ($().mediaelementplayer) {
$(newElements).find('.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode').mediaelementplayer();
// Lightbox.
// Carousels.
if ($('.carousel').length > 0) {
// Waypoints.
// Testimonial slider.
'opacity': '1'
}, 800);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
} // Non meta overlaid style.
else {
// Trigger Masonry as a callback.
var $container = $('.infinite_scroll .posts-container');
if ($container.parent().hasClass('masonry')) {
} //if masonry.
// Loading effect.
//// hide new items while they are loading.
var $newElems = $(newElements);
//// ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout.
if ($newElems.find('img').length == 0) {
$newElems = $('body');
$newElems.imagesLoaded(function () {
if ($container.parent().hasClass('masonry') &&
!$container.parent().hasClass('auto_meta_overlaid_spaced')) {
$container.isotope('appended', $(newElements));
for (var i = 0; i < $nectarMasonryBlogs.length; i++) {
// Show elems now they're ready.
// Classic enhanced specific
if ($container.parent().hasClass('classic_enhanced')) {
$container.find('.large_featured.has-post-thumbnail.ajax-loaded .post-featured-img, .wide_tall.has-post-thumbnail.ajax-loaded .post-featured-img').each(function () {
var $src = $(this).find('img').attr('src');
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $src + ')');
$container.find('.large_featured.ajax-loaded .nectar-flickity, .wide_tall.ajax-loaded .nectar-flickity').each(function () {
$(this).find('.cell').each(function () {
var $src = $(this).find('img').attr('src');
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $src + ')');
if ($(newElements).parents('.posts-container').attr('data-animation') == 'none') {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < $nectarMasonryBlogs.length; i++) {
$(newElements).each(function () {
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 80 * $that.attr('data-delay-amount'));
offset: '90%'
setTimeout(function () {
}, 700);
* Scroll to top scroll bind.
* @since 2.0
function toTopBind() {
if ($('#to-top').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1020 ||
$('#to-top').length > 0 && $('#to-top.mobile-enabled').length > 0) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 350) {
$window.on('scroll', hideToTop);
} else {
$window.on('scroll', showToTop);
* Scroll to top show.
* @since 2.0
function showToTop() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop > 350 && !$offCanvasEl.is('.fullscreen.open') ) {
'transform': 'translateY(-50%)'
}, 350, 'easeInOutCubic');
$window.off('scroll', showToTop);
$window.on('scroll', hideToTop);
* Scroll to top hide.
* @since 2.0
function hideToTop() {
if (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop < 350 || $offCanvasEl.is('.fullscreen.open') ) {
var $animationTiming = ($('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen.open').length > 0) ? 1150 : 350;
'transform': 'translateY(105%)'
}, $animationTiming, 'easeInOutQuint');
$window.off('scroll', hideToTop);
$window.on('scroll', showToTop);
* Scroll to top initialization.
* @since 10.5
function scrollToTopInit() {
// Show/hide based on scroll pos
if ($('.nectar-social.fixed').length == 0) {
// Rounded style
if ($('body[data-button-style*="rounded"]').length > 0) {
var $clone = $('#to-top .fa-angle-up').clone();
// Scroll up click event
$body.on('click', '#to-top, a[href="#top"]', function () {
scrollTop: 0
}, 800, 'easeOutQuad', function () {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0) {
$body.trigger('mousewheel', [1, 0, 0]);
return false;
* Scrollspy plugin initialization.
* @since 5.0
function scrollSpyInit() {
var $headerNavSpace = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? 0 : $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
if ($('.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 || $('.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
// Track whether scrollspy is really needed.
var hashLinksFound = false;
//prevent jump to top on empty items
$('header#top .sf-menu li a[href="#"]').on('click', function (e) {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0 || $nectarFullPage.$usingFullScreenRows == false) {
$('a.nectar-next-section').each(function () {
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_row:not(.inner_row)').length > 0) {
var $parentRow = $(this).parents('.wpb_row:not(.inner_row)');
if ($parentRow.next('.wpb_row[id]:not(.inner_row)').length > 0) {
var $nextRowID = $parentRow.next('.wpb_row[id]:not(.inner_row)').attr('id');
$(this).attr('href', '#' + $nextRowID);
hashLinksFound = true;
else if ($().fullpage) {
$('a.nectar-next-section').on('click', function () {
return false;
// Links in off canvas menu.
if ($('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container').length > 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container').find("a[href*='" + location.pathname + "']").each(function () {
var $href = $(this).attr('href');
// Regular animated anchors.
if ($href != '#' &&
$href.indexOf("#") != -1 &&
$href.substr($href.indexOf("#")) !== '#' &&
$('div' + $href.substr($href.indexOf("#"))).length > 0) {
$(this).attr('href', $href.substr($href.indexOf("#")));
// Fullpage is a little different.
if ($('div[data-fullscreen-anchor-id="' + $href.substr($href.indexOf("#") + 1) + '"]').length > 0) {
// Links in header navigation.
$("#header-outer").find("a[href*='" + location.pathname + "']").each(function () {
var $href = $(this).attr('href');
// Regular animated anchors
if ($href.indexOf("#") != -1 &&
$href.substr($href.indexOf("#")) !== '#' &&
$('div' + $href.substr($href.indexOf("#"))).length > 0) {
$(this).attr('href', $href.substr($href.indexOf("#")));
// Fullpage is a little different
if ($('div[data-fullscreen-anchor-id="' + $href.substr($href.indexOf("#") + 1) + '"]').length > 0) {
// Hash links in menu?
if( $("#header-outer").length > 0 ) {
$("#header-outer").find("a[href*='#']:not([href='#'])").each(function() {
if( $(this).attr('href') !== '#' &&
$(this).attr('href') !== '#searchbox' &&
$(this).attr('href') !== '#sidewidgetarea') {
hashLinksFound = true;
if( $("#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container").length > 0 ) {
$("#slide-out-widget-area .off-canvas-menu-container").find("a[href*='#']:not([href='#'])").each(function() {
if( $(this).attr('href') !== '#' ) {
hashLinksFound = true;
// Init scrollspy.
var targetList = [];
if( hashLinksFound == true ) {
targetList.push('#header-outer nav');
if( $('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"] a[href*="#"]').length > 0 ) {
if( targetList.length > 0 ) {
targetList.forEach(function(tar, i) {
var $el = (i == 0) ? $body : $(window);
target: tar,
offset: $headerNavSpace + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 40
* Called to scroll to hash link on page load
* @since 5.0
function pageLoadHash() {
var $hash = window.location.hash;
if( $hash && $hash.length > 0 ) {
$hash = $hash.replace(/<|>/g,'');
var $hashSubstrng = ($hash && $hash.length > 0) ? $hash.substring(1, $hash.length) : 0,
headerPadding2 = headerPadding - headerPadding / 1.8,
$hasSlashLength = 0;
// If the hash has slashes
if ($hashSubstrng) {
$hasSlashLength = $hashSubstrng.split("/");
$hasSlashLength = $hasSlashLength.length;
if ($hashSubstrng && $hasSlashLength > 1) {
$hashSubstrng = $hashSubstrng.replace(/\//g, "");
$hash = $hash.replace(/\//g, "");
if ($hash && $('.main-content').find($hash).length > 0 ||
$hash && $('.main-content').find('[data-fullscreen-anchor-id="' + $hashSubstrng + '"]').length > 0) {
var $hashObj = ($('.main-content').find($hash).length > 0) ? $('.main-content').find($hash) : $('.main-content').find('[data-fullscreen-anchor-id="' + $hashSubstrng + '"]'),
$headerNavSpace = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? 0 : $('#header-space').outerHeight();
if ($('.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 || $('.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
var $timeoutVar = 100;
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap.bottomBoxOut').length > 0) {
nectarBoxRoll.boxRoll(null, -1);
$timeoutVar = 2050;
setTimeout(function () {
var $scrollTopDistance;
if ($('body[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
if (!$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
var $resize = ($('#header-outer[data-header-resize="0"]').length > 0) ? 0 : parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding2 * 2;
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
$scrollTopDistance = $hashObj.offset().top - parseInt($headerNavSpace) + $resize + 3 - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
// Condense
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('body.page-template-template-no-header').length === 0 &&
$('body.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length === 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9'),
$headerHeightStored = $headerOuterEl.height(),
$headerHeightCondensed = $headerHeightStored - (parseInt($headerSpan9.height()) + parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top')));
$scrollTopDistance = $hashObj.offset().top - parseInt($headerNavSpace) + $headerHeightCondensed - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
} else {
$scrollTopDistance = ($('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0) ? $hashObj.offset().top + 2 - $headerNavSpace + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight : $hashObj.offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 1;
} else {
$scrollTopDistance = $hashObj.offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 1;
if ($('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
// Alter offset
if ($('#header-outer.detached').length == 0) {
$scrollTopDistance = $scrollTopDistance + $headerNavSpace;
var $pageSubMenu = ($('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0) ? $('.page-submenu').height() : 0;
var $headerSecondary;
if ($('body.material').length > 0 &&
$headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 &&
$('body[data-hhun="1"]').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 &&
!$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
$headerSecondary = $headerSecondaryEl.height();
} else {
$headerSecondary = 0;
nectar_scrollToY($scrollTopDistance - $pageSubMenu + $headerSecondary, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
}, $timeoutVar);
* Initialize page load hash functionality
* @since 10.5
function pageLoadHashInit() {
if ($('body[data-animated-anchors="true"]').length > 0) {
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 && $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length == 0) {
// Inside tabs
if (typeof nectarGetQueryParam['tab'] != 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 800);
// Regular
else {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-mobile-disable="on"]').length > 0 && $('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 &&
nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
* Animated anchor link theme option.
* @since 10.5
function animatedAnchorLinks() {
if ($('body[data-animated-anchors="true"]').length > 0 ||
$('.single-product [data-gallery-style="left_thumb_sticky"]').length > 0) {
var headerPadding2 = headerPadding - headerPadding / 1.8;
setTimeout(scrollSpyInit, 200);
var $animatedScrollingTimeout;
$body.on('click', '#header-outer nav .sf-menu a, #footer-outer .nectar-button, #footer-outer .widget_nav_menu a, #mobile-menu li a, .nectar-scrolling-tabs .scrolling-tab-nav a, .container-wrap a:not(.wpb_tabs_nav a):not(.woocommerce-checkout a):not(.um-woo-view-order):not(.magnific):not([data-fancybox]):not(.woocommerce-tabs .tabs a):not(.slider-prev):not(.slider-next):not(.testimonial-next-prev a):not(.page-numbers), .swiper-slide .button a, #slide-out-widget-area a, #slide-out-widget-area .inner div a', function (e) {
var triggerAnimatedScroll = true;
var $hash = $(this).prop("hash");
if( !$(this).hasClass('nectar-next-section') && headerHideUntilNeeded == '1' ) {
nectarState.animatedScrolling = true;
$animatedScrollingTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
nectarState.animatedScrolling = false;
}, 850);
var $headerNavSpace = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? 0 : $('#header-space').outerHeight();
if ($('.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length > 0 ||
$('.page-template-template-no-header').length > 0 ||
$('#header-space').length == 0 ) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
// Delay full page anchors until material right OCM closes
if ( $nectarFullPage.$usingFullScreenRows != false &&
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-anchors="on"]').length > 0 &&
$hash && $hash != '' && $hash != '#top' &&
$('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"].material-ocm-open').length > 0) {
if (!$(this).hasClass('skip-hash')) {
if (history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, $hash);
} else {
location.hash = $hash;
setTimeout(function() {
if ($hash && $body.find($hash).length > 0 && $hash != '#top' && $hash != '' && $(this).attr('href').indexOf(window.location.href.split("#")[0]) !== -1 ||
$(this).is('[href^="#"]') && $hash != '' && $body.find($hash).length > 0 && $hash != '#top') {
//update hash
if (!$(this).hasClass('skip-hash')) {
if (history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, $hash);
} else {
location.hash = $hash;
if ($(this).parents('ul').length > 0) {
// Side widget area click
if ($(this).parents('#slide-out-widget-area').length > 0) {
if ($('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"].material-ocm-open').length > 0) {
$('body > .slide_out_area_close')
// Scroll
var $clickedLinkStore = $(this);
triggerAnimatedScroll = false;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
} else {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close')
setTimeout(function () {
if ($('body.material[data-slide-out-widget-area-style="slide-out-from-right"]').length > 0) {
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
} else {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
// Mobile menu click
if ( $(this).parents('#mobile-menu').length > 0 ) {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a')
setTimeout(function () {
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle.mobile-icon a').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
var $mobileMenuHeight = ($(this).parents('#mobile-menu').length > 0) ? $(this).parents('#mobile-menu').height() : null;
var $timeoutVar = 1;
var $that = $(this);
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0 && $('.container-wrap.bottomBoxOut').length > 0) {
nectarBoxRoll.boxRoll(null, -1);
$timeoutVar = 2050;
setTimeout(function () {
var $scrollTopDistance;
// Scrolling
if ($('body[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
if (!$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
var $resize = ($('#header-outer[data-header-resize="0"]').length > 0) ? 0 : parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding2 * 2;
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
$scrollTopDistance = $($hash).offset().top - $mobileMenuHeight - parseInt($headerNavSpace) + $resize + 3 - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
// Condense
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 &&
$('body.page-template-template-no-header').length === 0 &&
$('body.page-template-template-no-header-footer').length === 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9'),
$headerHeightStored = $headerOuterEl.height(),
$headerHeightCondensed = $headerHeightStored - (parseInt($headerSpan9.height()) + parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top')));
$scrollTopDistance = $($hash).offset().top - parseInt($headerNavSpace) + $headerHeightCondensed - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight;
} else {
$scrollTopDistance = ($('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0) ? $($hash).offset().top + 2 - $headerNavSpace + nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight : $($hash).offset().top - $mobileMenuHeight - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 1;
} else {
$scrollTopDistance = $($hash).offset().top - nectarDOMInfo.adminBarHeight + 1;
if ($('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
// Alter offset
if ($('#header-outer.detached').length == 0 || $that.parents('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0) {
$scrollTopDistance = $scrollTopDistance + $headerNavSpace;
// Hide top header
if ($that.parents('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0) {
.css('transform', 'translateY(0px)');
var $pageSubMenu = ($that.parents('.page-submenu[data-sticky="true"]').length > 0) ? $that.parents('.page-submenu').height() : 0;
var $headerSecondary;
if ($('body.material').length > 0 &&
$headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 &&
$('body[data-hhun="1"]').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0 &&
!$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
$headerSecondary = $headerSecondaryEl.height();
} else {
if($('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 &&
$headerSecondaryEl.length > 0 &&
!$body.hasClass('mobile') &&
$('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
$headerSecondary = $headerSecondaryEl.height();
} else {
$headerSecondary = 0;
if( triggerAnimatedScroll ) {
nectar_scrollToY($scrollTopDistance - $pageSubMenu + $headerSecondary, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
}, $timeoutVar);
if ($hash == '#top') {
// Side widget area click
if ($(this).parents('#slide-out-widget-area').length > 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').trigger('click');
* Search results masonry layout.
* @since 10.0
function searchResultMasonry() {
var $searchContainer = $('#search-results'),
$dividerNum = ($searchContainer.is('[data-layout="masonry-no-sidebar"]')) ? 4 : 3;
$searchContainer.imagesLoaded(function () {
itemSelector: '.result',
layoutMode: 'packery',
packery: {
gutter: 0
.css('opacity', '1');
$window.on('resize', function () {
layoutMode: 'packery',
packery: {
gutter: 0
* Search results masonry layout initialization.
* @since 10.5
function searchResultMasonryInit() {
if ($('body.search-results').length > 0 &&
$('#search-results article').length > 0 &&
$('#search-results[data-layout="list-no-sidebar"]').length == 0 &&
$('#search-results[data-layout="list-with-sidebar"]').length == 0) {
* Custom colors for portfolio grid elements.
* @since 10.5
function portfolioCustomColoring() {
//portfolio colors
if ($('.portfolio-items .col .style-3-alt').length > 0 ||
$('.portfolio-items .col .style-3').length > 0 ||
$('.portfolio-items .col .style-2').length > 0 ||
$('.portfolio-items .col .style-5').length > 0) {
var portfolioColorCss = '';
$('.portfolio-items .col').each(function () {
var $titleColor = $(this).attr('data-title-color'),
$subTitleColor = $(this).attr('data-subtitle-color');
if ($titleColor.length > 0) {
portfolioColorCss += '.col[data-title-color="' + $titleColor + '"] .vert-center h3, .portfolio-items[data-ps="6"] .col[data-title-color="' + $titleColor + '"] .work-meta h4 { color: ' + $titleColor + '!important; } ';
portfolioColorCss += ' .portfolio-items[data-ps="8"] .col[data-title-color="' + $titleColor + '"] .line { background-color: ' + $titleColor + '; }';
portfolioColorCss += '.portfolio-items[data-ps="8"] .col[data-title-color="' + $titleColor + '"] .next-arrow line { stroke: ' + $titleColor + '; } ';
if ($subTitleColor.length > 0) {
portfolioColorCss += '.col[data-subtitle-color="' + $subTitleColor + '"] .vert-center p, .portfolio-items[data-ps="6"] .col[data-title-color="' + $titleColor + '"] .work-meta p { color: ' + $subTitleColor + '!important; } ';
nectarCreateStyle(portfolioColorCss, 'nectar-portfolio-colors');
* Single post pagination/recent post mouse events
* @since 10.5
function postMouseEvents() {
$body.on('mouseover', '.post-area.featured_img_left .grav-wrap .text a, .masonry.material .masonry-blog-item .grav-wrap .text a, .blog-recent[data-style="material"] .grav-wrap .text a', function () {
$body.on('mouseleave', '.post-area.featured_img_left .grav-wrap .text a, .masonry.material .masonry-blog-item .grav-wrap .text a, .blog-recent[data-style="material"] .grav-wrap .text a', function () {
$body.on('mouseleave', '.container-wrap[data-nav-pos="after_project_2"] #portfolio-nav ul li, .blog_next_prev_buttons[data-style="fullwidth_next_prev"] ul li', function () {
* Masonry portfolio initialization.
* @since 10.5
function masonryPortfolioInit() {
$portfolio_containers = [];
var portfolioElCount = 0;
$('.portfolio-items:not(.carousel)').each(function(i) {
if( $(this).parents('.wpb_gallery').length > 0 && $(this).find('.nectar-lazy').length > 0 ) {
$(this).find('.col').each(function(i) {
return true;
$(this).attr('instance', i);
$(this).parent().parent().find('div[class^=portfolio-filters]').attr('instance', i);
if (typeof SalientPortfolio !== 'undefined') {
$portfolio_containers[portfolioElCount] = new SalientPortfolio($(this), fullWidthContentColumns);
* Perspective load in styling.
* @since 8.0
function updatePerspectiveOrigin() {
if( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 690 ) {
$('.posts-container[data-load-animation="perspective"]').css('perspective-origin', '50% ' + (nectarDOMInfo.scrollTop + nectarDOMInfo.winH) + 'px');
* Perspective load in styling.
* @since 8.0
function updatePerspectiveOriginInit() {
if ($('.posts-container[data-load-animation="perspective"]').length > 0) {
* Blog load in animation.
* @since 3.0
function blogLoadIn(post_container) {
if (post_container.attr('data-load-animation') == 'none') {
} else {
post_container.find('article').each(function (i) {
// Loaded visible
if ($(this).visible(true)) {
$(this).delay(110 * i).queue(function (next) {
} else {
// Not already visible
var $that = $(this);
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: $that,
handler: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 80 * $that.attr('data-delay-amount'));
offset: '90%'
* Masonry blog initialization.
* @since 10.5
function masonryBlogInit() {
$nectarMasonryBlogs = [];
$('.posts-container').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('masonry') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('auto_meta_overlaid_spaced')) {
if (typeof NectarMasonryBlog == 'undefined') {
$nectarMasonryBlogs[i] = new NectarMasonryBlog($(this), fullWidthSections, blogLoadIn);
} else {
* Sticky Sidebar initialization.
* @since 10.5
function stickySidebarInit() {
if (!$().theiaStickySidebar || nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser && nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
var stickySelectors = '#sidebar[data-nectar-ss="true"], #sidebar[data-nectar-ss="1"], .nectar-scrolling-tabs .scrolling-tab-nav';
if( window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_sticky_sidebar && window.nectarOptions.woo_sticky_sidebar === '1' ) {
stickySelectors += ', .woocommerce.archive #sidebar';
$(stickySelectors).each(function () {
// Padding from top of screen
var $ssExtraTopSpace = 50;
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="0"]').length > 0 &&
$('body[data-hhun="1"]').length == 0 &&
$('#header-outer[data-format="left-header"]').length == 0) {
$ssExtraTopSpace += $headerOuterEl.outerHeight();
// Resize effect
if ($('#header-outer[data-shrink-num][data-header-resize="1"]').length > 0) {
var headerPadding2 = parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) - parseInt($headerOuterEl.attr('data-padding')) / 1.8;
$ssExtraTopSpace -= logoShrinkNum;
$ssExtraTopSpace -= headerPadding2;
// Condense
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 && $('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9');
$ssExtraTopSpace = 50;
$ssExtraTopSpace += $headerOuterEl.height() - (parseInt($headerSpan9.position().top) - parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top'))) - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight);
if ($wpAdminBar.length > 0) {
$ssExtraTopSpace += $wpAdminBar.outerHeight();
if ($(this).parents('.wpb_widgetised_column').length > 0) {
if ($('body.vc_editor').length > 0) {
// Skip processing.
} else {
additionalMarginTop: $ssExtraTopSpace,
updateSidebarHeight: false
} else {
additionalMarginTop: $ssExtraTopSpace,
updateSidebarHeight: false
* Section down arrow animated link
* @since 10.5
function sectionDownArrowEvent() {
var headerPadding2 = headerPadding - headerPadding / 1.8;
$body.on('click', '.section-down-arrow, .scroll-down-wrap > .minimal-arrow', function () {
if ($(this).parents('.nectar-box-roll').length > 0) {
return false;
var $currentSection = $(this).parents('#page-header-bg'),
$topDistance = $currentSection.height(),
$offset = ($currentSection.parents('.first-section').length == 0 || $('body[data-transparent-header="false"]').length > 0) ? $currentSection.offset().top : 0,
$bodyBorderSize = ($bodyBorderTop.length > 0 && $window.width() > 1000) ? $bodyBorderTop.height() : 0,
$headerNavSpace = ($('body[data-header-format="left-header"]').length > 0) ? 0 : $('#header-space').height(),
$materialSecondary = 0;
if ($('body.material').length > 0 && $headerSecondaryEl.length > 0) {
$materialSecondary = $headerSecondaryEl.height();
if ($('body[data-permanent-transparent="1"]').length == 0) {
// Regular
if (!$body.hasClass('mobile')) {
if ($('body[data-hhun="1"]').length > 0 && $('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length == 0) {
nectar_scrollToY(parseInt($topDistance) + $offset + 2 - $bodyBorderSize * 2, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
} else {
var $resize = ($('#header-outer[data-header-resize="0"]').length > 0) ? 0 : parseInt(logoShrinkNum) + headerPadding2 * 2;
if ($('#header-outer[data-remove-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
$headerNavSpace = 0;
$offset = 0;
// Condense
if ($('body.mobile').length == 0 && $('#header-outer[data-condense="true"]').length > 0) {
var $headerSpan9 = $('#header-outer[data-format="centered-menu-bottom-bar"] header#top .span_9');
$headerNavSpace = $headerOuterEl.height() - (parseInt($headerSpan9.position().top) - parseInt($('#header-outer #logo').css('margin-top'))) - parseInt(nectarDOMInfo.secondaryHeaderHeight);
nectar_scrollToY(parseInt($topDistance - $headerNavSpace) + $resize + 3 + $offset + $materialSecondary, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
} else {
var $scrollPos;
if($('#header-outer[data-mobile-fixed="1"]').length > 0) {
$scrollPos = parseInt($topDistance) - $headerNavSpace + parseInt($currentSection.offset().top) + 2;
} else {
$scrollPos = parseInt($topDistance) + parseInt($currentSection.offset().top) + 2;
nectar_scrollToY($scrollPos - $bodyBorderSize * 2, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
} else {
// Permanent transparent
nectar_scrollToY(parseInt($topDistance) + parseInt($currentSection.offset().top) + 2 - $bodyBorderSize * 2, 700, 'easeInOutQuint');
return false;
* Displace filter column/row BG effect - fullpage
* @since 10.5
function nectarLiquidBGFP() {
for (var k = 0; k < $liquidBG_EL.length; k++) {
if ($liquidBG_EL[k].animationType == 'displace-filter-fade' && $($liquidBG_EL[k].canvasContainer).parents('.fp-section.active').length > 0) {
//add bg to container
if ($($liquidBG_EL[k].canvasContainer).find('.image-added-to-stage').length == 0) {
* Page Full Screen Rows
* @since 10.5
function nectarFullPageInit() {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0 && $().fullpage) {
$fullscreenSelector = (window.vc_iframe) ? '.vc_element.vc_vc_row.active ' : '.wpb_row.active ';
var $disableFPonMobile = ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows[data-mobile-disable]').length > 0) ? $('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').attr('data-mobile-disable') : 'off';
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
$disableFPonMobile = 'off';
// Support for mobile animation theme option.
if( $disableFPonMobile != 'on' ) {
$fullscreenMarkupBool = true;
} else {
$fullscreenSelector = '';
$nectarFullPage = new NectarFullScreenRows(waypoints, $mouseParallaxScenes, nectarLiquidBGFP, nectarDOMInfo, responsiveTooltips, $standAnimatedColTimeout, $svgIcons);
* Cross browser adjustments.
* @since 1.0
function crossBrowserAdjust() {
// Add specific class if on device for better tablet tracking.
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser) {
// Add class for old IE.
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("Edge/");
if (msie > 0) {
// For users updating to 8 with a custom, old header template file
if ($('html.js').length == 0) {
//remove br's from code tag
// Contact form 7.
$('.wpcf7-form p:has(input[type=submit])').css('padding-bottom', '0px');
$('.full-width-content .wpcf7-submit').on('click', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
// Gravity form inside fw content row
$('.gform_body').on('click', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
// Popup Maker.
$('.pum.pum-theme-salient-page-builder-optimized button.pum-close').wrapInner('
// pum inside fspr
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows').length > 0 &&
$('.pum-container .pum-content > .wpb_row .full-page-inner > .container > .span_12').length > 0) {
$('.pum-container .pum-content > .wpb_row .full-page-inner > .container > .span_12').unwrap();
// Blog bottom padding
if ($('.single .blog_next_prev_buttons').length > 0) {
$('.container-wrap').css('padding-bottom', 0);
// Remove margin on last cols inside of full width sections
$('.full-width-section').each(function () {
$(this).find('> .span_12 > div.col_last').last().css('margin-bottom', '0');
// Remove boxed style from full width content
$('.full-width-content .col.boxed').removeClass('boxed');
// Neg marg z-index adjust
$('.wpb_column.neg-marg').parents('.wpb_row').css('z-index', '110');
// Using full width section shortcode with WPBakery columns.
if( $(this).find('.wpb_column').length > 0 ) {
//vc col mobile fixes
function vcMobileColumns() {
$('.wpb_row').each(function () {
if (typeof $(this).find('.span_12').offset() != 'undefined') {
$(this).find('[class*="vc_col-"]').each(function () {
var $firstChildOffset = $(this).parents('.span_12').offset().left;
if ($(this).offset().left < $firstChildOffset + 27) {
} else {
function vcMobileColumnsInit() {
var $winDOMWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW,
$winDOMHeight = nectarDOMInfo.winH,
$orientChangeTrack = 0;
// Only needed in legacy column setups.
if( $body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
if ($('[class*="vc_col-xs-"], [class*="vc_col-md-"], [class*="vc_col-lg-"]').length > 0) {
// Trigger immediately.
// Resize.
if( !nectarDOMInfo.usingMobileBrowser ) {
// Bind normally for desktop.
else {
// For mobile make sure the orientation has changed.
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () {
$orientChangeTrack = 1;
$window.on('resize', function () {
if (($window.width() != $winDOMWidth && $window.height != $winDOMHeight) || $orientChangeTrack === 1) {
// Store the current window dimensions.
$winDOMWidth = nectarDOMInfo.winW;
$winDOMHeight = nectarDOMInfo.winH;
// Reset orientation change tracker.
$orientChangeTrack = 0;
} // end mobile only.
} // endif vc offset cols found.
* Select2 plugin initialization.
* @since 5.0
function select2Init() {
$('select:not(.state_select):not(.country_select):not(.comment-form-rating #rating):not(#tribe-bar-form select):not(.woocommerce-currency-switcher):not(.nectar-custom-product-attr select)').each(function () {
// Prevent search from triggering on small devices.
var $minimumToSearch = ( nectarDOMInfo.winW > 690 ) ? 7 : 200;
// Skip search class
if( $(this).hasClass('skip-select2-search') || $(this).parents('.skip-select2-search').length > 0 ) {
$minimumToSearch = 1000;
if ($(this).parents('#buddypress').length == 0) {
var woo_product_dropdown_style = (window.nectarOptions && window.nectarOptions.woo_product_variable_select ) ? window.nectarOptions.woo_product_variable_select : 'default';
// Default.
var select2OptionsObj = {
minimumResultsForSearch: $minimumToSearch,
width: '100%'
// Inline scenario els
if( woo_product_dropdown_style == 'underline' ||
$(this).parents('.woocommerce-ordering').length > 0 ) {
select2OptionsObj = {
minimumResultsForSearch: $minimumToSearch,
dropdownParent: $(this).parent(),
dropdownAutoWidth: true
* Fancy select styling theme option.
* @since 10.5
function fancySelectStyling() {
if ( $('body[data-fancy-form-rcs="1"]').length > 0 ) {
$('select:not(.comment-form-rating #rating)').each(function () {
var $selector;
if ($(this).parents('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap').length > 0) {
//select 2 already initialized
if ($(this).parents('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap').find('.select2-container').length > 0) {
$selector = $($(this).prev('.select2-container'));
} else {
$selector = $(this);
//if label is found
if ($selector.parents('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap').parent().find('label').length == 1) {
} else {
//default wrap
else {
//select 2 already initialized
if ($(this).prev('.select2-container').length > 0) {
$selector = $(this).prev('.select2-container');
} else {
$selector = $(this);
if ($(this).parents('#buddypress').length == 0 && $(this).parents('.widget_categories').length == 0) {
//if label is found
if ($selector.prev('label').length == 1) {
} else if ($selector.next('label').length == 1) {
} else {
//default wrap
* Back/Forward Safari cache assist.
* @since 10.5
function bfCacheAssist() {
//Back/forward cache OCM close
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
window.onpageshow = function (event) {
if (event.persisted) {
// Play video BGs
$('.nectar-video-wrap, .nectar-slider-wrap .swiper-slide .video-wrap').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('video').length > 0) {
// Close mobile nav
//// Material Skin.
if ($('body.material-ocm-open').length > 0) {
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').addClass('non-human-allowed').trigger('click');
setTimeout(function () {
$('body > .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
} else if ($('#slide-out-widget-area.slide-out-from-right-hover.open').length > 0 && navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
// Others
else if ($('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen.open').length > 0 ||
$('#slide-out-widget-area.fullscreen-alt.open').length > 0 ||
$('#slide-out-widget-area.slide-out-from-right.open').length > 0) {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').addClass('non-human-allowed');
$('.slide-out-widget-area-toggle:not(.std-menu) a.open')
setTimeout(function () {
$('#slide-out-widget-area .slide_out_area_close').removeClass('non-human-allowed');
}, 100);
} // Loaded from bf cache
}; // onpage show
/* WPBakery Frontend Editor
* Control adjustments
* @since 10.0
function addRowCtrls() {
//remove padding for rows with only fullwidth ns
$('.nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"], .page-submenu, .portfolio-items[data-col-num="elastic"]:not(.fullwidth-constrained), .blog-fullwidth-wrap')
//padding when column contains item that could get lost under column controls
$('body.vc_editor.compose-mode .wpb_row .vc_vc_column > .wpb_column > .vc_column-inner').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('> .vc_element-container > div').length > 0) {
if ($(this).find('> .vc_element-container > div:first-child').is('.vc_vc_row_inner')) {
$(this).find('> .vc_element-container > div:first-child').addClass('first-inner-row-el');
} else {
$(this).find('> .vc_element-container > div:first-child').removeClass('first-inner-row-el');
} //addRowCtrl end
* Convert front end padding
* Needed when the flexbox grid is not active due to
* different markup in front end page builder view.
* @since 10.0
function convertFrontEndPadding() {
$('.vc_element > .wpb_column[class*="padding-"][class*="-percent"]').each(function() {
var $elPaddingPercent = 4;
var elclassName = this.className.match(/padding-\d+/);
if (elclassName) {
$elPaddingPercent = elclassName[0].match(/\d+/);
if ($elPaddingPercent) {
$elPaddingPercent = $elPaddingPercent[0] / 100;
} else {
$elPaddingPercent = 0;
if ($elPaddingPercent) {
var $parentRowWidth = $(this).parents('.span_12').width();
if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="all"]')) {
$(this).css('padding', $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent);
} else if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="top"]')) {
$(this).css('padding-top', $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent);
} else if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="bottom"]')) {
$(this).css('padding-bottom', $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent);
} else if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="left"]')) {
$(this).css('padding-left', $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent);
} else if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="right"]')) {
$(this).css('padding-right', $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent);
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'padding-bottom': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
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'padding-right': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
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'padding-bottom': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
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'padding-left': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
'padding-bottom': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
} else if ($(this).is('[data-padding-pos="left-right"]')) {
'padding-left': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
'padding-right': $parentRowWidth * $elPaddingPercent,
$('.wpb_row[class*="vc_custom_"]').each(function() {
* WPBakery Front end editor integration
* @since 10.0
function wpBakeryFrontendInit() {
// Set up controls/column padding.
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('body.compose-mode').length > 0) {
if (nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
if( !$body.is('[data-flex-cols="true"]') ) {
}, 200);
// Bind reload event
$window.on('vc_reload', function() {
if ($('.carousel').length > 0) {
if ($('.owl-carousel').length > 0) {
$('.owl-carousel').each(function() {
$(this).find('.owl-stage-outer .owl-stage > *').unwrap();
$(this).find('.owl-stage-outer > *').unwrap();
$(this).find('.owl-item > *').unwrap();
if ($('.nectar_cascading_images').length > 0) {
imagesLoaded($('.nectar_cascading_images'), function() {
/*flickity carousels*/
if ($flickitySliders.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $flickitySliders.length; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($flickitySliders.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $flickitySliders.length; i++) {
}, 100);
/*flickity product carousels*/
if ($wooFlickityCarousels.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $wooFlickityCarousels.length; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.nectar-woo-flickity').length > 0) {
if ($wooFlickityCarousels.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $wooFlickityCarousels.length; i++) {
}, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < $testimonialSliders.length; i++) {
if ($testimonialSliders[i].type == 'multiple_visible' ||
$testimonialSliders[i].type == 'multiple_visible_minimal') {
setTimeout(fullWidthContentColumns, 1000);
if ($portfolio_containers.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $portfolio_containers.length; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.nectar_fullscreen_zoom_recent_projects').length > 0) {
if ($fsProjectSliderArr.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $fsProjectSliderArr.length; i++) {
}, 300);
//play video BGs
$('.nectar-video-wrap').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('video').length > 0) {
$(this).find('video').css('visibility', 'visible');
//tablet inherits small desktop
$('.wpb_column[data-t-w-inherits]').each(function() {
if ($(this).is('[data-t-w-inherits="small_desktop"]')) {
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//full screen page rows
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if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows > .vc_element').length == 0) {
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows > .vc_element:not(.empty_placeholder)').length > 0) {
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows >.vc_element.empty_placeholder').remove();
//keep tooltip active status
var nectarFPOffsets = [{
el: '',
offset: 0
////create list of offsets
$('#nectar_fullscreen_rows > div.vc_element').each(function(i) {
nectarFPOffsets[i] = {
el: $(this),
offset: $(this).offset().top
////start active on that index
//move back to first section when all have been deleted but one
if ($('#nectar_fullscreen_rows > div.vc_element').length === 1) {
'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)'
$body.scrollTo(0, 0);
} else {
//remove container wrap padding/margin when needded
if ($('body .main-content > .row > .vc_element:first > .wpb_row[class*="full-width-"]').length > 0 ||
$('body .main-content > .row > .vc_element:first .nectar-slider-wrap[data-full-width="true"]').length > 0) {
'padding-top': '0',
'margin-top': '0'
} else {
'padding-top': '40px'
//reset svg icon arr
$svgIcons = [];
if ($('.vc_nectar_gmap').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof google === 'object' && typeof google.maps === 'object') {
} else {
if (window.nectarLove.mapApiKey.length > 0) {
$.getScript('https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&key=' + window.nectarLove.mapApiKey + '&callback=mapAPI_Loaded');
}, 100);
if (typeof window.Waypoint != 'undefined') {
* Page transitions and waypoint triggering
* @since 10.5
function pageTransitionInit() {
var mobileDisabledCondition = false;
if( $('body[data-ajax-transitions="true"]').length > 0 &&
$('#ajax-loading-screen[data-disable-mobile="1"]').length > 0 &&
nectarDOMInfo.winW < 1000 ) {
mobileDisabledCondition = true;
if ($('body[data-ajax-transitions="true"]').length > 0 && $('#ajax-loading-screen[data-method="standard"]').length > 0 && mobileDisabledCondition == false) {
// Fade loading animation
if ($('#ajax-loading-screen[data-effect="standard"]').length > 0) {
if ($('.nectar-particles').length == 0) {
'opacity': 0
}, 500, function () {
'display': 'none'
$('#ajax-loading-screen .loading-icon').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 500);
// Bind waypoints after loading screen has left
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 550);
// Swipe loading animation
else {
if ($('#ajax-loading-screen[data-effect*="horizontal_swipe"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 60);
if ($('#page-header-wrap #page-header-bg[data-animate-in-effect="zoom-out"] .nectar-video-wrap').length == 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}, 150);
// Bind waypoints after loading screen has left
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 && $('#ajax-loading-screen[data-effect*="horizontal_swipe"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 750);
} else if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0) setTimeout(function () {
}, 350);
// Safari back/prev fix
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
window.onunload = function () {
'opacity': 0
}, 800, function () {
'display': 'none'
$('#ajax-loading-screen .loading-icon').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 600);
window.onpageshow = function (event) {
if (event.persisted) {
'opacity': 0
}, 800, function () {
'display': 'none'
$('#ajax-loading-screen .loading-icon').transition({
'opacity': 0
}, 600);
else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1) {
window.onunload = function () {};
// Remove excess loading images if using page transitions.
$('.portfolio-loading, .nectar-slider-loading .loading-icon').remove();
if ($('#ajax-loading-screen[data-disable-fade-on-click="1"]').length == 0) {
if ($('body.using-mobile-browser #ajax-loading-screen[data-method="standard"][data-disable-mobile="1"]').length == 0) {
var ignore_onbeforeunload = false;
$('a[href^="mailto"], a[href^="tel"], .woocommerce-order-downloads a[class*="downloads-file"], .wpdm-cta.download-link a[data-downloadurl], .nectar-ignore-beforeunload a').on('click', function () {
ignore_onbeforeunload = true;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {
if (!ignore_onbeforeunload) {
ignore_onbeforeunload = false;
// No page transitions
else {
// Mobile disabled.
if( mobileDisabledCondition == true ) {
'opacity': '0',
'display': 'none'
if ($('.nectar-box-roll').length == 0 && !nectarDOMInfo.usingFrontEndEditor) {
// Waypoints.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 80);
function transitionPage() {
if ($('#ajax-loading-screen[data-effect*="horizontal_swipe"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30);
else {
if ($('#ajax-loading-screen[data-effect="center_mask_reveal"]').length > 0) {
$loadingScreenEl.css('opacity', '0').css('display', 'block').transition({
'opacity': '1'
}, 450);
} else {
'opacity': '1'
}, 450);
// Document ready event - starting everything up.
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// Initialize Nectar DOM helper.
// Priority calls
// Header navigation.
// Page builder elements.
// Column related.
// Row related.
// Media.
// Off canvas navigation.
// Page header
// Footer.
// Third party.
// Scrolling
// Cross browser assist.
// Front end editing.
// Page transitions and waypoint activation.
// Main Debounced Resize Event.
$window.on('smartresize.srInit', smartResizeInit);
// Main Resize Event.
$window.on('resize.srInit', resizeInit);
// Orientation change.
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", orientationChangeInit);
// Window Load Event.
$window.on('load', function () {
// Set header space.
if ( $(window).scrollTop() == 0 ) {
$('video').css('visibility', 'visible');
// Scroll to anchor
// Row/Column related.
// Video BG
}(window.jQuery, window, document));